KJams Cue/Building/how to update icons

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Here is the steps to update the icon for the iOS app

  1. Here is the place where all icons in the github. https://github.com/davecotter/wtkJams_iOS/tree/dev/wtkJams_single/Resources/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset
  2. Go to the https://appicon.co/
  3. Upload your 1024*1024 logo icon.
  4. Download the zip file. You should able to find all icon files under AppIcons\Assets.xcassets\AppIcon.appiconset
  5. Copy all png file to overwrite the ones here https://github.com/davecotter/wtkJams_iOS/tree/dev/wtkJams_single/Resources/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset
  6. Open the project with visual studio and follow the iOS build document to build the project and upload the apple store.
  7. After all above items done. Make sure you push all these icons changes to the git.


Here is the steps to update the icon for the Android app

  1. Go to the https://appicon.co/
  2. Upload your 1024*1024 logo icon.
  3. Type the name for android ic_launcher.png
  4. Download the android zip file.
  5. Copy all folder under \AppIcons.zip\android to https://github.com/davecotter/wtkJams_Android/tree/wtk.jamske/app/src/singer/res to overwrite the old ones.
  6. Go to Go to the https://appicon.co/ again and upload the same logo icon in #2
  7. Type the file name wtkjamske_logo.png and download the zip file
  8. Copy all folder under \AppIcons.zip\android to https://github.com/davecotter/wtkJams_Android/tree/wtk.jamske/app/src/main/res to overwrite the old ones
  9. Open the project with android studio and follow the Android build document to build the project and upload to the google play.
  10. After all above items done. Make sure you push all these icons changes to the git.