⌘-F to highlight song search & Auto rotation view

Is kJams missing a feature you need? Post it here! Note: if iTunes has it but kJams doesn't, it's a good bet kJams will have it, but that I just haven't gotten around to it yet. But go ahead and request it anyway!
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Steve Lynch
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⌘-F to highlight song search & Auto rotation view

Post by Steve Lynch »


I use Serato Scratch Live along with my kJams, and I love the fact that by hitting ⌘-F no matter where I am in the software, it highlights the search box for quick song insertion..

I'm always forgetting and searching from within the rotation playlist, or somewhere else by accident.. would it be possible to choose a key combination (I prefer ⌘-F to keep it uniform) to highlight and make ready the search box?

basically you just hit ⌘-F then type the song name.

My second request is a feature to return you to rotation view after a set period of inactivity...

basically you could choose... say... a minute... if you enter a new singer, then don't switch back to rotation, after one minute, it will automatically return to the rotation screen...

That would be hella cool!

the search from anywhere keys would be the bollocks though!

Thanks man!

this just keeps getting better and better..


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Re: Apple key + F to highlight song search & Auto rotation view

Post by Karanight »

I've never used Serato Scratch Live and the feature sounds good except for if you need to search another area and hit apple F you then search the library and not what you wanted to search. If I want to search the library from anywhere I hit Shift (the up arrow), and Command (⌘) F and that takes you to the search box in the library. If the feature was implemented, a new search command will be needed to search the window you happen to be in. Whilst on the subject lots of commands are the same in kjams as in itunes, but kjams goes one better here because apple F doesn't work in itunes.

The second requested feature to return you to rotation view after a set period of inactivity would be very useful when at a karaoke gig, but I would want it with an option check box to turn the feature off. I often use a single singers file to play from when not doing karaoke but rather working on a paid for singing and recording session. When doing this I want to keep a singers window open and not go to rotation because going back and to in this situation is a pain in the ass
Posted by Len of LensKaraoke fame

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Steve Lynch
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Re: Apple key + F to highlight song search & Auto rotation view

Post by Steve Lynch »

yeah, I'm talking about features that can be turned on and off...

I believe most people use KJams to run a show... This is where these would be helpful.

I really only use 2 views all night...

song search and rotation....

The only annoying thing about KJams as opposed to some of it's windows contemporaries is the fact that you need to navigate several screens to do simple tasks as opposed to doing everything from a single easy to navigate screen.

Any shortcuts that aid in the conservation of motion would be appreciated...

Thanks for

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Re: ⌘-F to highlight song search & Auto rotation view

Post by dave »

would it be possible to choose a key combination to highlight and make ready the search box?
Do you mean "a key to go to the Library playlist and then enter search mode" ? Presuming you do, it's ⌘⇧-F.

as far as "auto switch back to the library", well, i guess we could do that, but you can do it any time with ⌘⇧-F. Does this address your concern?

And you should know, the whole "one window" thing is just "for now" until i get more stuff going, eventually you'll be able to open a playlist in it's own window (eg: rotation) and have two separate windows or as many as you want. ultimately i'd like them to be "dockable" so you can tile your screen to your own liking.

Steve Lynch
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Re: ⌘-F to highlight song search & Auto rotation view

Post by Steve Lynch »

ok, I tried the key combo you spoke of, and it does highlight the search box, but if you're in rotation view, it just highlights the search box in the rotation window, not the library window...

What I was asking for was a shortcut that would put you to the library search box from anywhere else in the software.

basically, I was looking for a way to ... If I'm standing there hosting, and I'm in rotation view, and a customer comes up, I'd like to be able to hit a 2 key shortcut, and enter the song they want to sing, not select library, then highlight the box....

I'm having a real hard time finding a rhythm with Kjams, because of all of the skipping around... it's just a different app than I've used for the last 8 years. I'm sure it will continue to get easier, and hopefully become even easier than some of the PC apps... believe me, I'm not complaining, just trying to give input.

while I'm on that subject, how do i move a singer down a few, or put someone in the order before someone else?

I can't drag and drop them, it doesn't seem to do it in the KJ rotation mode, and I can't seem to figure out any other way.. I know you can, but how???


Thanks Man!

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Re: ⌘-F to highlight song search & Auto rotation view

Post by dave »

What I was asking for was a shortcut that would put you to the library search box from anywhere else in the software.
yes, i believe i know exactly what you're asking for, and what i said is the actual answer. You must not be actually holding down all the keys. that's "command PLUS shift" then while holding both down, press the letter F. it works, trust me.
how do i move a singer down a few, or put someone in the order before someone else?
you have to sort by # (user sort order) THEN you can drag and drop.

Steve Lynch
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Re: ⌘-F to highlight song search & Auto rotation view

Post by Steve Lynch »

Ok, your previous post had the command key, an up arrow and F ... That
I thougt it was the up arrow key.. Never saw shift represented as an arrow.. Thanks man!

That's exactly what I was looking for.

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Re: ⌘-F to highlight song search & Auto rotation view

Post by dave »

apple: 
command: ⌘
option: ⌥
control: ⌃
caps: ⇪
up-arrow: ↑
check: ✓
inverted ?: ¿
snowman: ☃

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