Send Library

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If i've asked you to send me your "kJams Library" folder, here's how!

Locate the “kJams” folder

  1. if you can run kJams:
    1. run kJams
    2. Context-click on the "Library" playlist, and pick "Reveal in [Finder | Explorer]"
    3. Quit kJams
    4. in the window that was revealed, move "up" one level (go to the parent folder)
  2. if you can NOT run kJams:
    1. go to your user's "Home" folder
    2. in there go into your "Music" or "My Music" folder
    3. in there go into the "kJams" folder

Please don't send your backups, unless I specifically ask you to

Here's how to exclude the backups:

  1. go inside the "kJams Library" folder
  2. in there, you'll see one or two folders with the word "[Backups]" in the name
  3. select it (them) and drag them to the desktop, so they're out of the way (you'll want to put them back later)
  4. do you see two files called "Songs", one with ".ktd" and one with ".ksql" as the file name extension?
  5. if so, drag the .ktd one also to the desktop
  6. now go back out to the "kJams" folder

Sending WITH Music Stores

  1. Context-click the "kJams Library" folder and pick:
    1. Mac: "Compress “kJams Library”"
    2. Win: "Send To->Compressed (zipped) Folder"
  2. email that zip file to me as an attachment
  3. delete the zip file

Sending WITHOUT Music Stores

  1. Go into the "kJams Library" folder, then go into the "Playlists" folder
  2. in there, if you see a "Music Stores" folder
  3. Move that folder out a couple levels, so it's NEXT TO the "kJams Library" folder
  4. Context-click the "kJams Library" folder and pick:
    1. Mac: "Compress “kJams Library”"
    2. Win: "Send To->Compressed (zipped) Folder"
  5. email that zip file to me as an attachment
  6. delete the zip file
  7. put the "Music Stores" folder back where it was

if the ZIP file is too big for email

  1. use dropbox or wetransfer
  2. email me AFTER the upload is complete, letting me know you sent it!

Sending Preferences

  1. run kJams
  2. Help->Reveal Preferences
  3. zip and send me the "kJams" folder (the folder that encloses all the prefs) (see above for how to zip)