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Notes: comma must be "full width comma" like this ",", cuz the JSON parser will choke on a quoted comma. Quotes must be curly quotes.

  "whats_new": "WARNING! An auto update may fail! If it does,go to and download manually. If you're using 32bit,be sure to get 32bit version!
b74: All fixes only related to 64bit:
* Windows: can again play video files (eg: Party Tyme Pro)
* Mac: full screen mode works correctly again
* when reinterpreting,if you get the “songs not renamed” dialog *while* it is interpreting,it won't hang the system
* sort columns no longer keep resetting their widths
* Win: actually launches and works (again)!
* mac x64: Works on Big Sur!
* 64bit: Windows now using latest Qt Frameworks (6.6.1). Mac still on 6.5.3 due to crash in 6.6.1
* saving backups timeout is now 3 minutes instead of 10 seconds
* if a zip file is missing one of the 2 components,it's just marked missing,no dialog",
	"mac_2_64":			"",
	"mac_2":			"",
	"win_2_64":			"",
	"win_2":			"",

	"mac_lite_64":			"",
	"mac_lite":			"",
	"win_lite_64":			"",
	"win_lite":			"",

	"mac_pro_64":			"",
	"mac_pro":			"",
	"win_pro_64":			"",
	"win_pro":			"",

	"qt_win_10plus":		"",
	"qt_win_8minus":		"",

	"mac_teamviewer":		"",
	"win_teamviewer":		"",
	"vers":				"",
	"vers_2":			"",

  "KaraokeCloud Date":             "",
  "KaraokeCloud":                  "",

  "Party Tyme Downloads Date":     "",
  "Party Tyme Downloads":          "",

  "Party Tyme Pro Streaming Date": "",
  "Party Tyme Pro Streaming":      ""