Songs Not Renamed?

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Songs Not Renamed?

Post by edernest »

What causes a song to be placed in the automatically created "Songs Not Renamed" folder? I've recently switched from kJams lite to Pro and got an error message when trying to rename a song. I ignored it at the time (I think I clicked "don't warn me") and never saw the message again, but now nearly every song I modify ends up here. I go into the "Songs Not Renamed" folder, and force a push meta data and file name, which seems to clear some of the songs from this playlist, but not all. What should I do to try and diagnose this? I love the fact that kJams keeps my meta and file names organized for me.

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Post by dave »

What causes a song to be placed in the automatically created "Songs Not Renamed" folder?
1) the file is locked, or it is on a locked volume or in a locked folder
2) the file is missing
3) the meta data contains unknowns (no album or artist set?)
4) the file name ended up containing some punctuation and the file resides on a filesystem that does not allow punctuation (eg: FAT32)
switched from kJams Lite to Pro
this is unrelated, the code is *exactly* the same
never saw the message again
to get the message back, you'll have to turn the warning back on in the Secret Prefs
What should I do to try and diagnose this?
Look in the Log File, this will tell you exactly what went wrong. In particular, search for "$$".

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Okay, got a log

Post by edernest »

Perfect. The log contains the info below for a song stating that it can't find it. The odd thing is that kJams can play it. Hmm...

About to unzip
got zip file
opening zip file now
bad path: /Users/eernest/Music/kJams/kJams Downloads/01042008/ett/ett - 22/
still bad path: /Users/eernest/Music/kJams/kJams Downloads/01042008/ett/ett - 22/
error opening ind item zero for count: 1
did not find both components
creating temp zip folder
$$ pushing “all or nothing”
could not rename song: et022-05 - Cher - all or nothing

So I think I see a problem here. On a previous machine my username was eernest, but on the current machine it is edernest. The kJams database is referencing songs at /Users/eernest. I created a symbolic link of my old username and forced a File Name push. That cleared out a number of songs from the "Songs not renamed" playlist, but not all. The console revealed this for the songs that still didn't get renamed:

$$ pushing “Isnt She Lovely”
$$ unknown album
$$ contains unknowns

Do I have to have an album name to rename a song? Also, is there any way to mass update the database to reflect the new location of the files?

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Post by dave »

Do I have to have an album name to rename a song?
if you've specified you need an album name ("L") in your conform template in the Tags preferences then yes. and i recommend you do.
is there any way to mass update the database
pushing file names will do it

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Almost there

Post by edernest »

Okay, I've filled in all the missing information, and no longer get those warnings. When I remove the symlink for my home directory, I start getting the "bad path" warnings again (makes sense). I'd prefer not to have to rely on the symlink, so is there a way I can mass update the database to reflect the new location of the files? As I said, the songs still play somehow, they just can't be renamed.

Is it safe to find and replace on the database file? Is there any way to do within the app?

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Post by dave »

so even after you pushed file names with the symbolic link (and it worked), then when you remove the symlink that SAME file still had the old path in it? hmmm.

i had thought that pushing file names would correct the path to use the new, real path, not thru the symlink. oh well.

i'm not sure what to do about that. you might have to keep the symlink and wait for me to finish the "search paths" feature (a new pref that will let you do exactly what you're asking for)

the database is binary and uses aliases, there is no way to search and replace.

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Post by edernest »

Okay, will do. Please keep it in mind.

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also, problem trashing files

Post by edernest »

Could you take a look at the log entry below when trying to trash files in my library? It will not let me delete these files, and I verified that the permissions are wide open.

Got songs during updatemenus
Edit -> Trash Original Files…
Trash Original Files
Warning!! This will move original files on your hard disk to the trash, as well as remove all references from all playlists! Are you sure you want to trash the selected files?
User pressed: [Trash]
Trash Original Files
### Error moving to trash: “afpAccessDenied, Insufficient access privileges for operation ”
MessageAlert: “Some kind of error deleting songs: -5000”, “(null)”
Some kind of error deleting songs: -5000
User pressed: [OK]
Not saving because: gApp->i_db->IsDirty() is FALSE

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Post by dave »

5) you do not have permission

hahaha, forgot about that. somewhere you do not have your permissions set correctly.


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what permissions?

Post by edernest »

Can you explain to me what happens on the file system when kJams tries to trash a file? and what user is performing the task? I've given the entire kJams directory 777 recursively and still no luck.

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Post by dave »

i find out on what volume the file resides
then i ask the OS for the trash folder that exists on that volume
then i ask the OS to ensure that there is no file already in the trash of that same name (renaming the original if so)
then i ask the OS to move the file to the trash

i just spent like 4 hours on a user's system trying to figure out a similar problem, they didn't have permission to use their OWN "temporary items" folder (the place where you save files during the save operation, then swap them for the original, this is called "safe save"). i could never figure out why their system was different from everyone else's on the planet. so i just went and gave him permission to use the temp items folder, and it worked. probably a similar "rogue fluke" thing on your system, you have to set permissions correctly in your trash folder or something.

I'd have to see your system to give you more details. email me using regular email and we'll set up a time.


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Post by edernest »

Emailed you my info. Let me know when ever you're free to help.

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I figured it out

Post by edernest »

Okay, I poked around some more with the advice you gave and got it figured out. Apparently, when I moved my files to a new machine with Leopard, it randomly assigned custom ACL's for my user that prevented the OS from moving the files to the trash. Setting world writable permissions did not fix the problem, resetting the ACL's on the kJams folder and applying the permissions to the enclosed items in Finder did not fix the problem. The only fix was to reset the ACL's on the entire directory with the command:
  • chmod -RN kJams
Might save some headaches to try that step when diagnosing this. :) Thanks for the offer to help, regardless!

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Post by dave »


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