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Post by HowardBrazee »

I run Karaoke twice a month at our retirement community. I may have a chance to get some contributions to buy Producer to fix lyrics in songs we have. Testing it, I was able to clean up some garbage pixels in one song. But the next song they wanted me to fix has some very wrong lyrics. (Feliz Navidad, bought from BuyKaraoke).

I opened it and discovered that the first page of lyrics starts off being loaded with the command "Load CLUT Hi", which command is repeated a couple of times, making the lyrics brighter. I have no idea what this means - in fact I don't know what most of the menu items I see in Producer mean nor do - and the documentation seems to assume I already can figure them out. (Lots seem to be designed for people creating Karaoke songs - but I'm not finding adequate documentation for either) The song is loaded in a kJams directory as a .zip file containing a .cdg file and an .mp3 file.

How do I go about correcting these lyrics?

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Re: Load CLUT

Post by HowardBrazee »

Oh, I see documentation such as https://karaoke.kjams.com/wiki/Producer/Duets, telling me I can do something with ktp files (Is that iKaraoke TunePrompter??). Maybe I could export my lyrics and edit them elsewhere as letters instead of as pixels and import them again. If I could clean up files, maybe then I would try to create a new video screen (welcome to Affinity Karaoke Night). But that's in the future.

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Re: Load CLUT

Post by dave »

the documentation is all here, in tutorial video form

Sorry, i realize Producer is confusing and not very well documented. It isn't meant for end users, it's meant for enterprises actually producing karaoke music, those who already understand the CDG format, who have read the RED BOOK, and understand the technical process (and limitations) of creating CD+G files, and the process of creating a CD+G master disc to be mass duplicated, or creating an online store for selling the created songs.

yes it can be used by technically savvy people to fix glitches and what not, but it's admittedly non-trivial to do so.

you can't "export lyrics" from a CD+G song or file: if you wish to "edit the lyrics", you must manually re-create the CD+G from scratch using TunePromter or a program that spits out "Enhanced LRC" files. Armed with KTP or LRC files, you can THEN open them in producer to tweak, edit, add graphics, and fully finish your CD+G file, and optionally burn a master disc with it.

Watch the tutorial videos and hopefully you'll have the "ah hah!" moment.


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