Changing font with Producer?

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Changing font with Producer?

Post by jacksaturn »

Hey Dave,

After a long time wondering if CDG creation was possible on the Mac, I happened upon mention of iKaraoke TunePrompter and your Producer plugin. A whole new world has opened up for me! Thanks for taking the time to build this software. I'm strongly considering a purchase.

I have some friends who are KJs and karoke fanatics who create their own CDG tracks on PCs and include some really nice looking (albeit pixelated) graphics. They also seem to have a certain degree of command over the fonts used in the sweeping lyrics of the track. I recognize that when tracks are converted to CDG, the lyrics are rendered as choppy bitmaps as well, but here's what I'm curious about:

Is it possible to change the font within Producer?

I can specify any font on my computer when I'm working within TunePrompter, but when I open the KTP file up in Producer, it has changed to whatever generic font Producer has specified. Is there an option somewhere, right under my nose? I've got my fingers crossed...

Thank you!


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Re: Changing font with Producer?

Post by dave »

you should be able to change fonts but only for the entire song (currently that is, i do have big plans but not today)

be sure to change your font size and style FIRST, because when you do it will throw out all timing tweaks and graphics you have since added.

in producer go File->Get Media Info

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