Trimming Temp

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Sometimes you might want to trim the beginning and/or the end of a song . kJams lets you trim the both start and end manually, and you don’t have to be an audio expert. Here’s how to trim the intro to a song.

  1. First, display the Trim Start column.
    1. Click on any column name.
    2. Scroll down the list of meta data to Trim Start.
    3. Click on Trim Start.
  2. Next, start playing the song you want to trim. Trimming isn’t permanent, so it’s okay to experiment.
  3. When the song reaches the place where you want to trim, pause the song.
  4. Then select Control → Save Trim Start Time.
  5. The Trim Start column will show you the new start time for the song.
    • The time values are in CDDA timecode: minutes (base 60):seconds (60):frames (74).records (4). Thus, 4:35:62.2 is 4 minutes, 35 seconds, 62 frames (62/75ths of a second) and 2 records (2/4 of a frame or 2/300ths of a second). Yeah, weird, I know. davequestion: should the "75ths" above be "74ths"?
    • Don’t worry about understanding this. Yes, you can manually edit this time code if you want. But for most of you, it will be enough to just pause the song in the right place and set the start time.
  6. To change a Trim Start time, simply repeat the process, choosing a new Trim Start Time. To eliminate a Trim Start time altogether, click once on the time code. The entire code is highlighted, and all you need to do is type 0 and then hit Enter.

Trim End times are set up in exactly the same way.

Here are some things to note about trimming:

  • The Trim Time carries through to all of your playlists. In other words, a song can only have one Start Trim time and one End Trim time.
  • When a song has Trim values, you will see an indicator in the timeline as a red line marking the trim time. davequestion: kJams Lite didn’t show this.
  • The Trim commands in the menus are only available for the current song. You can, however, edit the trim values directly in the browser, and you can set multiple songs at once (to the same value).
  • Trimming overrides the "auto cue" preference, which tells kJams to skip the silence at the start of song.davequestion: ?? Isn’t this a given? Say I trim the first 3 seconds of a song. There’s no way to do this without also trimming the silence, right?