Slow Searching/testing

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New caveat for searching: In the olden days you could search for "eat" and get "Beatles". This is unfortunately not available in the new search engine: you can no longer search for something that appears only in the middle or the end of a word. The new rule is you can only search for the start of a word or a whole word. For example you can type "bea" to get "Beatles", but not "eat" or "tle".

This is really "for testing purposes only" and you should not expect you will have flawless operation. Only intrepid technical users should try this, since it has had only very limited testing. YOU are my real-world tester, and I greatly appreciate your help in getting the bugs out. But be ready to revert to non-SQL if something goes wrong. Bug reports will be handled with speed and grace, but any complaints will go to /dev/null, and will jeopardize your licensing agreement.

The initial "upgrade" from your old database will take some time. If you have 80k songs and both music stores, maybe it will take five minutes. Also note that when you update a music store, it will also take about three times as long, so don't do it right before or during a show. In essence what kJams is doing is pre-indexing every possible search and sort you can do, so then when you DO perform a search or sort, it's already got the data ready.

To upgrade your database:

  1. make very sure you have a backup of your "kJams Library" folder. This is the folder that has the "Songs.ktd" file in it. This file will NOT be deleted, so that you can go back to it if the new db goes south somehow. The new DB will be called "Songs.ksql".
  2. hold down the command-option key (ctrl-alt on windows) and launch kJams
  3. kJams will ask you to update your database, say "okay"
  4. wait a while as your database is converted to SQL
  5. enjoy the new amazing speed!

To revert your database to NON-SQL:

  1. Quit or force quit kJams
  2. in your "kJams Library" folder, delete the file "Songs.ksql" file
  3. run kJams, don't hold the command key.
  4. kJams may ask you to download the "new" music stores, go ahead and do that

Take Note: Any meta-data editing you do in the SQL database will NOT be reflected if you revert to the non-SQL database. I recommend you take these precautions in case you do have to revert:

  1. make a new playlist called "changed meta data"
  2. any time you edit meta data on any song, add that song to this new playlist
  3. if you then in the future revert to NON-SQL, then go to that playlist and select all and go "pull meta data". This will update the non-sql database to have the same data as the sql one
  4. then delete the playlist, since it has served it's purpose.

Possible problems in order of severity:

  • wrong search results
  • UI stalls
  • video stutter
  • assert fail dialogs
  • UI hangs
  • crashes

In all cases of problem, please provide a detailed bug report via email, one incident per mail. Exact wording or screen shots with detailed descriptions will help the most. Thank you for playing.