Removing voices

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Removing voices

Post by HowardBrazee »

I'm trying to figure out what TunePrompter is used for. I downloaded it, and played with it - but it seems that we need someone singing in the song in order to figure out where to place the lyrics, but why do we want a .ktp song that has someone already singing in it?

Just curious.

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Re: Removing voices

Post by dave »

it's for adding video lyrics to an audio only song to turn it into a karaoke song.

typically a karaoke songs is produced with and without a guide vocal track, and the guide vocal is used in a program like TunePrompter to tap out the timing of the lyrics. then the guide vocal is removed (or the audio is simply replaced with the version of the song without guide vocals).

if you don't HAVE a version of the song with guide vocals, then you'll just have to know the lyrics / song / timing well enough yourself to tap out the timing.

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Re: Removing voices

Post by DeusExMachina »

If you plan on removing the vocals using one of a number of techniques, you can save two versions of the same track, one untouched, the other with vocals removed, then use the first in TunePrompter to get the lyric timing.
Then just duplicate the ktp file and rename it accordingly and input it in Producer with the version without vocals to get it matched up with that track.
Last edited by DeusExMachina on Fri Mar 16, 2018 12:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Removing voices

Post by dave »

what he said

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