song context menu doesn't work?

Feel free to post bug reports here. I need exact, detailed steps showing me how I can re-create the bug on my machine, so give as much info and detail as possible.
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song context menu doesn't work?

Post by HowardBrazee »

Sometimes I try to select the top line in my Library, to tell it to add the song to a singer, and I can't get past the drop down menu when I select the headings. I try for a while, then I change my search criteria, and sometimes the sort order until the song I'm trying to select isn't at the top. That usually works.

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Re: song context menu doesn't work?

Post by dave »

can you please take a video with your phone, narrating this situation? I'd like to see that.

please hold your phone SIDEWAYS (never vertical), thanks.

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Re: song context menu doesn't work?

Post by HowardBrazee »

Will do. I tried to duplicate it just now, but failed, but when it happens, it keeps happening.

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Re: song context menu doesn't work?

Post by alanrogger007 »

When I started working with the song context menu and it was not opening then suddenly chrome keeps crashing and not opening at all. Please help me to fix the problem as I want to use the browser again.

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Re: song context menu doesn't work?

Post by dave »

... I started working with the song context menu and it was not opening
do you mean that, in the kJams application (not a web browser), you right click on a song, and no menu comes up?
does right click work in other places?

sorry i don't know about Chrome nor why it would crash.

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Re: song context menu doesn't work?

Post by dennisgsy »

I'm getting the incorrect context menu appearing when I try to add a selected track to a singer. For some reason the mete data selection window appears on the right. I have clicked on the track returned by the search then with the cursor still over the track I try right-clicking but instead of the context menu which has 'Add to singer' I get the meta data selection window appearing on the right-hand side. Please see video.

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Re: song context menu doesn't work?

Post by dave »

It’s actually not possible to see what you’re talking about in that video, at least on my phone, I couldn’t really see what was happening. But first: are you on the very latest version of kJams? Second do you have a search term entered? In other words are you looking at search results? Does it happen on a particular index from the top? For example maybe it’s only the first 10 items that show the wrong menu and every item after number 10 shows the right menu?

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Re: song context menu doesn't work?

Post by dave »

i'm not seeing this problem when i try. what version of kJams do you have? (the entire number)

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Re: song context menu doesn't work?

Post by dennisgsy »

Hi Dave, sorry for the delay in replying. I think I have narrowed down the conditions where the problem occurs as shown in this video.

When using the context right-click menu in the search results, the incorrect menu appears for the top three items. Instead of the "Add to singer" it changes to the column select menu which pops up on the far right-hand side off the screen. This ONLY SEEMS TO HAPPEN when a song is already playing (I didn't show this in the video but I have tried it since).

I have included the KJAMS version and About my MacBookPro in the video. I hope this helps. Thanks

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Re: song context menu doesn't work?

Post by dave »

thanks for that extremely helpful video and explanation. with that i was able to find and fix the bug!


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