Unable to launch songs from Rotation or KJ Rotation

Feel free to post bug reports here. I need exact, detailed steps showing me how I can re-create the bug on my machine, so give as much info and detail as possible.
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Unable to launch songs from Rotation or KJ Rotation

Post by atownsen »

I am having the strangest problem: After adding fifteen to twenty singers and their songs in a venue, the app will not allow me to add more singers, nor can I launch the existing singer's songs from either the Rotation or KJ Rotation. Deleting singers from the venue's rotation does not help. Either I must shut down the app and start over, or launch the song manually from the library without associating it to a singer, which means there is no rotation. Even after updating to the latest version of KJams the problem persists. Why is this happening? Also, why are there so many fields? Can't you structure the software so that you can launch a song from the venue category, instead of going to the Rotation? In my opinion, it world work so much better that way.

Please advise. Thanks.

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Re: Unable to launch songs from Rotation or KJ Rotation

Post by dave »

please call.
i know it says call at a certain time, but go ahead and call right now.

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Re: Unable to launch songs from Rotation or KJ Rotation

Post by DeusExMachina »

Launching a song from a venue doesn't make any sense, either from a program usage stand point or from a logical one. Venues don't sing tracks, singers, do. Plus, venues don't contain tracks, they contain singers.

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Re: Unable to launch songs from Rotation or KJ Rotation

Post by dave »

I never heard back from this user. Please contact me if you still have trouble or questions. Do you know about "Manual Rotation" ?

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