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The Conjugial Version

The History of d53 is every change i've made to d52: in REVERSE chronological order (latest at TOP)

Yeah, i've come to the conclusion that the version numbering is just too counter intuitive for mortal men, so in the next major release, i'll change it so the history page number MATCHES the version number (we'll skip right to d54) OMG we're going to go to Alpha 1!!.

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Alpha Go Here

d52r62 Aug 24, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • Windows
    • fixed missing icon warning on startup
    • fixed infinite recursion icon warning when opening music store prefs window
    • the Sources panel now sorts correctly
    • that is all

d52r61 Aug 21, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • Windows
    • fixed ability to burn (no more "invalid pointer")
    • icons are now pre-loaded. this will lengthen startup time by a few seconds, but makes the app feel snappier later
    • Preferences now has icons next to each pref panel name
  • Mac
    • "Music Stores" pref window is retina.
    • TriceraSoft pref panel now has button that lets you see your previous downloads, and re-download them
    • the Video window would get small for Exposé and Mission Control, now it stays in place
    • the little red tick marks which mark the song trim start/end times are back
  • FIXED CRASH: when using producer, pressing the space bar when the font panel is front
  • FIXED CRASH: on startup, if kjams needs to rename a playlist, a CD, or the venue
  • FIXED CRASH: if you have a NULL song selected and you go to delete it (cuz who wants a null song, right?)
  • FIXED CRASH: when using "pre-cache" context menu command if you haven't played a song yet after launching
  • THE BIG CHANGE: the music store prefs are now inside their own sub-dialog, now the window can fit on your small screen
  • the song "Name" sort column can now go a bit wider
  • Pre-cache is not available when you're IN a music store.
  • sync-slipping is not available when you're in Producer
  • Pro: web server now allows you to set Tempo
  • sorry, but Chartbuster is gone for now. DigiTrax coming soon
  • if there's an error renaming a playlist, the error message actually works
  • fixed streaming on slow networks: the timeout was hard coded. now it is hooked to the "freedb timeout" pref. set it to like 2 minutes (240 seconds)
  • media stream dialog now when you save the defaults (option-ok), kjams remembers the alignment of the text, also other stuff is more properly saved but you probably were not affected by that
  • Music store names are now localized, tho this may be wrong ;)
  • more logging if kjams can't upgrade an old "ktunes" name to "kjams"
  • web client can no longer delete the currently playing song

d52r60 Aug 3, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • fixed crash on startup for windows

d52r59 Aug 3, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • Windows
    • no longer crashes trying to play WMV files, but it won't play them either (yet)
  • Mac
    • fixed bug where it would complain you need Perian if you try to play an MPEG file, when you didn't
    • the Progress dialog is now retina. note: dialogs are hard, each one must be switched to Nibs (from resources), so they'll trickle in slowly.
    • the "Icon, Message, Checkbox and 3 Buttons" dialog is now retina
    • the "text input" dialog is now retina.
    • retina dialogs gain the ability to drag them around regardless of processing, and the ability to tab thru all the buttons (if you have this turned on: apple->system prefs->keyboard->keyboard shortcuts->Full keyboard access->all controls)
    • activity window progress bars *Really* look correct now.
    • if you drop music files onto the kJams icon, you are now (correctly) asked if you want to "copy/move" or "reference"
  • FEATURE: you can now "pre-cache" a song by right clicking it and picking the command from the menu (works on singers too)
  • FEATURE: you can now "mark as sung" a song in the "KJ Rotation" playlist (not the Rotation)
  • when a song is marked as sung (in any way), the browser will update later by sending a new command to the event que, rather than updating it *now*. trying to isolate the crashes here.
  • Tempo is now correctly set as a float, so wtkJams can display it correctly
  • fixed a spooler hang (infinite progress bar) under certain error conditions
  • support for showing "last sung time" and put a song into faves from the Rotation list, for wtkJams
  • fixed a non-obvious bug where numbers were getting truncated when putting them into dictionaries (a catalog of numbers). this mostly didn't affect you, but it bothered me, and prevented wtkJams from working right (see above)
  • the "Karaoke Locker" purchase URL has been updated
  • fixed a crasher that happens just as a new song is going to play (was updating the microphone, and doing things on a back thread that are only legal on the main thread)
  • fixed total failure of KJPro and freedb and friends
  • also fixed problems arising AFTER you tried to use the above (volume went offline or whatever error message)

d52r58 Jul 18, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • Mac
    • kJams again will run on Intel 10.4 systems
    • if when you go to stream/purchase a song, you deny the access to your keychain, it will just halt the current action gracefully, and not bombard you with errors and pleas to fix your credit card settings
    • If you don't have Perian installed, and you try to play a media type that requires Perian, you get a nice warning, rather than crashing and errors up the wazoo
    • Opening Producer is a tiny bit more robust. (no, not really)
    • in AppleScripting, and this is crazy, if you ask for the app version right after you get the video display ID, then you'll get the name of the current song instead of the version. this is only for crazy people.
    • oops i forgot to TURN ON retina display for the release version. fixed. there, now you have retina!
  • Windows
    • The help buttons actually work in freedb & Tags, and in Tags the "Edit" button works too!
  • fixed an assert when exporting pitch-bent movies
  • fixed "auto-cue" to be a wee bit faster
  • if you hit the stop sign on a streaming song's pre-cache download, it will stop gracefully and not tell you there was a problem with the internet connection or your credit card
  • wtkJams CSV export now includes rating, and you no longer have to select the Library first
  • if you happen to name a folder "kJams Music" that is not actually the "kJams Music" folder, and you put the "kJams" folder inside that (wow), kJams will still be able to find your music if you move your "kJams" folder
  • on first run, kjams would ask you for your email address, then complain that it REALLY needs it even tho you just gave it. fixed. dork.
  • when you add to library, kjams will remember what you picked between "reference" and "copy/move", and will default to that next time, so you can just press ENTER
  • if you pick "reference", and it's on the desktop or in the downloads folder, and you get the warning that it's going to move it anyway, you can now hit cancel
  • QuickTime playback and scrubbing should not be any different, tho the code was tweaked
  • the help button in the Reinterpret dialog now takes you here
  • there's a new "Tags" pref: "Update Media Meta Tags", don't you dare turn that off!

d52r57 July 9, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • Windows
    • a bit of logging if you get the error "There was a problem initializing audio output"
    • I *may* have fixed the bug about "it_taskP == taskP"
    • browser buttons now draw with correct alpha (premul-black, rather than straight) (no more bad halo)
    • fixed the assert-crash when you slowly double-click on a playlist name
  • Mac
    • the progress bars in the Activity window look a little more like they're meant to, now they update more frequently too
    • the Video window and the Activity window look good on Retina displays. i'm working on the Browser window but it will take much more time
    • browser window now works on retina. some controls are low-rez.
    • started work on getting dialogs to look good on Retina, the only one i'm doing to start is the progress dialog
    • progress dialog now almost works on retina, disabled 'till i get the "stop" button working
    • all drawing in Browser window is now done with Quartz (required for retina)
    • Fixed a keychain error that would crash you on OS 10.4. Note: i have no computer to test on 10.4 right now! please let me know of problems!!
    • fixed ability to run on 10.4, was crashing on startup for some
    • Producer: you can no longer open Producer on a music store song (it would crash before)
    • "Buy Song" buttons now honor both retina and browser font size
    • when you click-drag on a button, and you go in and out over and over, the alpha fringe no longer accumulates in an ugly way
    • when drag and dropping a track, no longer get the beachball
    • the PPC version of kJams again works on G3 computers (wow, broke way back on Jan 14 2011 last year)
    • the PPC version of kJams can again serve on port 80, and can remember your auth settings for making files writable
    • the PPC version can again take advantage of 10.5 functions when available
    • the PPC version again has properly drawn Icons (they were halo'd by black for a minute)
  • the singer's icon no longer shows a speaker on it when there is no song playing
  • if initiating a stream download fails, it times out immediately rather than in 2 minutes
  • when you try to play a song with missing audio, it asks you to find it (again! how many times have i fixed that?)
  • really *really* fixed the bug where if a singer had a song who's title had square brackets, it would cause the Rotation showscreen to show totally messed up info.
  • the disc reader will now cache the values of what blocks to ignore errors on, rather than asking each time
  • on startup, the Venue playlist will now be given the name of the venue right at the start, rather than calling it "Singers" and changing it later. This fixes the bug of when it doesn't get set properly later.
  • if you go to play a KMA song and it's missing, you get the "it's missing" dialog, rather than nothing
  • Pro: Fixed the "Who's up next" rotation list: now includes the next song to be played instead of skipping it, when no song is currently playing
  • fixed playlist re-ordering bug when done by server (sometimes would ALLOW you to change CURRENTLY PLAYING song, which is illegal)
  • on startup, you no longer get lots of "tried to get task mgr, but no tasks window" log messages
  • fixed assert "columsRef.Get() == NULL"
  • fixed crash when you try to burn, would try to draw the "spinning pinwheel" animation frame 15, when there are only 14 frames
  • when dropping a BIN file onto kjams, you don't get asked to import or reference, it's a reference
  • when you import a song, kJams will *always* check to make sure it's not on a file system that is either Case Sensitive or NTFS. Previously, if kJams wanted to tell you that you can't "reference" from the desktop or downloads, it would forget to check.
  • fixed a crash/hang bug when enablig the web server if there was any kind of error
  • you can now export a special "wtkJams" CSV file for use with "Where's the Karaoke"
  • when you're using a web client, iJams, or wtkJams to search for just artist or song title, it will now work fine regardless of what columns are (or are not) showing in the browser window
  • all the icons shown in the Browser window are now high rez (ready for retina)
  • when using "Capital Case" or "Title Case", "Elo" will become "ELO"
  • on 10.4, the metal background will draw behind all the buttons correctly. Still a bit busted on 10.5 and onward

d52r56 June 11, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • fixed problem (just introduced last night) with purchasing songs where it would say you had bad credit card data

d52r55 Jun 10, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • fixed a NASTY bug in the Pro server where a singer would submit a song they searched for but it would submit the wrong song!
  • when a music store has an update, the notify dialog no longer overlaps other dialogs (they now come one at a time)
  • you can now easily change the case of a playlist/singer (upper or lower case)
  • Mac: keychain: was leaking a keychain item, fixed
  • the "Song ID" column can be made wider
  • "Is KJ" now sorts the checked ones at top, unchecked at bottom (going smallest to largest, yes this is the opposite of logical, but it is intuitive)
  • i now completely remove the word " [karaoke]" from any song name shown in the rotation showscreen, cuz we all know what it is or we wouldn't be here

d52r54 Jun 8, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • BIG-ASS FEATURE: when you do "add to library", kJams can now optionally copy/move your files for you (rather than referencing). --> this opens the door for "keep library organized" and "consolidate library" features
  • Fixed crash: when you've not set your country in the one click settings, crash when using music stores
  • fixed another crash on quit
  • fixed crash when deleting songs
  • fixed crash when you were asked to send the log file upon Tricera store declining your credit card
  • wtkJams can now show the Rotation
  • you are now prevented from referencing song files on the desktop or in the downloads folder.
  • when ripping from CD, if there's an error, we now still call the completion proc. not doing so was the source of several kinds of downstream errors
  • tweaked a bunch of code related to mounting a CD, and mounting a BIN/CUE CD image. added ability to mount two kinds of fake disc "images" (with no content) so i can better test meta data fetch / submit / editing on CDs.
  • CD TOC numbers are now logged correctly
  • CUE files are now logged correctly (to match)
  • if you had any kind of error while re-encoding or exporting quicktime, kjams would choke on a chicken bone but you might not know it until you try to quit, at which point it would hang
  • doing a "reveal" on a CD will now show you the CD in the file system. if it's a disc image, it'll show you the disc image file.
  • apparently chartbuster customer IDs can be four digits, so this is now allowed (you used to have to add a zero to the front)
  • a Singer can now be marked as a KJ (right click). A KJ Singer has special privileges, like the ability to control the Rotation from an iPad, for example. no, it's not available yet.
  • a KJ Singer icon is drawn with sunglasses (cuz they're even cooler than regular singers) and is drawn in "outline" font
  • the Server has been updated to enable the KJ Singer, tho this is not tested. the client has NOT been updated.
  • the singer's "Present" column can now be made wider
  • even MORE logging WRT the "country" code for CC purchases. almost there! FIXED!
  • fixed a problem where the log file could not be created IF there was a dash in the log file path (eg: the user name had a dash in it)
  • more logging in "FSrFindOrCreateFolder", to track down a bug
  • more logging in "Find_or_Create_MyFolder
  • during quit, selecting a playlist does nothing (optimizing the quit process). fixes crash on quit for some windows users.
  • the message "Could not update meta data for song" had bad curly quotes: fixed
  • music stores no longer ask "copy or reference" cuz it's always a reference (since the file is already on your hard drive)
  • even more logging about that "it_taskP == taskP" assert
  • curly quotes are now ALLOWED in your file names
  • no longer allowing duplicate songs in a singer's Tonight list (so if the singer hits "submit" ten times on the same song you only get ONE song). Actually, ALL singer lists are now only allowed one copy of a song.
  • can no longer use the edit menu when quitting
  • fixed bug when showing a Rotation ShowScreen, where if a song name had square brackets in it [like this], it would totally break the ability to show data, and you'd get duplicate entries. now, we just replace the brackets with parens, then show the screen, and all works fine.
  • fixed a bug where corrupted zip files would not be marked as corrupted! so you had no way of knowing which files to delete
  • zip files that have an audio file of zero size are now also considered corrupted
  • Mac
    • in the Disc Picker dialog, you can now use the ESC key to cancel
    • fixed audio in/out such that you can change System prefs WHILE kjams is running, and kjams will honor your settings (would cause it to seem like kjams would not respect the system prefs settings, or that they would reset to something else for no reason)
  • Windows
    • fixed crash when you use the TAB key in the Search field
    • fixed crash if you double click several times on an item to edit it
    • added more logging WRT crash on quit
    • context menu accidentally said "Reveal in Finder", fixed to be "Reveal in Explorer"

d52r51 May 18, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • I've renamed the parent company of kJams to "Metamuse Software"
  • fixed the context menu for "reload music store" and "mark singer not/here"
  • if you sort by "Price" the secondary sort will be by artist rather than song name
  • the web server will no longer crash when switching venues
  • moar betterer logging sometimes
  • in the "Music Stores" playlist, in the "tracks list" on the right, if you right click on a store, you can "reveal web site" to go to the web site listed
  • network logging defaults to on. please don't turn it off, i need it.
  • OMG fixed the streaming pre-cacheing. Why do people not tell me these things right away?? This has been broken since d52r42 (March 23)
  • Mac: kJams is now Code-Signed (ready for Mountain Lion / Gatekeeper): ergo you'll have to re-enter your password again (twice)
  • Windows: if you quit kjams more than once (say, a second time *while* it's already quitting), or if you double-click the X in the upper right, you no longer crash

d52r50 May 11, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • Mac
    • if you get an "afpAccessDenied" when attempting to save a playlist, kJams will try to overwrite it anyway
  • Windows
    • more debug logging for that crash about the printer being null
    • more debug logging for the crash when allocating the stop sign ping file
    • more logging on that crash on quit
  • if you have a purchase fail (due to declined) at the tricera store, i now prompt you to send the log file. there's some bug here that people are running into
  • fixed crash playing BIN files
  • got rid of PowerPC warning. don't worry, i'll just take care of you.
  • the auto-mounted bin-cue files folder: if you put a tilde ("~") in front of the name, it won't be mounted
  • in the secret prefs there is now a "kPrefKey_PRODUCER_HORIZ_JUST_OUTSET", but you probably don't care
  • Get Info is now NOT enabled when there's nothing selected
  • got rid of the quiz for buying kJams. the answer is "close the receipt window"
  • purging sort-lists now fires on a timer set for a half second. if you purge the same list over and over within that time, it just re-primes the timer rather than shooting off a bunch more purges
  • if you pick "Find in Library / Playlist", and the search field can't be found for some reason, instead of crashing, you get warning and a request to send me the log file

d52r49 May 2, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • Mac
    • the "eject" button for a CD will properly draw in the correct horizontal position (the bug fix was that it would draw hidden, off the screen, due to the twirly arrows not being accounted for)
  • Windows
    • Fixed crashing when reading SuperCDG and NEO+G discs
    • fixed meta data reading of SuperCDG discs (yes, name and artist are actually truncated in the official meta data)
    • dropping a CD icon onto the Library icon (to rip the disc) finally works
    • holding the ctrl key while clicking a selected song un-selects it. wow.
    • drag hilites should work again
  • Tricerasoft: to buy streaming time you are required to have your name, email, phone number, and country set correctly. you get a warning if you don't have that info
  • ripping from a BIN/CUE file will now behave like a CD more properly: you can't eject it while the rip is happening. prevents a crash.
  • fixed an recursion crash when setting meta on lots of songs at once would produce the "Corrupted MP3 File" or "Error Renaming Songs" dialog.
  • fixed another crash when a song was "auto cue"'d but the song was missing (or disc ejected)
  • when ripping songs, they're set to already have had their meta pulled, so it doesn't waste time attempting to pull the (non existant) data
  • the web server will serve up search results just a wee bit faster, no longer gathering "sort columns" unnecessarily
  • possibly fixed another "crash on quit" bug related to disposing a thread semaphore

d52r48 April 27, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • Windows
    • fixed a bug in CFNetwork where it wasn't using the same implementation of mutexes / critical sections as the rest of CoreFoundation. This caused runloops to never exit under certain circumstances.
    • fixed another bug in CF, in CFWindowsMessageQueueDeallocate(), was referencing deleted memory
    • people are regularly crashing on an assert "printer" thing, now has more logging. i SEE you little bug! i'm coming for *you*!
    • the keychain now more correctly stores your creds
    • two more bugs with more logging: crash-on-startup, and crash-on-quit: gonna GIT you!
  • fixed crash: finally! fixed a very longstanding bug that would crash some background threads that blocked until completed.
  • fixed crash: KJPro! wow, been there a long time
  • fixed crash: one click creds: country code: accessing this in the wrong way was causing crashes
  • the "CompletePurchase" has better logging, some people are crashing there, want to find out why
  • credit card declined messages are shown when they should be (was showing an unclear message sometimes)
  • when exporting song files, if an individual file fails catastrophically, the rest will still export
  • some people want to enter a fake email address. like "d@d.com". i know who you are. you get a special present.
  • i seen this "it_taskP == taskP" assert, crazy! now has more logging to help me try to figure out why
  • if a KMA file has missing data, you're warned rather than crashing
  • no longer logging "Saving Binary", not sure what that was for

d52r47 April 22, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • WHUPPS! fixed a crasher introduced in r45 or 46, when stopping songs
  • fixed the generic music store error dialog to show the actual error message.
  • used to be one push timer per song. but if you did 10,000 songs, suddenly you had 10,000 timers going, which is a performance problem. now there's only one push timer that accumulates all push tasks
  • Windows
    • Fixed showscreens so they flippin' work! Why does nobody report these problems??!?
    • if you were crashing on startup due to ASSERT(offsP), we'll get better logging for that so we can fix it
    • file system error codes are now names instead of numbers
    • fixed the Karaoke Locker purchasing problem (i was timing out in 5 seconds, but their server now takes sometimes up to ten seconds to respond, ick. new timeout is 30 seconds)

d52r46 April 19, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • NEW: added the ability to always mount certain bin/cue files
  • fixed crash: if you get an I/O error playing a song directly from a CD+G disc, and you have "skip silence" turned on
  • fixed crash: if your country was not set in your one click settings, you would crash when purchasing a song or streaming time
  • fixed crash: if you purchased a song but then quit after it downloaded but before it had a chance to decompress, on the next startup it would crash
  • adding or removing songs is now serialized so you won't get piles of dialogs if there's an error
  • pushing meta on songs should be a bit more robust (less likely to crash)
  • if you get an error when reading from a disc image (bin/cue), you don't get strange asserts
  • the test to see IF we should log is now thread safe (used to see strange results in log file)
  • if you try to reinterpret when you are sorted by a column that would change out from under you, you're not allowed
  • logging of QT movie opening is better
  • unzipper logging has correct string encoding (curly quotes)
  • "push meta data delay time" is clamped to between 1 and 20 seconds
  • Mac
    • fixed playback of WMV and KMA files (crash)
  • Windows
    • the "+" expando button in the Sources list can now be clicked even when the item is selected
    • fixed hang: attempting to open a bad zip file would hang forever
    • fixed crash: related to editing text
    • crash on quit when closing windows *may* be fixed (or we'll at least get a better log file)
    • fixed ability to launch updater on Windows XP

d52r45 April 13, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • FIXED: a bad crashing bug when setting meta on MPEG files. if there's an error, you now get a warning instead of sudden deathiness.
  • FIXED: a crash on quit bug where we could have accidentally created TWO file-deleter threads ("there can be only one")
  • FIXED: a crashing bug when trying to find a song from a CD in the library
  • spooler logging won't be split across (possibly dis-contiguous) multiple lines
  • if SafeSave fails, the log file will show the source and dest paths to make it easier to debug
  • more logging in the Tricera music store
  • if you changed metadata on a *movie* file then quickly quit before it had time to update, your changes are now always saved
  • when playing a *movie* file it is now either found in or copied to the cache. Copying may take an extra second to start playing. we do this so that if you THEN change the meta data on the file, that will succeed (you can't update meta on a movie file that is currently open)
  • thread IDs are now more robustly logged (especially cooperative threads)
  • YAY FOR ME: i can now see thread names in my debugger OMG that is so great you have no idea.
  • if you go to send a crash/log file, and there's a problem doing so, you're now notified, so you don't think "hey it musta worked"
  • Mac
    • now correctly logs the number of cores
    • password request dialog is now more clear that it is requesting your Computer's Login Password
  • Windows
    • fixed crasher relating to "bad subitem", but you'll now get an alert telling you to email me
    • weird crash on startup due to missing pic file, now has more logging (you're still gonna crash 'till i can actually FIND the bug)
    • fixed crash when drawing fonts (!)

d52r44 April 4 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • all log lines now show a thread ID that wrote the line, for easier tracing of interleaved messages
  • right-justified data items in the browser will now open the text edit for the full width of the field when editing
  • when purging files, we now guarantee that the purge won't be left hanging (causing the "waiting for tasks" to hang on quit)
  • should no longer crash when you're setting meta on an m4v file (you may get an assert)
  • Pro:
    • if you had the "Karaoke Locker" store turned on, it is turned off
    • when you turn on "Karaoke Locker", you get warned that it is for Home use only
  • Mac
    • Now using LLVM compiler. Theoretically this makes everything "faster".
    • logging is done thru CCFLog() always now (you should see no difference)
    • If you select a non-apple audio out device (eg: a MOTU) in the system prefs, kJams will no longer ignore it
    • PowerPC: really for real fixed kJams to NOT crash when drawing the browser window. sorry about that.
  • Windows
    • no longer logging that we can't find the trash folder, since it doesn't even exist
    • no longer crash on quit if you closed the video window
    • fixed off-by-one error in the Month of your credit card expiration date
    • file system errors are much more verbose, and include the referenced file

d52r43 March 30 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • fixed a crasher when playing the next song in a playlist
  • fixed PPC version, no idea why it wasn't launching, but it's fixed
  • bonjour logging is a little better
  • error logging is less redundundundant
  • you can again set keyboard shortcuts on the video camera list sub-menu
  • fixed the date-getter for testing if i should download a new copy of like a music store (was wrongly thinking there was no date)
  • now including CFLite debug databases in my build (this means that if there's a crash report that indicates a crash in CFLite, i'll know where to look)
  • ripping songs from a CD, if the name/artist/album had a slash in it, you no longer crash and/or lose data
  • Pro: if there was any problem starting up the web server, you no longer crash
  • when you try to buy the Burning plugin, you get a warning that you should test it first
  • if you have somehow deleted your "Export Name Template", kJams substitutes an "S" for it and warns you (in all cases now)
  • this fixes a bug where, if it was blank, and you used "file->export->entire playlist: all files", it used to just fail silently
  • Windows
    • Saving a playlist of a CD now goes faster
    • no longer crashing in the browser window (drag and drop, switching playlists)
    • slightly better file system error logging

d52r42 March 23, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • if FSFindFolder() fails, the log file says why
  • better logging if iconRef fails to load
  • holding the option key down when you "reveal prefs folder" will instead reveal the cache folder
  • the "Sharing" pref is now the "Server" pref, and you can specify max number of hits per search, removed "sharing" stuff
  • fixed spelling of "freedb submit" (was "freedb submmit")
  • updated all localizations with some new strings
  • web server is now stopped gracefully on quit
  • removed all warnings from code
  • kjams now prevents and warns you from purchasing / streaming any song while there are music stores downloading or installing (cuz it would crash otherwise)
  • FIXED: crash on quit, or: killing a background thread that was waiting on a semaphore no longer crashes
  • Mac:
    • KMA, WMA and WMV files no longer hang your machine
  • Windows
    • NEW: the Server is working!
    • NEW: the Sources list will now show "here" singers in bold italic
    • no longer crash on startup, or fail to start
    • Sometimes would say "QuickTime not installed" when it was: fixed
    • Crash reporter includes email address more correctly now
    • Any error that happens when initializing QuickTime is now reported
    • a CD in the Sources list will now show an "eject" button, which you can click
    • you will on longer get notifications that the "Burner Plugin" needs an update, cuz it's built in
    • the Sources list will flicker less (now double-buffered)
    • when dragging the pane splitter between sources and tracks, if you click the "dimple" (the little dot) it now works
    • when drag-and-dropping from tracks into sources, if you drag out of the source list, leaving the drag-hilited playlist still appearing hilited, when you let go, it will un-hilite as proper
    • all drawing in sources and tracks list is now done using custom code, no longer relying on OS for drawing
    • drag images for both sources and tracks list now look much better
    • disc burning errors may be more correctly reported, and will always show the number
    • icons in the Sources panel now draw correctly when font size is different. the kJams icon is higher rez!
    • the TriceraSoft store / streaming works again

d52r41 March 5, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • fixed that crasher! (at the end of a song, or if you right arrow, or when you "clear all tonight" or rebuild the rotation, or switch venues etc.
  • you are now required to enter your email address (for crash reporting)
  • Romanian has been updated
  • when you search on the kjams server, if you get too many results, instead of the message saying "Too many items in playlist" it now says "Your search criteria produced more than N results, Please narrow your search by entering more search terms"
  • if a remote server serves up a file of zero bytes, you now get "Network Host Failed to Provide Data" instead of "Network Timeout", which made no sense
  • Windows
  • Mac:
    • fixed the icons drawing over the scroll bars / header bar in the sources list

d52r40 March 2, 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • Windows:
    • NEW! When you export to, or set meta data on, an MPEG4 or 3gp file, the meta data tags are updated correctly (so now, when you add the file to iTunes, you can get all the meta data goodness)
  • if you select a bunch of songs, then edit one of the data fields in the browser window, the warning dialog will now let you pick if you want to cancel, apply it ONLY to the one you edited, or apply it to ALL the songs
  • fixed a bug where you edit some meta data and instead of sticking, it reverts to what it was before. i bet that drove you crazy, huh?
  • fixed a possible crashing bug when playing songs
  • you can now set a singer to "not here" with the check box, without crashing even!
  • playing a song or going to next song in the Rotation playlist no longer makes all the singers seem to disappear from the list
  • playing a song no longer crashes
  • ripping a song from a CD no longer crashes
  • track number is no longer stored in the xml file

d52r39 Feb 29 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • NEW! The TriceraSoft Streaming store is now LIVE! You can purchase time right in the preferences!
  • Trim start and end are now honored correctly for Movie files (non-audio+g files)
  • auto cue works for streaming songs
  • purchasing time at the Tricera streaming store: if you hit cancel then went back in, the top menu item would disappear. repeat several times and you'd probably crash.
  • added new meta tags for ShowScreens, you can now show the duration until and time of: 1) the end of the current rotation, 2) the end of all rotations
  • had reports of editing meta data not sticking (reverting), i THINK i fixed it. PLEASE report problems like that ASAP
  • the time shown at the bottom of the KJ Rotation no longer includes songs ABOVE the currently playing song
  • the time shown at the bottom of either Rotation no longer includes the time ALREADY PLAYED in the CURRENT song
  • kJams will now make a second attempt at pre-caching the next song, when the first song is past the Messenger Rotation time (about 3/4th the way thru the song). This catches the case where you change the order of songs after a song starts playing.
  • if you play a song directly from a music store, kjams does not pre-cache the next one, and also doesn't go to the next one after the song is done
  • KTP files could cause a hang, fixed
  • fixed yet another bad crasher in the networking code, could happen any time you stream or buy a song. fixed!
  • you will no longer get ASSERT(songStrP0) when you reinterpret names
  • fixed a crash in the Music Stores prefs panel
  • Mac
    • fixed the GetMediaInfo dialog
    • in the LCD window, the "time remaining" and "elapsed time" would render wrong in other languages
    • the one-click credit card settings dialog works again
    • in the one-click credit card settings dialog, the expiration date entry is now fool proof
    • dragging tracks list items that have an icon (like singers) no longer draws the icon in the wrong place
  • Windows
    • auto cue (skip silence at start) actually works correctly now
    • crash reporter now sends reports directly to me, no more need for email
  • showing all music store songs in the main library:
    • no longer crashes
    • actually works
    • if you try to stream a song that you already own, you'll play the one you own
    • if you try to play a song that must be bought that you already own, you'll play the one you own
    • if you play a music store song directly in the Library (stream or purchase), kJams will NOT pre-cache the next song

d52r38 Feb 25 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • Coming Soon! TriceraSoft™ Streaming Store! All SunFly, SBI, and and Abraxa tracks will be streamable!
  • NEW! your Trim start and end are now visible on the "LCD" timeline (red lines)
  • NEW! you can now PASTE blocks of meta data into kjams, holy shit!
  • the timing of the start and end of the song now always honor Trim start and end (for rewind, previous, next, showing the Rotation ShowScreen and Messenger message)
  • when burning a disc, there was a chance that your cache was empty enough but did not think so, causing the burn setup to fail. fixed
  • default cache size is 25 now, not 20
  • freedb prefs would always report success even if it was teh failz, this is now fixed
  • low level "file find or create" and "findfolder" has better logging
  • when logging a song name we now log if it comes from a music store and if it is a streaming song
  • if a stream times out you get a timeout error rather than a generic one
  • name, artist, and album are now also stored in the xml file, if any
  • UltraStar (SingStar) now supports files with the '*' token
  • low level error report logs now show error name in addition to number
  • pretty dates are localized (only used in TriceraSoft store for now)
  • when copying meta to clipboard on windows, we were adding an extra CR, so it went "CRCRLF" instead of just "CRLF" at the end of each line
  • TriceraSoft store: In prefs, you can now specify to NOT show Multiplex songs
  • downloading music stores: the progress bar updates with more info now, better, more informative
  • saving big playlists: the progress bar updates with more info now, better, more informative
  • when exporting actual song files, no longer export XML when you say not to
  • when copying meta to clipboard, all quotes were converted to curly, but previously i'd use OpenQuote on both side “like this“, instead of having a close quote on the end “like this”, fixed.
  • fixed some errors in HTTP handling, where a URL could get URLEncoded twice, or where previous errors were not cleared (causing an error for the next connection)
  • when adding a song to kJams, if it finds the video part but hasn't found the audio part yet, it will search for the audio part from least-compressed to most-compressed order. so if you have an AIFF and and MP3 version, it will find the AIFF part first.
  • Windows
    • if a CD has a lead in greater than 30 seconds, then it's NOT a CD, so don't show it
    • you can now export BIN/CUE files
    • you can now export original song files
    • fixed crashing bug assigning charvec to dictionary (this could happen any time! YIKE!)
    • prefs now edit prefs in place, and undo edits on cancel. (used to edit a copy, then save them on OK)
  • Mac
    • tracks browser item icons no longer draw in the wrong place

d52r37 Jan 30 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • string lookups should be a wee bit faster, you probably won't notice
  • plugin strings are now properly localized, for realz this time
  • no longer crash after asking for you password twice (no clue there)
  • if you agree to update the app or a plugin, then any other updates get postponed 'till next time, so they don't try to update all at once (then fail)
  • Chartbusters: Changed all "Customer ID" verbage to say "User ID" to match the CB web site
  • Windows
    • no longer says you have out of date version of Burner plugin
    • now includes Romanian localization
    • includes Server resources in prep for when it's done (getting there!)
  • Mac
    • Auto updater works again for both app and plugins

d52r36 Jan 27 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • music store email error reports now say Mac or Win
  • all ShowScreens are now localized
  • Producer will now report that your burn needs to be re-done if you try to burn a Producer project without the plugin, or that they'll burn with red X marks if you didn't buy the plugin
  • if you mount a BIN / CUE file as a CD, then delete or move the bin file, kJams now just gives a warning instead of crashing
  • when you mount a BIN / CUE file as a CD, then if you clear your cache, it no longer gets deleted!
  • Secret prefs now has it's own panel (hold option when showing prefs to see it)
  • Windows
    • The "Buy Song" draws correctly when you press it again
  • Mac
    • if you try to play a WMA or KMA file, and you do NOT have Flip4Mac installed, you get a warning, instead of a crash
    • you can now do cmd-opt-, to get to secret prefs
  • all items in the Help menu are now localized when in tryout, or in Lite
  • the "Comment" sort column will now be properly localized
  • wow i had totally busted Freedb, MusicBrainz and TrackType! they are now working again.
  • fixed several more bugs in Producer: post page gap, font stroke clipping, overlapping text (see secret prefs)
  • fixed a networking bug that showed up when i re-used a CNet object (as in freedb), where you'd get an assert
  • default timeout for web services is 2 minutes, not 30 seconds, which infuriated numerous people
  • wow ShowScreens (including "Who's Up Next" rotation) were pretty well busted too, OMG. Well, they're all working again.
  • you can now play MKV files (with Perian)

Burner 1.0f1, Producer 1.0b1, Jan 26 2012

  • all localizations done
  • by the way, the Karaoke Locker music store now works again

d52r35 Jan 19 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • Windows
    • Fixed ability to play WMA/KMA files. Wow, why did nobody tell me till now?
    • prefs items that should NOT be allowed in Lite have been removed
    • "buy song" buttons draw correctly as you press them (busted in december)
  • Mac
    • busted ability to set browser font size has been fixed (prefs->advanced)
    • Lite users had no way to set browser font size: fixed
  • Showscreens
    • Windows: have all been adjusted for fonts and font sizes, they all look good now
    • Windows: fixed CF_ASSERT("Bad font descriptor")
    • actually work again (they were pretty busted, including the "Who's up next" Rotation screen)
    • now work if you're NOT running in english (they are not yet localized, however)
    • stroked text works again
    • default font stroke size turned down from 3.25 to 2
    • right justified stroked text is now measured correctly
  • if a music store somehow got empty, you no longer get asked TWICE to update it, or asked to download it and you say no and it goes and downloads it anyway
  • all localizations updated again
  • "Current Cache Size:" now gets localized properly
  • new default pref "Confirm music store updates" is set to TRUE

d52r34 Jan 13 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • Windows:
    • upped the max "audio buffer" size to 25
    • if you edit a meta data string in the browser, and have multiple items selected, and it says "are you sure" and you press cancel, you don't crash. obviously.
    • if you try to turn on the web server it says that that feature is not done yet
  • quitting while a music store is loading should not crash now
  • new music store pref "confirm store updates"
  • if you turn on that new pref, then when there's a new music store update, it'll ask you if you WANT to update
  • if you get the "LAME out of date" or "LAME not installed" dialog, you don't crash! lovely.
  • Producer: you can now add a fade blob as the FIRST blob element in a song
  • Chartbuster ID must be a 5 digit number, you'll now be warned if it's not
  • web server string "If you performed a search" now spells "performed" correctly
  • prefs dialog no longer comes up the totally wrong vertical size

d52r33 Jan 5 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • Mac
    • fixed ability to play mpeg files (no more "spooler error: 250" or whatever)
  • fixed crash when adding / updating a music store
  • Dutch works now

d52r32 Jan 3 2012

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • the test of if you are in tryout mode and have too many items in a playlist broke, now fixed
  • another version of the above caused a crash, that too is fixed
  • if you run but quit real fast, or quit JUST after you set your "Chartbuster User ID" or "Tricera GiftPack", you would crash. This has been fixed
  • the "Initializing kJams" in the startup progress dialog is now localized
  • KJPro would cause a crash on startup, and sometimes at other times too. all fixed.
  • fixed the ASSERT(prevKey == key)
  • Windows
    • in the prefs->audio, you can now specify your audio buffer size (arbitrary units, 2 is short, 10 is long)

d52r31 Jan 2 2012, THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT!

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • VCD ripping is now available. note, must rip before playing, can NOT stream off the disc
  • in the "Karaoke Locker" store, the "transaction can not be processed" message now says your CC was declined, call your bank.
  • you can now export your karaoke files to QuickTime with transparency, if you set the Video window to transparent, and use an encoder set to millions+
  • startup is *slightly* more optimized when loading playlist items
  • fixed rare crash when playing a music store song
  • the "not enough ram" and "you have a PowerPC mac" warnings are now serialized
  • COMPLETED LOCALIZATIONS: Mandarin (Chinese Simplified), German, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Dutch! OMG!
  • the word "Tryout" is now localized
  • new QT Export option "Export with transparency", now an explicit option, NO LONGER related to whether the video window is transparent
  • the app titles "Pro" and "Lite" are NOT localized in the startup progress dialog
  • the warning that you changed prefs that need a restart now comes AFTER the main dialog has gone away (looks better)
  • prefs dialog is now a bit wider to accommodate the localizations
  • fixed a crash after rip bug, but did not solve the problem, the song will go missing
  • tried to fix a crash using KJPro and an empty string
  • possibly fixed a bug that could cause a crash when streaming songs
  • Mac
    • No longer crashes on startup on 10.4. by the way, time to upgrade guys!
  • Windows
    • disc burning gets a bit better logging and error reporting
    • many song files that could not be found before should now be able to be found automatically
    • editing text meta data in the browser is complete: sources list, escape key works, tab key works, cut copy paste, etc, changing font size works
    • paste into a text edit no longer sets the selection to way outside the text

d52r30 Dec 16, 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • Mac
    • fixed thicker line at top of browser window, under the sort column headers
  • Windows
    • Can now load meta data on songs with unicode characters in their file path
    • direct editing of text meta data items in the browser window. when tabbing, does not appear to update (but it will), escape key may not cancel, editing sources list may be busted
    • the "Reinterpret Names" dialog now draws the file names with unicode characters correctly, and also draws the placard box correctly
    • all text edits now have full unicode support
    • fixed an error in HTTP access that would cause a hang if the server was down or if you were just offline (crash on startup)
    • copy and paste was totally busted for unicode: fixed
  • did some secret work on ripping VCD discs. works on mac (but not hooked up), fails on windows
  • The Server now works in internationalized versions of kJams (ie: you can now add songs to Tonight)
  • kJams recovers the english name of singer playlists that were translated accidentally
  • hopefully fixed the assert about sortSpec
  • when using "file->export->entire playlist: all files", kJams now uses the "prefs->QuickTime->Export name template" to name the files, instead of "prefs->tags->conform song name" template. I know, it should be a popup in the prefs.
  • when building the Venues list, invisible files are now ignored
  • when you import files, kJams now forcibly sets your Library to sort by PLI to prevent the bug of trying to sort while changing meta data
  • clarified the "kJams does NOT copy the song files" message, when you use "Add to Library"
  • if your "kJams" folder is missing on startup, you can pick one temporarily and kJams will use it for that session, instead of crashing or going into an infinite loop about "do you want to find it"
  • if you pick any item from the Help menu with the option key down, kJams tests Growl instead of doing what you picked
  • the "Purchasd" meta data column now works in the Rotation playlists
  • in preferences->stores, you're no longer annoyingly warned every time you change something that only takes effect on the next startup, instead you're warned once after you dismiss the dialog
  • in preferences->stores, when you try to turn on "include music store songs in Library", you get warned that you probably don't know what you're doing
  • Added "25 fps" to QT Export menu for you PAL types. (sorry, 24 and 29.97 are not integer divisible by 300, which is currently a limitation)
  • Fixed MusicBrainz syntax error message
  • KTP files no longer revert to default font/style values in the "Get Media Info" dialog
  • with fresh prefs, it's now possible to set your email address in the prefs (would not take before!!)
  • when you add songs to the library, CDPedia will kick in as you expect, if you're using it.

d52r29 Nov 27, 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • during quit, the file deleter would stop working, now it keeps working
  • fixed the TriceraSoft store from always putting up a dialog saying there's a new update
  • fixed erroneous error message (about TriceraSoft gift pack) when attempting to purchase from Karaoke Locker
  • TEMPORARILY fixed Karaoke Locker by stripping out erroneous line feeds from their output.
  • fixed more problems with MediaStream lyric layout, prefs saving, Font popup in dialog
  • switching Audio Output device in Audio prefs is more reliable (and now actually WORKS on Windows)
  • songs somewhere in your kJams folder (when it has been moved) are now more likely to be found.
  • large font sizes now fully supported, mac and win. Also: new pref "Browser Font Size".
  • CAVS meta data now loads more reliably (including "songs.txt" now)
  • when pulling CAVS meta data into a song, the original CAVS song ID is now moved to the "Rendition" meta field so you can still search on it. Remember, "Rendition" is translated as "V" for "Version" when using interpretation templates.
  • mac version now works with latest (app store) Growl 1.3

d52r28 Nov 8 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • several more localization bugs fixed
  • new secret pref "push tags", you can turn off so kJams won't update meta data tags (but you do NOT want to turn that off)
  • in iJams / kJams Web Client, you can now search for "\*" to get the entire list. i think that may be a bad idea, but have at it.
  • fixed infinite hang if you close both video windows, then pick one of the video size menu items
  • Windows
    • Fixed QuickTime Export! You can now safely use the latest QuickTime
    • Fixed a crash if you tried to encode an audio file using QuickTime (mp3 was fine)
    • crash reporter window now has a nice icon (the kJams one, of course)
    • if crash reporter fails to load, you get notified, and kjams quits

d52r27 Nov 1 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win

  • fixed a dozen Internationalization / Localization problems.
  • re-laid out prefs dialog items for better international strings
  • startup and shutdown strings are now internationalizable
  • KJPro will now log the string it's looking up
  • fixed crashing bug in CFTest (not related to kJams)
  • fixed a crash if you triple click on a song, right after you played a different song
  • Producer
    • inspector and timeline windows are now guaranteed to be on screen (even if the screen has moved)
    • fixed an error where opening a song could hang forever
  • MediaStream
    • during creation (baking), when a page must push the previous page's last words back in time, it used to only push them back JUST enough to make room, but they would often not appear to sweep; now it pushes them back another 1/15th second to make sure they appear swept
    • can now use Sync-Slipping (used to be ignored or not applied reliably)
    • used to ignore the default colors / font. now they are honored.
    • when saving default colors / font (hold option when dismissing the "Get Media Info" dialog), you now get a confirmation that it happened, so you're not wondering
    • when dragging blobs, there is no longer an enforced unnecessary gap of 1 record between blobs

d52r26 Oct 27 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • QuickTime export has been revamped again, should work much more consistently on both platforms now.
  • exporting "only a short sample" will now fade audio and video in and out much more smoothly (now works on windows!)
  • you can now get info on a singer in the singer list or {in the rotation (unless there's a song attached)}
  • kJams was not correctly clearing out your Disc Burning cached files, now it is.
  • when you press the "clear cache" button, kJams will now ALSO clear disc burning cache (it wasn't ever doing that before, even when it worked)
  • when loading, no longer display ".xml" when we say we're loading a playlist
  • Pro: there is now a second video window. Use it with iDisplay. Note: you can NOT make this one transparent. let me know if you need that.
  • when you auto update, you now get told to just download it manually if it fails
  • log the creation of Ques
  • traversing a file system directory when the directory may be being changed used to cause errors and failure, this has been fixed
  • fixed yet another problem where kJams could inadvertently destroy an MP3 file by incorrectly updating the tags in the wrong way
  • when an online meta database (freedb, musicbrainz, tracktype) fails, you now get told which one failed in the dialog
  • when playing a new song, occasionally kJams would display one frame from the previous song, fixed
  • kJams no longer ALWAYS tries to use AtomicParsley to update meta. it now ONLY does so when QuickTime fails.
  • fixed a problem with kJams not cleaning up after itself when unzipping those oh-so-hard-to-unzip files
  • Producer: if you hold down the Option key while dismissing the "Get Media Info" dialog, kJams will save the font, size, and colors (sweep, fill, strokes) as the defaults for any new MediaStream files you create
  • when you press the "clear cache" button in the prefs, kJams will continuously update the "size used" field until it is zero, so you KNOW it's actually working.
  • sync slipping works reliably now
  • all Localizations have been cleaned up (not that the have more translations, just the strings are clean now)
  • you can now actually stream the free streaming songs from Chartbuster, if you don't have an account
  • Windows
    • if there's an error deleting a file, it is moved to the trash folder instead.
    • if you close a video window or the Activity window, you can get it back
    • kjams remembers whether the Activity window was open and where you put it
    • kjams remembers where you put the Prefs dialog
    • now remebers the CORRECT location of all windows (was moving them slightly every time)

d52r25 Oct 13 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • fixed that crash on startup. dam i hate that
  • kJams will now insert a newly added sort column to the left of the one you right-clicked on
  • kjams should never ask you to download the same music store twice
  • fixed a bug that would cause a crash if you deleted ALL columns from the browser. you can now do that (like, if you want) and ALSO be able to re-insert columns again
  • fixed a "file already open with write perms" and possible crash when playing a song if the next song has the same meta data
  • most localizations were broken, now fixed
  • fixed "pad movie export" it was producing messed up video
  • Producer
    • allows you to customize default text fill / stroke for text pages and sweeps, for single and multiple voices (Secret Prefs)
    • font size secret pref is now honored, rather than hard coding 24
  • Mac
    • found a case where your OGG/Vorbis file was getting corrupted when updating meta. now, if this happens, i throw out the attempted change and you get the "could not rename" warning
  • Windows
    • kJams no longer enables most QT Export types if you're using QT 7.7, you MUST use QT 7.6.9 instead, this is Apple's bug, and i asked for help and they told me to suck it. that means you have to downgrade to the earlier QuickTime here.
    • fixed crash when searching with Ctrl-F

d52r24 Oct 9 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • Mac
    • fix crash on startup related to asking for password
    • File deleter que is handled more cleanly, fixes rare crash on quit
    • opening the web server port 80 is now reported in logs
    • auth rules now have proper comment for admins
  • Windows
    • QT Export gets high resolution audio
    • export of anything but Animation / Lossless is an iffy prospect right now, sorry bout that, i'm working on it
    • if a progress dialog gets nowhere, it now updates the screen and shows the barber poles
    • if one of the online meta databases is down (eg: MusicBrainz) kjams will timeout on it (5 seconds) and just skip it
    • burning a disc won't say "you don't have enough room on your cache disk". wow, i can't believe nobody told me about that.
    • if you turn on high quality upscaling, kjams will still try to honor your timers (to update the messenger, the LCD window etc)
  • Producer: Get Media Info will now remember your font and stroke selections
  • if kJams can't trash files or use the temp folder, it will now tell you that it will malfunction
  • Chartbuster: you can now opt out of songs that don't have harmonies (Backing Vocals), or non-free streaming (so you get only songs you can pay for or that are free to stream)
  • at the end of QT export, the que count is decremented. when it gets to zero, then on the next export it will ask for the destination again. (cuz while there's songs in the export que, it'll just send the next export to the same destination)
  • on first startup, it will ask if you want the music stores
  • wee bit more and better logging of the log file when you're sending the log file

d52r23 Sept 27 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • QuickTime export:
    • now allows you to specify dimensions of video. you do this within the QuickTime encoder settings dialog
    • now allows you to specify frame rate of 15, 30 or 60. you must do this in the pref panel, the setting in the QT Encoder dialog is ignored
    • the old "Pad Movie Border" is now "Pad CDG Movie Border" and now ONLY applies to CDG movies. MediaStream movies never pad.
    • There is now an "H.264 HD" setting for the "MPEG-4" encoder
    • There is now an "Animation / Lossless HD" setting for the "QuickTime Movie" encoder
    • settings for the popup menus are now correctly loaded (ie: actually remembered) on startup
  • Producer
    • the "Get Media Info" dialog is all expanded with new stuff, and it works
    • the "Bake" button has moved over, become a menu, and now has more interesting things in it
    • "Get Media Info" works all the time (even via keyboard shortcut, even when song is not selected)
    • there's a "16x9 aspect ratio" checkbox. all it does is make your video window use that aspect via the video menu.
    • fixed several font layout problems in building mediastreams
    • ShowScreens with non-alpha characters at the start now sort correctly when in Producer
  • Mac
    • the authorization dialogs will ask for your permission a couple more times, and then STOP ASKING forevermore. boy they were just annoying!
    • the keychain now works properly all the time (ie: remembers your settings always)
    • fixed crash on PPC if you use "High Quality Upscaling"
    • "High Quality Upscaling" is now OFF by default, it's slow
  • Windows
    • burning with Pitch Bending works without crashing
  • for "auto cue" which is "skip silence at start of song", it used to find the first sample, then rewind (roll back) 1/4 second. i've now set it to rewind 1/10th second instead. and it's a secret pref you can change "Auto Cue rollback (seconds)"
  • you can now rename singer nicknames directly in the Rotation playlist
  • when you put in a CD it no longer causes the song graphics to stutter
  • "Despicable Me" was hilarious. IT'S SO FLUFFY!
  • if you have songs from the stores in your Library, and you put one in a playlist, you don't crash when it goes to play
  • if you try to buy songs from multiple stores at the same time, you're not allowed
  • if there's a problem with a song purchase, kjams no longer hangs for 2 minutes waiting for the song that will never arrive
  • no longer crash if you show the "store name" column in the rotation playlist
  • old ShowScreens that had the kJams logo in it that got broken before now work again

d52r22 Sept 20 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • CDG Graphics are now smoothed using Hq4x
  • when downloading something in the Activit window, it is no longer brought to the front if you're in full screen mode
  • if you have "Include Music Store songs in Library Playlist", then kJams will ask for your creds at startup, so it doesn't have to interrupt a playing song later.
  • Pro
    • Video menu no longer leaves the first showscreen forever checked after the first time you use it
    • implemented a second video window, not hooked up yet.
    • fixed a crash on startup related to building the venues menu
  • Windows
    • fixed all dynamic menus so they work again (venues, video etc)

d52r21 Sept 16 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • Mac
    • the dam scrollbars really actually DO work for real now. no longer jumping out from under you when you drag reorder or something
    • some prefs were not being set / remembered (text edits mostly), fixed!
  • tool tip is now on Comment and Publisher
  • fixed errors with "zip file is busy with another process" problems when showing the BitRate column
  • oh, and the BitRate column actually works fine now, no longer makes you all insane slow. (doesn't work on some file types, says Zero)
  • BitRate works on VBR MP3 files
  • fixed a deadlock (hang) when unzipping a file could cause the file to be saved
  • music store xml files are all deleted when you turn off the main music store pref, so IDs don't conflict
  • Global Sync Slip is now shown at the bottom of the window
  • on SOME systems, playing an MPEG2 file would play the audio fine but the video would get jammed on the first few frames, fixed.
  • MPEG files that SAY they are 240p are now treated as 480p, cuz they lie.

d52r20 Sept 14 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • you can add "Singer Nickname" to a singer now. did i say that already? i thought i did.
  • the "Singer" and "Singer Nickname" columns now have tool tips showing the opposite column's info. isn't that nice?
  • the TriceraSoft store now shows your remaining Gift Pack credits in the prefs
  • kJams no longer asks if you want to check to see if there's an update for a music store. we assume if you've got the store checked, you WANT the updates. probly should ask you if you want to update if it DOES find an update. *sigh*. we'll get it right eventually.
  • "strange situation" and "process busy with zip file" dialogs are now serialized and won't stack up
  • did a lot of work on the "N Songs per Singer per Rotation". but crap, it's hard. kJams really was hard-coded for 1 song, there's a lot of threads that unravel if you make it variable. so: not done yet, on the back burner
  • Several destructive dialogs had the OK button on the right and Cancel (default) on the left. i've switched them to be more consistent.
  • fixed a crash when doing "add to library"
  • if you turn off a music store, it's file is deleted next time you run, cuz the IDs will be out of date the instant you add a song or update a different music store
  • fixed some bugs in the BitRate code that would cause a crash. but it's still way slow to turn it on. i'll fix it.
  • Mac:
    • fixed a crash on quit if you were editing text
    • fixed the dam scrollbars!
    • there's a shortcut now on "web cam video underlay"
  • Windows
    • there's a keyboard shortcut on "Reveal in Explorer"
    • Tool tip thing above? it only works when the column you hover over is the FIRST column on the left, and only if it was there when the columns were built (ie: not if you move it there). This is a stupid API limitation of Windows. they say "you can ask for whatever column you want, but the only one that will work is zero". how convenient.
    • did a bunch more work on the ability to edit meta data text items in the browser window. it's coming along, i hope to get it done for the next release

d52r19 Aug 30 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • "Copyright" and "Comment" meta data are now multiline when editing within the browser
  • fixed a QT Export bug that would crash when exporting any mediastream file
  • new "Bit Rate" meta data column
  • "reveal item" no longer scrolls you off the top or bottom of the list
  • if you do [advanced->special->update "no lyrics" meta data], kjams will ask if you mean it
  • a Singer can now have a Nickname, which if set, will be shown instead of their real name.
  • fixed a ripping error where if you ejected the disc right after a rip it would crash
  • Producer Templates are now hidden from the Video menu, and only show when you are in Producer (much cleaner!)
  • song comments now show up in singer lists
  • when pre-fetching the next song, if the next song is missing, i delay the "do you want to find it?" dialog until after the next song starts playing. This is handy if you have "pause between tracks" turned on. note: it will abort asking entirely if you stop the song, or quit, obviously.
  • Mac
    • the "Show Video Underlay" menu item now has a sub-menu where you can pick which camera
  • Producer (Mac)
    • now reads SunFly .fly files
    • when you "Save Over" the first time, it remembers which one you're working on (and shows it checked), so Command-S works to save from then on, until you move the time marker
    • you can create keyboard shortcuts for your ShowScreens
    • when you show a showscreen, kjams auto-saves
    • the above features enable quick editing of ShowScreens
    • graphics that are transparent now show black background instead of white
    • text elements that are tall enough to show more than one line are now multiline
    • inspector now allows you to specify that a text element has an outline (stroke over fill)
  • Windows
    • the video window can be hidden AND SHOWN AGAIN (wow!)
    • fixed burning, jeez, why does nobody TELL ME these things are busted? *sigh*
    • if when burning there is a *source* CDG record that is bad, then the burn verify won't fail when comparing that record, since it is bad anyway it is jut skipped
    • if you get an error during burning, you no longer crash.
    • people with 4GB of RAM should no longer get the message that they don't have 4GB of RAM
    • if you don't verify a burn, you get told that you didn't verify, when the burn is successful
    • if you choose to verify a burn, you have 50 seconds to reinsert the CD after the burn completes, with a countdown
    • if the burn fails, you don't get told that it succeeded (duh!)

d52r18 Aug 23 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • when sorting by a column, if you had a selection, the first item will be centered in the screen after the sort
  • when changing the direction of a sort, the above happens, plus this change is remembered
  • AMEX is now expressly denied in the Chartbuster store
  • we now track Chartbuster passes, and the difference between a purchase and a stream
  • the RAM warning now just always applies, not just for > 15k songs any more
  • you can now delete venues with special characters (like "*")
  • i actually worked on "Search Paths" for a while
  • picking "Video Window" from the window menu, when it's already showing, will hide it
  • Mac
    • "Reveal Item" actually works when it is > about 1800th item
    • would under certain circumstances always say "couldntGetRequiredComponent", this has been fixed
    • if you send a Quit apple event when a dialog is up, the "cancel" action is performed on the dialog, then we quit
  • Windows
    • creating the first new singer will no longer appear to create 2 singers

d52r17 Aug 10 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • fixed ripping from BIN/CUE disc images (would hang)
  • fixed ripping and sorting in general (i broke it, it would hang)
  • fixed re-ripping (would always create new copy, rather than replacing)

d52r16 Aug 9 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • all main thread callbacks are serialized now. i think i hope this fixes a long standing bug that would cause random crashes, usually when a dialog comes up but not always, and sometimes related to sorting or browser window updating
  • fixed VERY long standing bug where some main thread callback procs would never complete and be deleted (they were leaked)
  • you can now set an empty string for the secret pref "Messenger Rotation Template", and the messenger rotation will only say singer names, not songs
  • on a slow network, streaming would fail. this has been fixed!
  • when pre-caching the next song, if it's a MIDI you no longer get the warning
  • fixed a theoretical bug where a thread completion would never be called if it's operator threw an exception
  • cleaned up thread que deletion logging
  • new secret pref "Messenger Y Position" lets you position your messenger messages vertically
  • more logging around the QT export component instance acquisition
  • if the web server is down, any web client threads just do nothing, rather than crashing
  • some CDG or MP3 files had their executable bits set. now i ignore these (won't ask for permission any more)
  • new prefs ability for me: i can now just add a checkbox or text edit in the resources, and not have to write any code to hook it into prefs
  • Mac Lite version: prefs window now works properly for all panels. may jump twice when resizing itself, but it works.

d52r15 Aug 5 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • cleaned up the whole "you must enter your email address" fiasco, i hope it's done now
  • if there somehow IS NO current playlist when streaming a song, kjams doesn't play the song (how could it?) instead of crashing
  • cancel button is now on the left for all dialogs (right on windows??)
  • if QT export was going to fail, it just fails and tells you, rather than crashing
  • logging what QT exporter is being used
  • Mac
    • prefs->stores was destroyed, fixed now
    • the password dialog gets shown from within kJams if we can help it, rather than from the helper tool
    • if you hold the option key when turning on the server on port 80, it will call "destroy rights" on the auth tool
    • prefs window width is corrected if it was wrong
    • crash report email subject line has better description

d52r14 Aug 4 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • CB music store warnings that referred to "Customer ID" now say "User ID" for consistency
  • in the Rotation, in certain situations, you'd get the "song no longer available" message when it didn't actually apply, this is fixed
  • in the QuickTime prefs (import/export) kJams would not handle special characters correctly, now it does
  • media stream files that save colors (like for text and sweep text) now actually remember their colors. i don't see how this ever worked. but it does now.
  • fixed the music store song "buy" button, *AGAIN*, but it only broke when next to a "stream" button
  • the warning you get when streaming a song that you need to enter your email address? it now takes you to an "email address" screen in stead of the credit card screen
  • new preset playlist->corrupted zip files: now works, i think, use at your own risk, may TAKE FOREVER
  • fixed ASSERT(songP) when a song from the music store is not there
  • QT Exports left over in the cache are cleared out on startup
  • Mac
    • Fixed QuickTime Export / Encoding with MPEG-4!!!
    • you can now for real open your web server on port 80
    • no longer support for MIDI files. they now always launch an external player
    • no longer using Resource file to get color palette for drawing Producer colors, now uses XML file
    • No longer logging the authorization dictionaries
    • if eSellerate would not install due to permissions problem, we now ask for authorization, and install it anyway
    • When trashing files or folders, if there was a permissions problem, we now ask for auth, then delete it
    • perhaps i fixed the incessant asking for password
    • fixed ability to *rip discs*, not that anyone noticed or anything
  • Win:
    • General prefs: the "stop at end of playlist" pref no longer controls the "pre-cache" pref
    • Audio Sleep time in pref is now honored, was using wrong value
    • during startup if an error dialog must come up, kjams waits until fully loaded before showing. used to crash.

d52r13 July 26 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • Mac:
    • The auto updater works on Lion now. But it's the chicken vs. egg problem, the one you have now doesn't work, so you have to manually update, THEN it will work after that.
    • on startup, when updating the plugins, no longer get the "afpAccessDenied" message, instead, it asks for your password and forces it to work
    • fixed another "afpAccessDenied" problem when your "Trash" folder has messed up permissions
    • attempted to enable the Server to be put on port 80, dunno doesn't seem to work
  • fixed a crash in the browser window if you show the "Price" column on a list that doesn't have songs (like the rotation when a singer runs out of songs)
  • when you burn a disc, then it the new gets mounted, the meta data now shows up correctly
  • actually finding meta data for a dics was messed up again in general, now fixed
  • TriceraSoft has added "Music Maestro", you get a message about that
  • double clicking a music store name in the tracks list no longer crashes
  • kJams is more officially a product of RoseCrux Software, and is © 2011 (in the plist file)
  • when sorting by "Publisher", it now sub-sorts by song name

d52r12 July 22 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • when ripping, if there are errors near the start or end of the disc, they are ignored, so you can still rip discs that were poorly mastered, also more logging
  • Mac: PowerPC users: you get a warning once a month until you get a new computer. it's time. bury the dead horse.
  • in the last update, i broke the "find matching song" routine (not related to Search), this caused problems in a few places, like when you re-rip the song would be duplicated, or just ripping and songs would *disappear* off the CD, then give an error when the CD got "empty", or when you rebuild your library, or re-encode a song, or when purging the cache. all these cases are fixed.
  • Mac: when you send a crash report or log file, it will tell me the version number in the subject line
  • if there's an error exporting to QT or audio encoding to QT, you get an error message, how about that?

d52r11 July 21 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • for song pre-cacheing, the "get next song" routine now uses the one shared by the Rotation and "Who's Up Next" screen, so it always fetches the correct song, even when some "Here" singers have no songs in their "Tonight"
  • if you submit to freedb and it works, you now get a "success" message so you know something happened
  • you can now copy and paste "column layouts" from playlist to playlist (what columns are showing, and what order)
  • AutoCue (skip silence at start of song) now actually works reliably always
  • fixed a crash when trying to just log info about a music store purchase
  • no longer assert-fail-crash when using streaming songs in the Rotation
  • when you double click a Chartbuster song IN the store, it will stream if you have a streaming pass, else it will play the preview.
  • when you double click a Chartbuster song in any other playlist, if you do NOT have a streaming pass it will tell you that you need one
  • "FindMatchingSong()" is now thread safe. ie: no more assert fail when playing purchased songs in the rotation that you have already bought
  • if eSellerate can't install, you get notified about it, and a possible solution.
  • Mac:
    • works on Lion
    • The AppleRemote works much better now
  • Windows:
    • fixed a stealth-hang when you put in a disc and kJams does NOT need to fetch info from freedb. would cause ripping failure and inability to quit
    • a playlist is no longer marked dirty just by selecting a song
    • when ripping a disc, if there is no error but the "read" comes back different from requested, i log it instead of aborting. this means you can probably rip again just fine
    • Get Info on a disc: the "genre" drop-down is now wide enough to see what's in it
    • meta info for CDs was saved, but always ignored when you stuck the disc back in. no longer ignored, your data will come back!

d52r10 July 15 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • timeout for pre-caching a downloaded/streamed song is 2 minutes (up from 20 seconds)
  • if there is a problem cacheing the next song, kjams doesn't crash (well yay on that)
  • when showing a warning about "corrupted MP3 files" or "renaming songs", kJams no longer shows the dialog immediately, rather it posts it for later. this prevents a particular problem of recursion. problem is bandaided, not solved, but now i know what the problem is and what to do.
  • when running a Rotation, when you're on the LAST singer of the rotation, the pre-cacher would cache the wrong song
  • no longer setting the Library playlist to sort by PLI when importing
  • no longer assert-crash if there are push-tasks on startup
  • Windows: the music store dialog, when clicking certain options you now get the "this takes effect when..." warnings

d52r9 July 14 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • in the Karaoke Locker store, if, when re-loading, there's an error, in stead of just bailing, we now show what part of the store DID get loaded
  • in Music Store prefs, you can now pick which stores you want to load individually.
  • sorting has a more robust mutex on it, you should not see sort violation problems
  • meta dictionary getting should be more robust. can't pull it more than once.
  • new preference in advanced prefs panel: Log Networking
  • logging memory, networking, and threads: none shall pass if "all" logging is off
  • had broken version checking since moving to DropBox (from MobileMe), now fixed
  • in music store prefs->chartbuster: if you enter a streaming tier that must be used in the version of kJams that you're NOT using, you get a red warning
  • error dialogs are now serialized along with all the other dialogs that may pop up
  • Chartbuster pref: you now have the option to turn on/off the "Expensive Songs" pref (special licensing songs)
  • Feature: kJams can now, optionally (general pref) pre-cache the next song while the current one is playing
  • it is now less likely the sorting in the Library will get out of date or mixed up
  • Feature: you can now optionally see your enabled music store songs in the Library. that means you can search in one place to search your library and all music stores
  • the "Store" meta column now works in all playlists
  • "Track Number" can now go > 32767
  • The store stream start timeout is now 20 seconds instead of 10
  • more French!
  • the "cache next song" stream / download timeout is 20 seconds. crap, it should probably be like 2 minutes. oopsie.
  • scripting commands are now logged by name rather than number
  • fixed an annoyance where kjams would report "no new version available" on startup
  • you can now gracefully click the stop sign during a download / stream
  • editing text data in the browser, then pressing TAB no longer crashes
  • Windows
    • renaming a source (left pane) will again update immediately
    • the progress dialogs no longer flicker like mad
    • fixed an error where kJams would say "error reading sector ###" when ripping, for some drives
    • if a temp file / folder with the same name exists when we go to create it, we create one with a different name, rather than failing
    • the version number in the icon / "add remove programs" is now correct

d52r8 July 1 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • turned off logging of the CD Table of Contents
  • You can now use American Express in the CB music store
  • The Tricera music store has a nice update
  • editing text items in the browser no longer shows the edit box in the upper left, vertically tall
  • Windows
    • In the music stores, the "buy song" and "stream" buttons actually work again
    • no longer crashes trying to mount discs
    • now gives "paramErr" instead of "your drive is not compatible" or "your disc is scratched" for those discs which don't want to be read

d52r7 June 29 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • fixed wicked slowness. symptom: when downloading the Tricera store and showing a large library with "Date Added" field showing, kJams would slow to a crawl.
  • when streaming a song, kJams no longer creates a folder for the song in your "kJams Music" folder
  • if you are instructed to "reload" a music store, you're also given instructions.
  • fixed a crashing bug when sorting or updating meta data (push / pull / reinterpret)
  • if we've pulled the xml meta, we don't pull it again (unless it gets set to not-pulled again) (another source of slowness)
  • fixed a lame "songs gone missing" bug, now actually finds them! (only certain cases of spaces missing around dashes)
  • logging "posting to main thread: update pli" to trace slowness
  • when meta data changes, i only update those playlists which actually show that meta data column (another slowness)
  • music stores are checked for updates even if you have "Check for kJams Updates" turned off (but not if you have music stores turned off)
  • no longer logging ID3 tags
  • network logging is now controlled by the secret pref "Log Networking"
  • no longer logging "i_download_sizeL.Get() != 0" a zillion times per download
  • CD TOC (Table of Contents) data is logged more verbosely (i forgot to turn it off)
  • Chartbuster
    • the songs that have Special Licensing can now be bought
    • if you try to buy a "special" song, you get a clear warning
  • Mac:
    • DiscIDs were calculated wrongly for discs that were incorrectly mastered (where the CD TOC times does not match the Track times). This has been fixed. You will now be able to get freedb info for more incorrectly mastered discs. Your old, wrongly named meta data files (in the "kJams CDs" folder) will be correctly renamed if you stick in the disc.
  • Windows:
    • fixed wicked slowness. symptom: when the screen had to update, kJams would update everything in the database, rather than just what's on screen
    • in tracks browser, popup strings draw in the correct color when the song is selected
    • CD+G discs that have multiple sessions *to prevent copying* can now be read by kJams. They show up in Explorer as being empty discs. But kJams sees right thru that charade now. Dicks.
    • keyboard shortcuts work again

d52r6 June 21 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • we're now using dropbox instead of dotMac (mobileMe)
  • tasks no longer say "Error Corrected / De-interleaved" cuz who cares right? it's too technical and confusing for newbs
  • now we log the error and the path if creating a file fails
  • kjams now ensures your zip code is at least five digits, adding zeroes to the front if necessary
  • Activity window no longer draws when quitting (fix crashing bug)
  • if updating an MP3 file causes an error, we no longer crash, just report it
  • Chartbuster
    • no longer using HTTPS just to verify a UserID, since their cert is still messed up
    • bug was: if you streamed a song, then bought it, you'd end up with the encrypted song (which wouldn't play correctly). fixed.
    • in prefs, "Customer ID" is now "User ID" to avoid confusion
  • Windows
    • strings get nice "…" truncation in the browser
    • all popup menus in the browser work, draw nicely even on XP (with multi select)
    • Switchable Albums works, Switchable Songs works!
    • Check boxes draw / function in the browser (with multi select)
    • Ratings draw / function in the browser (operates on single song only)
    • price buttons draw much better
    • disabled properties can't be clicked upon
    • fixed drawing rectangles in the browser for "column zero", which was messed up in a few ways
    • fixed an assert fail when editing credit card (one click) settings on XP

d52r5 June 17 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • Windows: if your disc player works, but you get a scratched track so the rip fails, kJams will say "scratched disc" rather than "your drive doesn't work"
  • Chartbuster: fixed the "Invalid Session/Key" bug
  • no more millions of "i_download_sizeL.Get() == 0" in the log file

d52r4 June 17 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • if you try to buy/stream a song from Chartbusters that is no longer available, you just get told to reload your music store and try again
  • fixed a crash when clicking in the browser window
  • no longer crash if you attempt to stream a song when you haven't entered your email address into the One Click Settings dialog, you now get told nicely to please fill it in
  • if you ran pro then decided on Lite it no longer asks you every flippin time to upgrade to pro
  • KTP files now honor the Time Offset in the Get Media Info dialog
  • Windows
    • fixed an assert fail when streaming songs
    • fixed a very very slowness problem when streaming
    • the "Stream" buttons now actually say "Stream" instead of "Buy" (sheesh!)

d52r3 June 15 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • fast searching now updates the index when you change meta data
  • when loading a project, if you have a song that would have done an "ASSERT osType <= 0x0F", then that song simply doesn't load
  • freedb works again (and the other two as well) no longer just hanging forever
  • freedb now has better logging, and gives an error message (rather than blank) if there's a timeout
  • OMFG kJams totally BROKE writing ID3 tags to your MP3 files since d51r38 !!!! JEEEZ! You need to push meta on any files you've edited since then. YIKES!
  • if you've a zip file that contains "._" files inside it (meta data from OSX written to a non-HFS+ file system), then kJams would not be able to find the *real* files, now it can.
  • files unzipped by kJams no longer have em-dashes in them that aren't there on purpose
  • in your OneClick settings dialog, you can now add or remove a zero from the start of the zip code and it will actually TAKE!
  • delayed progress dialogs now only wait 1 second instead of 4 before showing
  • Mac
    • progress dialogs that should delay before showing now actually delay on mac (was always working on windows).
  • Windows
    • Drag and drop works again (drag image is totally lame however)

d52r2 June 12 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • when quitting, you won't get an assert dialog, if there's a problem it will just be logged
  • when right-clicking on a streaming music store song for "add to singer", it will now just add it to the singer
  • it's now totally impossible to use "fake" music stores in the release version
  • if you're just streaming a song, MacOS won't ask for your keychain credentials
  • fixed a bug where playing a streaming song and using "skip silence at start of song" could cause the audio to play but only the first screen of video
  • log file should no longer EVER show your credit card number (!!!)
  • if there's an exception throw during startup when trying to tell if another copy is already running, we don't crash
  • zooming the graphics window no longer force-saves the prefs right then and there, instead it is marked as dirty and is saved later
  • no longer crashing when showing the prefs export panel (windows)

d52r1 June 8 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • fixed: you could not switch to a venue that had a special char (like "*" for instance)
  • if you add a singer when the venue is twirled up, it gets twirled down
  • if *my* server is out of reach, kJams can still auto-ask to update the music stores
  • fixed that assert fail when trying to edit a singer's name
  • "Help->What's New" now goes to this page
  • Windows
    • now remembers twirl (disclosure) state of music stores and singers

d52r0 June 7 2011

Lite Mac, Pro Mac, Lite Win, Pro Win <-- does not include changes ABOVE this line

  • Windows
    • Label colors now draw a little bit (not everywhere), but you still can't actually *SET* label colors (coming soon!)
    • Label colors can now be set for a selection in the browser window
    • Popups can now be set for a selection in the browser window
    • all browser items go thru the "custom draw" routine now (!) (ratings and check boxes next!)
    • System speed (GHz) is now correctly logged
  • when you select multiple items and change a popup value in the browser (including label color), it will ask if you want to set them all to the popup string name (obvious), rather than the popup item index number (not obvious)
  • if you got the "hey one of my music stores is empty!" problem, kJams will now automatically ask you if you want to reload it
  • if you switch venues while a song is playing in a playlist that then disappears (like the rotation), then you won't crash after the song is done
  • you can now search the Label field ("Label:0" will find unlabeled songs etc)
  • attempting to post an alert during quit (after the alert que has been deleted) will instead just log it.
  • converting to SQL "Fast Searching" now gives a "time estimate" countdown that is at least within the ballpark now
  • CAVS Meta data now supports "songlist.txt" format, and no longer adds commas to the end of song names and artists
  • fixed Producer to NOT crash when in tryout mode
  • "Ignore CDG Errors" pref is no longer available. you can't ignore them.
  • "Update search results as you type" is really shut off now
  • if you hold option when showing prefs to reveal hidden prefs, you get a beep to warn you
  • Mac: fake music store pref is no longer available as a hidden pref
  • if a music store goes empty it will auto-ask to reload
  • OMG Chartbuster Music Store! ~4k songs for download, ~10k for streaming, multiple versions of each song with different features
  • music stores list doesn't draw store name over the icon
  • LCD window no longer shows current time twice