Meta Data and Offline Volumes Temp

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If you keep your music on an external hard drive, and you run kJams when that volume is offline, you run the risk of being confused, because you will NOT see any meta data that is not stored in the .ktd database file. FYI, the info that is always stored is:

janefix: insert screen shot

That means that NO OTHER META DATA is stored locally. Everything else is stored on your external hard drive. For example, if you use Label color to colorize your songs, your colors will seem to revert to None when you run with your drive offline. But don't worry; this is just an appearance. The next time you run kJams with your volume back online, your colors will come back.

When you edit meta data for songs that are on an offline volume, the meta data that is not stored in the .ktd file is stored in the Songs Meta.xml file. The next time you run with your volume back online, kJams will push this meta data onto the external volume.

The only way you can LOSE data is if you start kJams with the volume ONline, and then it goes OFFline, and then you edit more meta data.