If you have been directed here, it means that, unfortunately, you've run into a particularly nasty bug requiring that you restore from a previous backup. (i'm trying to fix this bug!)
The good news is that kJams keeps automatic backups of the index ("Songs.ktd" and/or "Songs.ksql") file, so that if you run into trouble of some kind, you easily can restore from one of your backups. (note: anywhere you see ".ktd", do the same thing if you ALSO see a ".ksql" file. In other words, if you see a file with .ksql, you delete that one too!)
- Quit kJams
- hold down these keys: Mac: command-opt-shift, Win: ctrl-alt-shift
- while holding all those keys, launch the kJams app
- Keep holding until you see the backup selection dialog. If you do not see the dialog, it means you don't have backups. Be sure to manually make backups (File menu) or turn on "Make Automatic backups" in the general prefs
That's it!
Now select a backup, then press OK. If kJams launches and you determine that this is the good backup, you're done! Otherwise, repeat the process and pick a different one, until you find a backup that is GOOD! Interesting things to note about backups: the date, and the SIZE! (Bigger size means more song files are indexed)