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python tool
dev keys

Do These Things too

  1. install your keys
    1. double click the dev keys cert file
    2. install them into the SYSTEM keychain, NOT the LOGIN keychain. (otherwise you'll get errors)
    3. PW is the same as dave's login (keychain) password
    4. in KeyChain Access, get info on the Private Key, change to the "Access Control" tab and select the "Allow all applications to access this item".
  2. log into developer.apple.com and download the intermediate code signing certs, install them. if you run into signing issues (eg: "unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer"), see this link.
  3. defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode IDEBuildOperationMaxNumberOfConcurrentCompileTasks 12
    (or 2x the CPUs you have)
  4. Run Xcode
  5. in order for the kJams "build phase" steps that include shell scripts that have the variable "$BUILD_DIR" in them, we must use legacy build locations:
    1. open the kJams6 project
    2. file->project settings->advanced
    3. pick "legacy", Done, Done
  6. Optional?: go to prefs->Locations->custom paths
    1. enter these items: (make sure path is correct) (don't need 2nd one if not building YAAF on mac, also i think we can remove FIRST one cuz i replaced all search path "KJAMS_ROOT" with "SRCROOT")
Setting Name Display Name Path
KJAMS_ROOT kJams Root /Volumes/Developer/depot/kJams/Development
YAAF_ROOT YAAF Root /Volumes/Developer/depot/YAAF/Libraries