Are Tags Worth Fixing?

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As you build your library of karaoke music, you might wonder if it’s worth it to clean up the meta data and make it perfect. It is, and here’s why.

Before kJams, karaoke software didn’t bother to tag its music. That is, the software didn’t keep track of the songs’ meta data. If you used one of these programs, you had to manually tag each song. And if you moved to another software or rebuilt your library, you had to enter the meta data all over again. This is because the tags weren’t written to the music files, which is of course where they belong. kJams solves this problem by tagging the music files themselves, not just storing the tags in the database. In the kJams universe, the song files know what their tags are. So if you ever have to rebuild your library or if you move to another software--Heaven forbid!—the tags go with your songs. (You’re welcome.)

The point is, there is a lot of karaoke music out there with incomplete or nonexistent meta data. But once you fix it in kJams, it is fixed forever.