Adding lyrics

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Adding lyrics

Post by HowardBrazee »

I accidentally bought a .mp3 song from a Karaoke company. I've done this before, wasting my money. This time I decided to open it with iKaraoke TunePrompter and try to add the lyrics myself, but the music was vague enough that I couldn't be precise where to add lyrics.

I tried to play the real version of the song in iTunes, but couldn't get them to run together. I will try again playing it simultaneously in iKaraoke TunePrompter and on my iPad, that should work OK.

I don't know whether kJams Producer would be useful in turning this into a real Karaoke song or not.

What do you guys recommend?

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Re: Adding lyrics

Post by dave »

kJams Producer is used AFTER you've sync'd the lyrics using TunePrompter or another app that spits out "enhanced LRC" files.

Producer itself doesn't do the lyric syncing.

what i do in that case is put the iTunes song on loop and memorize it. play it all day 'till i KNOW the lyrics.

THEN i do the syncing in TunePrompter

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Re: Adding lyrics

Post by HowardBrazee »

I tried using iKaraoke TunePrompter today to put lyrics in the song I accidentally bought without them. I got an OK result, but was unable to drag the lyrics at all to adjust my timing. I would put my cursor on the line before the cursor, press my mouse key and try to drag - but the whole application window dragged! The solution was to make the TunePrompter full screen. I didn't like the way it decided which lines were where and where they wrapped. That may be something easy to do with Producer (or may not).

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Re: Adding lyrics

Post by HowardBrazee »

Yuck. The last attempt created a Karaoke song with a tiny, tiny typeface. I wonder what caused that!

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Re: Adding lyrics

Post by dave »

[in TunePrompter, I] was unable to drag the lyrics at all to adjust my timing
did you read and watch the tutorials?

sorry if it wasn't clear, but you only use TunePrompter to lay down the timing for the song, it really isn't much good at editing, as you've found out. you do the editing in kJams (Producer). if the timing gets too far off during a "take" just do the take again. get your BEST take, then move to kJams and do your editing and finishing there.
I didn't like the way it decided which lines were where and where they wrapped
watch the tutorials again as they cover this very problem, especially watch "How to Sync Lyrics"
this has to be fixed in TunePrompter BEFORE you even start syncing.
The last attempt created a Karaoke song with a tiny, tiny typeface.
that same tutorial video covers the text size problem. best to pick a Sans Serif Narrow Bold font, eg: Arial Narrow Bold

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Re: Adding lyrics

Post by HowardBrazee »

I saw a tutorial which showed a way to edit where lyrics were using an earlier version of kJams that appears to have an integrated editor instead of producer: ... Timing.m4v It does show a timeline that includes lyrics. But when I try running Producer, I do not see any lyrics on the timeline. Is there an updated tutorial that shows how to get the lyrics on one of those timelines? Fixing glitches, I haven't figured out how to move inspector frames (so I can insert a new inspector frame). Is there a tutorial for that?
Screen Shot 2019-01-22 at 8.21.03 PM.jpg

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Re: Adding lyrics

Post by dave »

the screen shot you're showing is from a CDG file, not from a KTP file.

only a KTP file has lyrics.

sorry, what's an "inspector frame" ?

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Re: Adding lyrics

Post by HowardBrazee »

That's the producer frame labeled "inspector" that where you can change bitmaps and such.

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Re: Adding lyrics

Post by dave »

I haven't figured out how to move inspector frames (so I can insert a new inspector frame)
Okay, the thing you seem to be referring to is the Inspector *window* (or *panel*), and i now don't know what you mean by moving it. To move a window you grab the title bar and move it around, but you don't insert them either, so referring to the window and saying you want to move it or insert a new one donsn't quite gel in my brain.

Perhaps you are asking how to move CDG instructions in the timeline? go to the time you want and hit the i and o keys on the keyboard. this sets the in and out points of the selection brackets to encompass the one frame you're on. then you can edit->cut to cut it. move somewhere else that doesn't have an instruction, and paste. there you've moved it. note however that generally instructions come in groups, so you probably want to move the whole group, not a single frame.

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Re: Adding lyrics

Post by HowardBrazee »

What I *really* want is to insert a new CDG instruction to fix a glitch. If there is no unused space, I need to move other instructions back (or forward).

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Re: Adding lyrics

Post by dave »

Glitches can always be fixed in the space provided. it's that one of the existing instructions is wrong, and fixing that wrong instruction will fix the glitch.

It's "wrong lyrics" that can't be fixed that way, that requires re-syncing the song lyrics using TunePrompter, to re-create the entire CDG from scratch.

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Re: Adding lyrics

Post by HowardBrazee »

Sometimes I need to add a frame to fix a glitch, not just change one. And I'd like to add that frame where there isn't a blank frame. So I wish to push other frames aside to "insert" the new frame.

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Re: Adding lyrics

Post by dave »

you should never have to do that to fix a glitch. if it worked previously with the given space, you won't need more space to fix it.

having said that you still should be able to set the selection brackets, cut, then move the current time indicator, and paste, to move existing instructions.

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Re: Adding lyrics

Post by HowardBrazee »

Sounds good. Actually, when I had this problem, was when I was trying to fix a misspelling, I shouldn't have called it a glitch.

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Re: Adding lyrics

Post by dave »

OH! fixing a mis-spelling is definitely not a "glitch".
to do that you really should just re-create the entire song from scratch, replacing the entire CDG file. it's not worth your time to attempt to hand-craft a newly spelled word using CDG instructions. it's like writing program in assembly language by typing in HEX, as opposed to writing it in python.

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