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  1. install the open source version of Qt
  2. during installation, install sources and debug info for latest
  3. rename the kits to just "32" (win only) and "64"
  4. preferences/options->build & run->default build properties->default build directory: put this in: "../mac_%{CurrentKit:Name}-%{CurrentBuild:Name}"
  5. tools->external->configure, create a "delete build" tool with same command (executable), args, and dir as first (Disabled) build step in kJams, give it a key shortcut of cmd-shift-delete
  6. open when you open a .pro file it will probably say "couldn't use it", hit ok, close Qt
  7. open the user file and the now old copy of the previous user file, and copy the good data from the old one to the new one, preserving the new guids and file version IDs
  8. if the user file isn't available, do this:
    1. make configs for all editions and add " Debug" for debug configs. you now have 6 configs. in each config, do the following
    2. shadow build with build dir: "../mac_%{CurrentKit:Name}-%{CurrentBuild:Name}"
    3. pre build step:
      1. Command: /usr/bin/env
      2. Argument: "python pre_build_kjams_qt.py %{CurrentKit:Name} %{CurrentBuild:Name}"
      3. Working Dir: "%{CurrentProject:Path}/../../xplat/python"
      4. this step is turned OFF, only used if you want to always link and create the bundle when you build. generally you use the xternal tool command for that only when you want it
    4. qmake:
      1. Additional Arguments: >> "TARGET=\"%{CurrentBuild:Name}\"" DEFINES+=kDEBUG DEFINES+=KJAMS_PRO DEFINES+=KJAMS_2 <<
      2. Generate separarate debug info
    5. make:
      1. make arguments: "-k"
      2. the "-k" means keep building even if you hit an error
    6. make:
      1. parallel jobs: set to # of cores
    7. Run config "kJams" has this:
      1. Executable: "%{CurrentRun:WorkingDir}/%{CurrentBuild:Name}.app/Contents/MacOS/%{CurrentBuild:Name}"
      2. working dir: "%{sourceDir}/../build/mac_%{CurrentKit:Name}"