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A Visual Tutorial on getting kJams for Windows installed.

  1. click the download link that you want: Lite Win, Pro Win, 2 Win
  2. at the bottom left of the browser window, you'll see this:
  3. To the RIGHT of the "Delete" button, do you see the three little dots ("...")? Click that!
  4. click the "Keep" button, and you'll see this dialog:
  5. click the downward pointing chevron next to the "Show More" text, and you'll see this:
  6. click the "Keep anyway" text, then you'll see something like this:
  7. click the "kJams.exe" file name at the top of the list, then you'll see this:
  8. click the "More Info" text, and you'll see this:
  9. click the "Run Anyway" button! Now you'll see a User Account Control (UAC) shield blinking in your task bar at the bottom of your screen:
  10. click that, and you'll now see a "(UAC) Do you want to allow..." dialog:
  11. click the "Yes" button, and FINALLY you can install kJams!
  12. click the "Next" button a few times, and you'll see another UAC dialog
  13. click the "Yes" button on that, then any other "Next" buttons until you get to the end!
  14. click the "Close" button
  15. now launch kJams
  16. you may need .NET 3.5 (not 4.0), there is a tutorial video for how to install that here in step 5
  17. now see this link to learn how to get through Defender
  18. Here is an older video tutorial but it still has some good points and may help