Build/Build kJams script

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  1. go to your home folder
  2. go to "Applications (Parallels)" -> "Windows 10 Applications"
    1. to find the applications, to to Configure->Options->Applications, check the box "Show windows applications folder in dock", then you see the dock icon, right click reveal in finder)
  3. copy "Command Prompt" to the desktop
  4. rename it "Build kJams"
  5. right click->Show Package Contents
  6. edit "/Contents/Info.plist"
  7. change the "CFBundleGetInfoString" to end with:
  8. change "CFBundleName" to:
    Build kJams
  9. edit "/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings"
  10. change both "CFBundleName" and "CFBundleDisplayName" to:
    Build kJams
  11. edit "/Contents/Resources/AppParams.pva"
  12. change "App Path" to:
  13. Close out, put this new "app" into /xplat/proj/win/