itunes auto cross fade setup

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Re: itunes auto cross fade setup

Post by DeusExMachina »

If there were a preference that let you, say, fade out instead of cold stop a file when you hit stop or next or the other transport controls (hint hint) and a kJams boolean that let the outside world know that this was happening, then the script could be modified to work whenever you stopped, paused, or advanced to the next track.

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Re: itunes auto cross fade setup

Post by DeusExMachina »

Or UI-wise, maybe just use ⌥-click on the transport controls? Script-wise, just a boolean toggle would work, though control codes would be nice, too.

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Re: itunes auto cross fade setup

Post by Athmet »


If I wanted to use another app, say Muse for Pandora, instead of itunes, would I just have to substitute the app name for itunes in the script?

If that wouldn't do it, how would I make that go?

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Re: itunes auto cross fade setup

Post by dave »

that would work only if the substitution app had the exact same applescript commands as what iTunes uses. which i doubt.

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Re: itunes auto cross fade setup

Post by DeusExMachina »

Um, you could just tell me what app you were using and I could try to write a custom version.

Scott Parr
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Re: itunes auto cross fade setup

Post by Scott Parr »

I just updated to 2.0 and tried the automatic cross-fade feature. Very good! Is there a way for the song in iTunes to continue to play with volume down? If there is only 5 or 10 seconds of iTunes music playing between karaoke songs, the iTunes song which pauses when volume is down will play only the next small part between the next two karaoke songs. A long song in iTunes could last the entire night. I would want iTunes to continuously play in the background so there are a variety of background songs between karaoke songs. Just to have the volume lower while kJams is running.

- Scott

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Re: itunes auto cross fade setup

Post by dave »

yes, edit the script. it shows you in the comments of the script how to do it.

here's how to edit the script

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Re: itunes auto cross fade setup

Post by dave »

i see there is a missing comment. it should look like this:

Code: Select all

# if you do NOT want iTunes to pick up where it left off, un-comment the following line

# if you WANT iTunes to keep playing (silently) in the background, comment the next line

Scott Parr
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Re: itunes auto cross fade setup

Post by Scott Parr »

Thank you very much for your help!

I found a post also with your answer

When I 'Saved As' my new save didn't show up as a choice. I made the change in the iTunes_auto_crossfade and saved.

This works better for me. Thank you for helping!!!

- Scott

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Re: itunes auto cross fade setup

Post by DeusExMachina »

Likewise, for those using 1.0 and the AppleScript version, on the page I made for the script I give instructions that directly explain how to do exactly this.
Last edited by DeusExMachina on Mon Apr 21, 2014 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Scott Parr
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Re: itunes auto cross fade setup

Post by Scott Parr »

I'm pretty handy with a lot of things including software but playing with scripts kinda freaked me out for some reason. I looked on YouTube for video of how do to this with kJams and didn't find anything. With 2.0, I took the existing command, duplicated it (I have no Save As option), made the correction I wanted and then saved it. I couldn't find it. I went to the Python folder and there is only one file there. I believe it is 'start up'. I closed kJams, reopened hoping my duplicate/save as would show up. It did not. I took the command there, made the change (removed the #) and saved. Now when I choose it, it goes to the next song in iTunes like I hoped. I would have preferred to have both options but I couldn't figure out how to get my new creation to show up in Advanced>Python.

- Scott

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Re: itunes auto cross fade setup

Post by DeusExMachina »

You need to modify the (or script, not the startup script. I assume you are doing this, since the relevant commands aren't in the startup script. Just Save them to the same folder with different names, and you can trigger whichever version you want.

Scott Parr
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Re: itunes auto cross fade setup

Post by Scott Parr »

It was the crossfade that I changed. I meant the startup is the only one in the Python folder. I couldn't find the crossfade file so I couldn't find my duplicate that I edited. After I duplicated, edited and saved, it didn't show up in the Python folder and it didn't show up as an available choice. All I could figure out was to edit the original crossfade and save.

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Re: itunes auto cross fade setup

Post by DeusExMachina »

Scott, the file is in the app bundle itself (on Mac) in kJams 2/Contents/Resources/Python. You can just access it from within kJams. Just select the script you want from the Advanced/Python menu while holding down the ⌥ (option/alt) key (as the wiki page states). This opens it up in TextEdit That might be where you got hung up.
This might be where your edit saved itself. You should then move it to the Python folder in your kJams folder.

Scott Parr
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Re: itunes auto cross fade setup

Post by Scott Parr »

I found it and I found the Python folder. What I saved is a text file, not a Python file like everything else in the Python folder.

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