Audio Stops in middle of playback

Feel free to post bug reports here. I need exact, detailed steps showing me how I can re-create the bug on my machine, so give as much info and detail as possible.
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Audio Stops in middle of playback

Post by screws »

This has been happening to me sporadically for the last 3 months.

Playing a song and audio will disappear mid song even though the cdg is still running and the counter shows the song is still playing. All other songs play back fine, BUT IF I RETURN TO THE PROBLEM SONG THE AUDIO STOPS IN THE EXACT SAME PLACE, FROM THAT DAY ON.

So far only three songs have had this happen. But in the middle of a performance it's like sudden death.

Tell me what specifics you need to trace this bug down.

Steve Cruz

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Re: Audio Stops in middle of playback

Post by dave »

whenever this happens, just go to kjams->prefs->audio, and next to "cache" click the "clear" button, then try again
if it happens again on the same song, email me immediately (rather than posting in the forums)


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