How does kJams decide a song has been purchased?

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How does kJams decide a song has been purchased?

Post by HowardBrazee »

How does kJams decide a song has been purchased?

I see some of my songs have the "purchased" field checked, but I am not guessing what criterion is used. They appear to be a small subset of the .mp3 songs that I have purchased.

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Re: How does kJams decide a song has been purchased?

Post by dave »

they are simply marked as such when you purchase a song from a built in music store.

if you've accidentally (or on purpose) thrown out the meta data file (xml) then this data is lost.

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Re: How does kJams decide a song has been purchased?

Post by HowardBrazee »

I infer then that some stores include that mark, others don't. A majority of the songs I purchased don't show it.

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Re: How does kJams decide a song has been purchased?

Post by dave »

it's kJams that creates the mark. all songs bought from within kJams should have it. if not, then the song's meta data file somehow got deleted

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Re: How does kJams decide a song has been purchased?

Post by HowardBrazee »

Ahh, I swtiched to buying from web sites as I can look at them better there. That's the difference. Thanks.

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Re: How does kJams decide a song has been purchased?

Post by dave »

okay that explains that. what is it that you can see better there? i don't get a commission if you buy from outside kJams :(

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Re: How does kJams decide a song has been purchased?

Post by HowardBrazee »

I didn't know you got money from buying via kJams.

I had turned stores off, not wanting to be asked all the time to update the libraries, but turned stores on to write this post. A setting to update the lists in the background would be nice.

KaraokeCloud doesn't show format. Karaoke.Net does, but when I go to the web, I can download both formats.

I just opened kJams and updated both of these. I looked at the MP3+G version of 'S Wonderful, and then tried the .mov version, which kJams could not find.

Party Tyme Pro apparently requires a subscription (which I can immediately cancel), which I have not signed up for.

While I buy most of the songs myself, sometimes someone else pays for the songs, and I forward the receipt to them for reimbursement (although when I buy enough for a bonus, I keep that).

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Re: How does kJams decide a song has been purchased?

Post by dave »

I didn't know you got money from buying via kJams.
yup, it's a part of my residual income :)
I had turned stores off, not wanting to be asked all the time to update the libraries, but turned stores on to write this post. A setting to update the lists in the background would be nice.
in the stores pref panel, turn off "confirm store updates"
KaraokeCloud doesn't show format
they're all MP3+G
Karaoke.Net does, but when I go to the web, I can download both formats
you can purchase both formats at either location. so... was that a question?
I looked at the MP3+G version of 'S Wonderful, and then tried the .mov version, which kJams could not find.
what do you mean? how could you try something that you can't find?
Party Tyme Pro apparently requires a subscription (which I can immediately cancel), which I have not signed up for.
it is a subscription only service, yes. Karaoke.Net is just about the same catalog, but they're for purchase.

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Re: How does kJams decide a song has been purchased?

Post by HowardBrazee »

yup, it's a part of my residual income
Will change my buying habits.

I have downloaded both versions of a Karaoke song, as I have had troubles with my older Mac with .mov versions. Those should go away when you have 64-bit hardware assisted videos. .mov often look better, but typos won't be fixable with producer.
what do you mean? how could you try something that you can't find?
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Re: How does kJams decide a song has been purchased?

Post by dave »

ooooh, you mean "tried" as in "tried to play" not "listened to". okay

right. the mp4 and the mp3 have the exact same preview, they're the same preview. there's a bug where if you try to play the mp4 preview it doesn't work. just ignore that, play the mp3 preview, it's the same. note the preview is NOT the video quality you'll get when you actually purchase, but the audio quality is the same.

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