Identifying song in the tonight list from the history

Is kJams missing a feature you need? Post it here! Note: if iTunes has it but kJams doesn't, it's a good bet kJams will have it, but that I just haven't gotten around to it yet. But go ahead and request it anyway!
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Identifying song in the tonight list from the history

Post by Karanight »

Another request
Could you make it so that, when a track is in the tonight list, there was a marker of some kind on the track in the history to show its already in the tonight list.
The reason I ask is, when a singer turns up I mark them as here and then put songs in the tonight list without them actually asking. The singers are used to this and it works very well.

What happens in practice is when I mark them as here, their tonight list might already have songs in it, then I add more songs, and they are often duplicated in the tonight list. What I have to do then is I sort the tonight list alphabetically and delete the duplicates, which is time consuming.
I never empty the tonight list because if they have put songs in to sing the previous week that are new to the singer I don't want to loose them. (they might go home without getting the chance to sing the new tracks and the track will still be there for them the next week)
Posted by Len of LensKaraoke fame

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Re: Identifying song in the tonight list from the history

Post by dave »

i have plans to add a warning if you try to add a song that is already listed in the "Rotation", which is all the tonight lists at once.

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