64bit/Help/Qt Prefs

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  1. for each project in [CFTest, kJams]: open it
    1. click the "Projects" wrench icon on the left
    2. under the Kit (eg: "64") pick "Build"
      1. for each build configuration:
        1. ensure "Shadow Build" is checked
        2. in the "Shadow Build Directory" says this: "./mac_%{CurrentKit:Name}-%{CurrentBuild:Name}"
    3. under the Kit pick "Run"
      1. ensure "Working Directory is set to "%{sourceDir}/../build/mac_%{CurrentKit:Name}", but for CFTest, add "_%{CurrentBuild:Type}" to the end of that
      2. ensure "Executable" is set to "%{CurrentRun:WorkingDir}/%{CurrentBuild:Name}.app/Contents/MacOS/%{CurrentBuild:Name}"