Unable to add to library

Feel free to post bug reports here. I need exact, detailed steps showing me how I can re-create the bug on my machine, so give as much info and detail as possible.
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Unable to add to library

Post by Karanight »

I'm Unable to add to library. I've tried to add to library using the latest version and older versions so I think the problem is at my end. Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Unable to add to library

Post by dave »

well, you have to get it into your brain that i really, REALLY need more information in order to help. what exactly did you do? what exactly happened? list every single step, even things you think may be insignificant. like this:

1: launch kJams
--> kjams launches, i see my library with 29k songs. tasks window shows some sorting tasks then completes
2: i drag a file "foobarxyz.wmv" from the finder and drop it onto the "tracks list" part of the browser (the window pane on the right when the library is selected)
--> kJams starts speaking in tongues, then my mac melted into my desk, then my desk melted into my floor

or something. but please please please, the important thing is i need deep details! otherwise i can't help you.

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Re: Unable to add to library

Post by Karanight »

I launched kJams and waited for the task to complete
Clicked File/Add To Library
Navigated to the track I wanted to add
The track is not selectable ie is greyed out, in fact most of the tracks on my HD are greyed out tracks
Like this
(the tracks that are greyed out have been previously added to kJams)

I also tried to drag the track from the finder to the library but it didn't work

I should add that the tracks that are greyed out but are already in the library, play fine

I have to say that kJams is the best program on earth (probably) but speaking in tongues!!!!!!!
Posted by Len of LensKaraoke fame

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Re: Unable to add to library

Post by dave »

okay great, thanks for that info, i have a much clearer picture of what's going on!

Okay, what i'd like to do at this point is look at your machine, if that's okay.
go to my iChat server and log in, then message me. i'm here all the time.


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