History 2
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- 1 Next Versions
- 2 Version 1.0d35: April 5, 2005
- 3 Version 1.0d34: February 7, 2005
- 4 Version 1.0d33: January 20, 2004
- 5 Version 1.0d32: January 12, 2005
- 6 Version 1.0d31: January 10, 2005
- 7 Version 1.0d30: January 1, 2005
- 8 Version 1.0d29: December 31, 2004
- 9 Version 1.0d28: December 30, 2004
- 10 Version 1.0d27: December 29, 2004
- 11 Version 1.0d26: December 28, 2004
- 12 Version 1.0d25: December 8, 2004
- 13 Previous Versions
Next Versions
Version 1.0d35: April 5, 2005
- "I'm under your spell..." (for the rest of the album, go here, for what it's all about, go here)
- Well, there's this bad bug. Well, i guess it's not really a bug, but more of a design flaw. What you're seeing is that "PLI Index" assert, or you can't delete playlists, or that assert about a songP = NULL, blaa blaa. The short version is, i've got to re-architect a bit so that items don't get duplicate ID's. This has been taking a while, and will take yet another little while, but in a week or so, there will be a new, much more stable version. Sorry it's taking so long.
- Found and squished a bugs who's symptoms were: auto save was not working, playlists wouldn't save, crash deleting singer or playlist, can't rename singer or playlist, assert PLI Index when map out of date, switching venues might crash or get screwed up, and jeez, kJams might accidentally launch ICBM's.
- if you have not played a song yet after launch, and you select a singer (or other non-playlist), and you press right or left arrow (to go to next/prev song), now you don't crash
- In dialogs where the [Cancel] button is the default button (the throbbing one), you can now hit [esc] or -�.�, in addition to hitting [return] key or �c�.
- The Source list now sorts playlists alphabetically, (below the "special" playlists in the Pro version)
- You can twirl up the venue (the "singers" folder), then, when you twirl back down, it will remember the twirl state of individual singers
- r2
- the log file now shows the date and time, and can now show speed in MHz
- had busted the ability to mark a singer as "here", oops, fixed
- Now, there's a pref to auto-mark a singer as here whenever you touch their "tonight" list
- mighta crashed if a singer who was "here" had no songs and you showed the KJ Rotation
- if you change the pitch on a singer with no song, you don't crash
- I had messed up reporting of singer's "# sung" and "Date" items, should be back now
- r4
- YEAH! NAILED that bug! Oh the one where you'd crash at the end of a song, or when you pause a song, if you have auto-zoom turned on? Or maybe you crash just when you go into or out of full screen mode! Wow. Please tell me it's fixed!
- Started working on real actual audio Ripping. Potential formats are listed in the Debug->QuickTime Export-> menu. Oh yeah, you don't have the debug menu. Well, okay, trust me, i'm working on it. Looks like OGG Vorbis is not going to work, since their QT Export component doesn't work. Sure it shows up in the menu (indicating that it WILL work) but when I invoke it, I get nothing. If you *reeeely* need OGG, petition me and I'll look into it deeper. What you WILL get is MPEG-4 (AAC), AIFF, and LAME MP3. (you'll have to download and install that separately, sorry)
- r5
- Okay NOW you can see it. New in the Preferences, you can pick your Audio Encoder and set the settings for it. It will remember the settings you pick for each encoder (stored in your preferences). I'm going TRY to support OGG as well as the ones above, but i'm still having "issues" at the moment with it.
- Hey! I found the *real* OGG Vorbis component, which seems to work! Great! Go get it and install it!
- Okay, you can again add songs to your library, without crashing. Jeez. I *really* need an SQA team.
- If you get an alert or assert dialog before the DB is initialized, you don't unexpectedly quit. eg: if you run on OS 10.2 or something.
- recognized audio file extensions are now mp3, aiff, aif, mp4, ogg. No you can't actually play them (except for aif), but you can import them.
- I will now allow you to import audio-only songs (ie: without video), but the play head will not function with it. ie: the time marker does not drift across the progress bar of the song during playback, and you can't pick it up and move it to change the time of the song, not to mention you can't pause. (this is to allow me to test LAME, OGG, AIFF and AAC)
- Don't crash if you click on the Singers (Venue) folder
- Fixed two more potential crash-between-songs bugs, gawd I hope I've got them all now.
- r7
- You can now freely delete individual playlists out of a singer folder and they will be re-created for you, and you won't crash. Not that you'd want to.
- Implemented "File->Export Playlist..." to save any playlist as an XML file.
- Implemented "Edit->Copy" to copy the currently viewed track list (the entire thing, not just the selection) on to the clipboard, in tab-delimited format
- r8
- You can optionally turn off AltiVec audio processing for pitch bending, if you think it sounds bad.
- Preliminary, kindof lame support for editing song info. Go to the prefs and check "Enable Song Info Editing", then, in the browser, click a song name, track number, album or artist and you can edit the info right there. It's a pref because you don't want to go to edit mode most of the time, just because you clicked on an item. Eventually i'll let the tab key move between fields, and let you edit multiple songs at once (eg: to set the artist for a bunch of songs)
- Tweaked a couple more potential crash-between-songs places. Jeez. (No longer idling when deleting playlists or playlist items)
- No longer attempting to save when idling is shut off (it would interrupt your graphics)
- The rotation playlist no longer goes blank for a second when switching singers
- Play/Pause button is drawn correctly when "pause between tracks" is enabled
- The summary info at the bottom of the browser window is now actually functional. That means you'll now see, for the currently displayed list, the number of songs, the duration of the list, and the size, in bytes, of the files that comprise the list. Note that if some files are offline, and they've never been online since this feature was added, they are not counted. As soon as they come online, they'll be counted and cached.
- r9
- Changed Idle Save time to 3 seconds
- started work again on smart playlists. many of them work now. don't try "show duplicates" if you have > 2000 songs, it takes for EVER. You have been warned.
- updated the thread manager to run completion routines on the main thread (only really necessary for preemptive threads, to prevent collisions and crashes)
- if you drag and drop a selection to a text file, you'll get the names on separate lines
- started work on the "consolodate library" command. have to start with 1) the ability to create a smart playlist that contains items that have .cdg file in the library folder but no audio (in which case we would normally search for it in iTunes (happens when you rebulid your personally ripped library from scratch)) or who's audio is explicitly *in* iTunes (happens with personally ripped songs if you've played a song since rebuilding your library, or if you've never needed to rebuild your library). then 2) run over the ones that are NOT explicitly in iTunes and fetch the song paths from iTunes then 3) actually pull the files out of the iTunes directory and put them into the kJams directory, right next to it's corresponding .cdg file. (this only works with MP3s). then 4) must be able to rebuild the library from scratch and have it now recognize .mp3 audio next to the .cdg video and hook them up into the same 'song'
- turned off the "show sizes" at the bottom of the browser. it takes insanely long to startup the first time when you have many songs. I'll make it a Edit->Special kind of thing
- r11
- Woops! UTF8 != MacRoman!! Okay! So, fixed the problem of getting file paths with special characters like "Expos�" or "�����"! No more "could not find audio" due to non-roman characters. Sorry that took me so long. Your old stuff is still stored in the wrong format, but I detect this and correct it on the fly, so it will continue to work.
- New: under the edit menu there's a sub menu called "Special" with stuff for the colsolidate library command (see next entry)
- Updated the FAQ to show how to consolidate and move your library
- when searching for missing audio, we now look right next to the video (.cdg) file first, THEN we look in iTunes.
- r12
- fixed yet ANOTHER potential crash-when-deleting or crash-between-songs bug. I'm praying. I'm on my knees. Please let it be fixed now.
- when copying songs out of iTunes, I now give them the *exact* same name as the graphic file (with appropriet extension) just to ensure they match perfectly.
- when rebuilding your library from scratch by scanning the "kJams Music" folder, we now detect name descrepancies and ask you to resolve them. They are resolved permanantly, ie: you'll never be asked again.
- Mounting a CD *really* doesn't cause your library to save
- When you re-rip a CDG file (which replaces the one you've got), it now updates the song duration.
- creating new smart playlists now shows a progress bar
- Edit->Special->Scan all file sizes... actually goes and scans your files for sizes, so you get a report at the bottom of the browser window. Also sets an invisible pref. If you want to turn it off, edit your prefs.xml file.
Version 1.0d34: February 7, 2005
- Aes Sedai
- Fixed library corruption when saving the song list. Symptom was, delete some stuff from the Library (actually remove songs permanently) and the next time you run, it'd take forever to launch, or it would hang on launch. Problem was not setting the EOF of the file, so old data past the end was still read in (attempted anyway), confusing the database. The fix will 1) detect the bad state and fix it and 2) not write bad files anymore.
- you can now delete singers and playlists when they reside on an external volume (you can make them be external by using aliases in the finder)
- You can again upgrade from Lite to Pro without getting an assert
- if you star up kJams with a karaoke CD in the drive, you no longer get the dreaded infinite assert loop
- If you have a large library and any of the track numbers were wrong, you'd get an assert PLI index thing and your library would suddenly get small. this has been corrected.
- Now, when creating or renaming playlists or singers, the names are ensured to be unique. You can't name something the empty string, and the name can't start with '.'
- Creating a new playlist marks it dirty. Duh. So if you make a playlist, it'll be saved even if you don't put anything in it.
- Pitch Bend popup menus (in Rotation and Singer's playlists) now function again.
- "Save Database after every change" is always enabled now
- I think I may have finally killed off the last of the ASSERTs about "Getting a PLI Index while the map is out of date"
- Really actually for real I promise this time fixed the pitch bend popup menu, it will NOT pop up all disabled, then pick like minus a million when you let go.
- When a song "Could not find audio", it's no longer left in a half-playing state, it's stopped. eg: the LCD display will no longer show the song name and it's progress bar.
- Okay! Now, when you have 44,000 songs in your library, it takes less than a quarter second to show the library playlist!! that means, startup is FAST!! And switching to the Library playlist is FAST!! Now, of course, if you go and sort by artist or album or something, you're on your own. The deal is, I no longer sort the list when you select Library (it used to remember your previous sort). Now you'll have to sort it yourself if you want to take the time.
- Now, when you sort the Library, you get a progress bar! Nice!
- When you rename a singer, it sticks.
- When you delete a singer, don't utterly crash and asplode.
- You can now freely move singers into and out of the /Venues/[venue name]/Singers/ folder before launching kJams.
- You can now rename a singer in the finder before you launch kJams and the new name will be recognized. (this helps if you've got a singer from another venue who's name conflicts with a singer at the current venue)
- Any folder or file inside the ~/Music/kJams/ folder that starts with tilde ("~") will not be parsed.
- Re-wrote the whole notion of how a playlist / singer gets dirty (ie: marked as needs to be saved). It's now much more atomic, so it can easily be suppressed or forced. Will make it easier to support opening the DB in the future with new features, and will help with Venues feature
- YIKES!! A user wrote in to tell of a bug where ripped songs from prior to d31 or so would show up twice! Which lead me to find another, more serious bug where, ripped song AFTER d30 would refer back to the CD, and not to the ripped audio! (So, unless the CD was still mounted, you'd get "Could not find audio") Wowza! Why didn't anyone else report this? Well, they're both fixed now.
- Fixed a bug that would in effect ignore your library if you rebuilt from scratch, the next time you launch. Now, go ahead and re-rebuilt it, it'll stick. You don't need to do anything if you didn't loose any songs.
- When you rename a playlist or venue, if there's some kind of problem renaming it in the finder, the item will NOT appear to rename anyway. (And you'll get a warning)
- If the venue list "Singers.xml" is missing on startup, it's rebuilt from scratch. That means your singer list won't be empty if you've got stuff in the "Singers" folder.
- The Song list could have been randomly marked dirty on startup, so next time you saved it would have saved the song list (perhaps unnecessarily)
- The Singers (venue) list was not saving correctly, possibly not saving at all.
- Log file now reports saving of venue correctly
- No longer unnecessarily saving Singers.xml playlist file when you add/remove/rename singer. It doesn't actually contain info about actual singers, only the Venue name, and sort column header info (widths etc).
- Venues! Yeah! Okay! You can now rename the Venues playlist (the one formerly called "Singers"). In the File menu there is a Venues sub-menu, you can create new Venues, or delete exsting ones. To delete a venue, first, go to another venue, then pick the one you want to delete. If you have singer a singer at "Venue A" that frequents more than one venue, eg: also "Venue B", then, to have them show up at both venues, go to the finder to ~/Music/kJams/kJams Library/Venuse/Venue A/, select the singer, make an alias, and drop this alias into Venue B. Repeat as necessary. In the finder, you can rename singers or their aliases with impunity.
- You must now hit <enter> to search, unless you turn that off in the preferences
- There is a new preference to say whether to update the search results while you type
Version 1.0d33: January 20, 2004
- "Come what may..."
- Fixed an assert-crash after you played a song from a singer's playlist (Tonight, History or Favorites)
- You can now, in a singer's playlist, sort by times sung, pitch or date.
- Date sorting now puts things with no date at the end
- GARRR!! Sorry new users!! Any one who downloaded for the first time with d31 or later would get the dreaded "your library is corrupt" dialog the next time they started up! Okay! Fixed! Sorry! I'm doing my best!!
- The "Reveal in Finder..." command was busted, fixed.
- Released d32r1
- If you formatted a drive as DOS or FAT or something, and gave it a mixed-case name, then imported a library, then came back later (after dismounting and re-mounting), the disk would be all upper case. I now detect this and adjust file references accordingly, so your library is still useable.
- When you rename a singer, I now safe-ify the name before renaming the finder folder of the same name (removing ":" and "/" characters)
- When you rename a playlist, it now properly renames the corresponding file in the finder, also doing so now marks it as dirty, so it get saved, how nice.
- You can now rename the Venue (which is what you think of as the "Singers" folder)
- Started work on the Venue feature, where you can create new venues, and switch Venues. A Venue maintains it's own list of singers, Rotation & KJ Rotation. You can use the finder to move singers between venues, if, eg: a singer from one venue shows up at another, and wants their history & faves.
- When you create a new singer or new playlist, it is marked as dirty, so it gets saved at the next opportunity. duh.
- released d32r3
- Fixed LOTS of bugs. Fixed assert at end of song play. Fixed crasher if you try to go past beginning of rotation etc etc.
- Fixed many "database doesn't save when it should" bugs, eg: when rotation changes, when song finishes playing etc etc.
- Fixed a bug where the rotation order would be messed up if you quit and restarted while in the middle of the rotation.
- Deleting singers and playlists is now really actually permanent (they won't appear again if you quit and restart)
- If you delete a singer, you get the "are you sure?" dialog
Version 1.0d32: January 12, 2005
- "Why, to the North Pole, of course!"
- Well oops. The DB converter neglected to decide that the *song list* should be saved when converting from old to new database format. If you're having problems you'll have to chuck your "kJams Library" folder and revert to your "kJams Music Library.xml" file, then run again with the new version.
- Bleck! Also, I was allocating duplicate ID's after reading in the new binary file, so if you got past the above problem, you may have gotten that dialog wanring you that your DB is corrupted. Same remedy as above.
- You should no longer ever get that blank dialog box then hang.
- You can now sort by number of times sung
- If you ever got that "songs.size() == 2" dialog, you now get a much more informative solution.
Version 1.0d31: January 10, 2005
- "... and it's you when I look in the mirror, and it's you when I go pick up the phone ...
- You can now use the up/down arrow keys to change the selected song. probably other keys suddenly work too.
- Started work on the "instant save" feature, where, as you make changes to the database (that do not involve adding new songs or deleting them permanantly), saving those changes will be instant. (eg: when a singer finishes, and the "Rotation" updates, saving is instant). When you Rip, Add to Library or Delete songs from the library, it will still need to save the library playlist (which can be huge), but at least it's done on a separate thread now, so it won't interrupt you)
- Started work on the draggable playhead, so you can skip forward and back within a song. Hey WOW! It kindof works!! You can now drag the playhead, but the audio and video get un-sync'd if the MP3 and CDG file lengths don't match very closely. Must fix that.
- Fixed threading yet again. was leaving things in a messy state.
- Started work on audio ripping. It now rips *something*, but it's not MP3 as far as I can tell, not to mention the files get to be 50 megs or so. When this part is done, then when Ripping, kJams will rip both audio and video and zip them up into MP3+G.zip files.
- Oh darn. It costs money to encode MP3. Dam. Ogg Vorbis anyone?
- The singers column can now be resized larger.
- Fixed some potential crash-on-save bugs, also now releasing resources so we don't leak (potential out of memory problems)
- The Preference "Enable Logging" is now honored more cleanly, ie: you won't get *any* logging stuff if it's turned off (mostly)
- Timecode no longer off by 2 seconds
- When scrubbing the playhead, if you hit the end of the song then drag back, the video doesn't stop. The audio may still stop, that is until I fix the sync problem when scrubbing.
- Okay! I've broken up the database into multiple files, and made it such that it only saves the parts that actually change. This make saving practically instant. Except for when you "Add to Library..." cuz then it must save your whole song list. But I've got a plan there too: Instead of saving the song list *and* the Library playlist (with an entry for each song in the song list), I only save the song list itself, and I re-create the Library playlist from that. Already saved 1/2 the space and time! For the clincher: I'm going to have the song list be saved in binary format, not XML, this will *greatly* speed up both loading and saving.
- You can turn on logging for threads independently in the prefs now
- When you "stop" a song it now refreshes the LCD screen
- When you drag the play head back to zero, it now clears the graphics window to black
- If you skip forward accidentally (or on purpose) while in the Rotation, you'll notice that the previous singer is now gone from the top of the list. But you *can* skip back to them (and their song) if you want, they'll be put back at the top, in front of the previously current singer.
- Rewinding a song is now instant. (Rewinding means pressing the "Back" button after the first 4 seconds have played)
- Rotation works as advertised now, was not updating correctly when rolling over, was incorrectly updating the songs, and was not updating the number of times a song was sung, nor the last date it was sung
- OOh! Rock me Amadeus! Okay! I've made a binary format for the song list. What used to take 91 "ticks" now takes 17 "ticks" when loading. That means, if it used to take over two minutes to load, now it will take thirty seconds! Still waiting for my Hard Drive full of 60,000 songs to I can *really* test this new feature! And there are a couple more things I can do to make it slightly faster
- The pitch bending menus on singer's song items now work again
- You can no longer delete your singer's playlists.
- You can now directly "delete" singers from the �KJ Rotation�, which actually just marks them as "not here"
Version 1.0d30: January 1, 2005
- 2005: The year of "That Big Thing That Happened"
- You may have noticed I snuck "Venues" into the File menu in the Pro version. Hmmmm, what could this be?
- Fixed the "Can't delete singers" bug
- Now, if you attempt to rip on an unsupported drive, instead of appearing to DELETE the song off the CD, it now just informs you that you can't rip with that drive. Much nicer.
- Pro: We now remember the state of twirly arrows
- We now remember the state of the sort columns (their order and their widths)
- Fixed a threading error where if a cooperative thread was ever spawned (eg: ripping) thne the CPU would spin on nothing afterwards (making it hot and using 100% CPU time)
Version 1.0d29: December 31, 2004
- "... sharks with frickin' lasers on their heads..."
- Added all those buttons along the bottom. No they don't work yet. But they LOOK good!
- Lite: OOPS! Sorry yet again. Okay you guys can again delete playlists, and play them too. And not crash.
- When nothing is showing in the LCD window, you get the kJams logo
- Okay the "New Playlist" and "Eject" buttons work. For Pro, the "New Singer" button also works.
- Adjusted the positions of all the controls to more exactly match iTunes.
- Fixed a crasher reordering the KJ Rotation if you don't have a current song (ie: if you're stopped or never played)
- You can now use "About kJams..." when in full screen mode
- When you mount or eject a disc, it no longer "dirties" your database (which would invoke auto-save)
Version 1.0d28: December 30, 2004
- "As you wish, Buttercup..."
- Woops! And I totally disabled saving on d27. eesh. Be nice to have some in-house testers.
- Auto-save now happens 1 second after you stop doing anything. So you may do five things that would cause an auto-save, but it'll only save one time, and it won't happen until you're not moving the mouse for over a second.
- Rotation!! Yessss!! It's finally done!! Now, when a song is finished playing, it is removed from the "Rotation" list. But take heart! You can go *back* to it if you accidentally went to the next song, but only if you're somewhere NOT at the top of the KJ rotation. Here's the deal: You use the KJ Rotation to order the rotation, that list stays in the same order. The current song hilites as singers change. When a single rotation is finished, it starts again at the top, but with a new list of songs, one for each singer. When you start the rotation in the "Rotation" playlist, it secretly actually uses the "KJ Rotation" list, since it can go backward. If you do skip backward, it takes the previous song and actually places it back into the previous singer's "Tonight" list, which rebuilds the "Rotation" list, so it reappears there. If you're crazy enough to order a new singer before the current one then skip back, it's smart enough to know not to place the song in twice, instead it actually pulls all that singer's songs up by one.
- Now, there is a "Stop" command (there always was, I just now put it in the menu) and when you use it, the graphics window goes black. This actually stops the rotation, so if you want to start it up again you have to double click the first song in "Rotation" or "KJ Rotation"
- Now after you Rip or Add To Library, the database is automatically saved, regardless of your auto-save preferences.
- Now when you twirl up something with the selected item in it, the thing you twirl becomes selected, rather than the Library.
- You can now "Show Originals..." even on songs in a rotation
- Be careful! You're still allowed to do stupid things like: delete the currently playing song, delete the currently singing singer, mark the currently singing singer as no longer "Here", delete the currently singing singer's song out of their "tonght" list, start a rotation somewhere in the middle etc. Don't do that. Always start the rotation with the first Singer. If you need to start with a different singer, first order them to the top.
Version 1.0d27: December 29, 2004
- ... can't ... program ... fast ... enough ...
- Threads now actually exit at quit time, and don't hang during run time. I just got so excited... :D
- Logging now has more complete reporting during startup and shutdown, and a full report of threading activity
- Sped up quitting by starting the save thread before anything else.
Version 1.0d26: December 28, 2004
- Rooobee rooobee roooo!
- A Teeny bit of AltiVec code snuck into d25, crashing those who don't have a CPU that can deal. This has been rectified.
- Now, if you try to play a song you ripped using AAC, you get a warning dialog, instead of getting absolutely nothing.
- Disabled the "Close Window" widget (the red one) since it doesn't actually work in the Graphics window, and if you use it in the Browser window, you can't ever get your Browser window back.
- Saturday: Spent all day attempting new Reed-Solomon approach. Stuck on the whole "padding" of shortened codes issue. Not quite sure what to do there. (RS will be used to fix the graphics glitches when you rip)
- HahHAH! Significantly lowered the system requirements if you have AltiVec. Old code took 25% of the CPU time, new code takes 5.8% (that's good!).
- Tried again monday night on the RS codec, still no luck. Awaiting to hear back from Obi-Wan Kenobi (my only hope) (a guy who actually has a real clue about this stuff)
- Wednesday: did some more work on the Rotation management. In the future, the "Rotation" cue will always show the current singer at the top, and songs that have been sung will be removed (and put into the singer's history). There are some sticky issues remaining, so it's not yet enabled.
- In the "KJ Rotation" list, you can now reorder the list
- fixed crasher in KJ rotation list so you can sort by columns even if something in that column has a '-' (empty data)
- Fixed several more bugs, I can't even remember. Has to do with rotation, CFStrs, bad zip files etc.
- I have disallowed playing direct from CD, until I get it working. This was confusing to newbies. (You now get a warning dialog)
- You can click the LCD even when it is paused and it will switch display (from elapsed to remaining)
- I've re-written all the thread management so I have one place to call/cleanup when I make any kind of thread (cooperative, preemptive, timer, or drift-free timer), and they all have a unified interface. Now, adding new threads is trivial.
- I put Ejecting a CD onto a separate thread, hoping it would not stop the graphics, but it doesn't seem much better.
- Yahoo! I'm now updating the graphics window during search and save, so now the graphics don't stop! (Saving is now on it's own preemptive thread)
Version 1.0d25: December 8, 2004
- Pleh.
- Updated to the 1.3.0rc4 version of the SoundTouch library. This offers bug fixes and some optimizations. It will now work better on slightly less powerful machines. (Changing pitch and tempo, that is)
- Hand tuned a couple hot spots in the SoundTouch library, now it goes a touch faster. I think it might work on 600MHz machine now, can someone try it?
- fixed yet another crash on startup, was again trying to clear the search string before it even existed.
- Tempo change delta (percent) is now a preference, default to 5% (used to be 10% and you couldn't change it)
- You can now click on the LCD panel to change "Elapsed Time:" to "Remaining Time:" and hey! You can now see the playhead move across the screen! (No, you can't click or drag to position the playhead. That's insanely hard. (not for audio, but for video))
- When ripping, you now get a graphical progress bar
- You can now rip while playing a song, and it won't make the graphics crawl. But you should start your rip before the song starts, cuz spinning the drive up to speed DOES stop the graphics (one day i'll spin up the disc on a separate thread)
- When ripping tracks, they get artist info and rip in ascending track order (used to be the order in which you selected them)
- Gul-Durn! Yup busted ripping yet again. Sorry folks, I swear i'll get it right. Symptom was, songs would STILL come in thinkin' they have '.aiff' instead of '.cdg', and they might'a dissappeared from the library when you ejected the disc! (rebuilding would bring'em back) Okay, i fixed that.
- There is now a "browse/rip/burn" button that does nothing (yet), but it looks more like iTunes. (It's the one that will reveal the genre, artist, album browser)
- Graphics Menu commands now bring the graphics window to the front
- KJ rotation no longer crashes if you have a singer who is "here" but has an empty "tonight" list
- Had accidentally allowed you to change the tempo of a song > 50% (you could have set it to zero, and you'd never get back, cuz that would halt the audio player, or you could have set it too fast, and the audio would start getting choppy)
- Your screen saver won't kick in, nor will your system sleep, as long as you're playing. If you pause, you may get sleepy.
- When you do a search, the scrollbar is automatically moved to the top, so you don't filter everything out of view