The Symbolic Link Trick Temp

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This may not work on Windows, as I’ve not tested yet. Anyone care to try and let me know?

  1. Quit kJams.
  2. Download and install PathFinder or SymbolicLinker.
  3. Drag and drop the root folder from the source location to the destination location.
  4. Delete the folder from the source location.
  5. Using PathFinder (File Menu → Alias → Make Symbolic Link) or SymbolicLinker (right click on File → Make Symbolic Link), make a Symbolic Link of the folder at the destination location.
  6. Drag it to the source location, so that it seems that the files appear to be in the source location, at the same path.
  7. If the symlink is still there next to the destination location folder, you can delete it.
  8. Run kJams, open your Activity window, and wait for any tasks to finish.
  9. Do a Forced Save (⌘⇧⌥⌃-S) /This will update all the paths in the DB to the new location.
  10. Delete the symbolic link.