Artist name Last, First

Is kJams missing a feature you need? Post it here! Note: if iTunes has it but kJams doesn't, it's a good bet kJams will have it, but that I just haven't gotten around to it yet. But go ahead and request it anyway!
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Artist name Last, First

Post by fishmongr »

I know you recently updated the name of this to to reflect that it will swap last name, first and vice versa, but I think
it might be better to have these as two separate commands as there may be a mixed selection that you want all formatted in that particular way.
More importantly for me, it would be cool if it respected the typical "wvocal" filename standard when it is included in the name and kept it at the end of the name instead of switching
it to the middle as part of the Artist's name. This is a super handy feature but I find myself having to manually rename selections that include the "wvocal".
Also would be killer to be able to set this up with a keyboard shortcut,

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Re: Artist name Last, First

Post by dave »

i see your point about making them separate commands, such that if you apply one to a mixed selection, kjams will ignore the ones that don't apply.

but the whole "wvocal" thing is a holdover from the olden days that is no longer relevant in the digital era. what we should be doing is getting that meta data where it belongs: in the "lead vocal" sort column. i've got most of the pieces ready to accomplish that but they're not all put in place yet. currently the "Reinterpret Names" can glean out artist, album, track, song, and rendition, using the keys "R, L, T, S, V" (respectively), but i plan to let you glean all meta data so you could scan "wvocal" and glean out "Lead Vocal" into it's own meta data column, plus the ability to write that info back to the file name (translating "Lead Vocal" meta in to the string "wvocal"). this work is not done yet but it is the direction i am going. it doesn't make rational sense to have the words "wvocal" as part of the artist name, because it is not part of the artist name, it is a bit of data completely unrelated to the artist name, so it belongs in it's own column, yet we do have a need to fit that info into the file name, hence the reinterpretation feature. so if you're doing any renaming at all, i recommend for now you put the words "lead vocals" in the Rendition field because that DOES get written and read from the file names, and move it out of the artist name.

you can make your own keyboard shortcuts

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