Songs.ktd [Backups] Folder

Feel free to post bug reports here. I need exact, detailed steps showing me how I can re-create the bug on my machine, so give as much info and detail as possible.
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Re: Songs.ktd [Backups] Folder

Post by dave »

would I be correct in assuming that when you close Kjams at the end of the show - that the databases are failing to save properly?
kJams saves the database whenever something changes. so it's not necessarily "at the end of the night", but yes, it does seem to be the last save done, OR something gets mucked the NEXT time you run, right at the start. still haven't figured it out yet.

the backups thing is just a stop-gap, i hope that once i fix this bug that it will not be needed again (but i won't get rid of it, of course)

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Re: Songs.ktd [Backups] Folder

Post by DeusExMachina »

So in both the present and future cases, wouldn't two (or X) last saved backups be enough?

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Re: Songs.ktd [Backups] Folder

Post by dave »

no, because what if both of those backups are corrupted?

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Re: Songs.ktd [Backups] Folder

Post by DeusExMachina »

Well, my first question would be how would three copies of the db get corrupted (the current one and two back ups) in the current scenario? Seems only the current db file is at issue in this current scenario.
My second question would be, wouldn't there be a value x such that one skirts around the issue? If not, then a user is confronted with three equally bad choices: 1) await the inevitable destruction, since no amount of backing up will save them or 2) await the inevitable time when their HDD fills to capacity, or 3) manually delete some of the back ups to free up disk space, thus hastening #1.

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Re: Songs.ktd [Backups] Folder

Post by dave »

if the DB is corrupt, then you save again, get ANOTHER corrupt database, then your recent backup is corrupt. save again with ANOTHER corrupt one, and your last TWO backups are corrupt.

kjams prunes backups automatically, saving all of them for the past day, once a day for the past week, once a week for the past month, once a month for the past year.

i don't know what you mean by "value x"

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Re: Songs.ktd [Backups] Folder

Post by DeusExMachina »

X would equal the maximum number of backup files before the earliest one was overwritten. FIFO.

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Re: Songs.ktd [Backups] Folder

Post by dave »

well, that question is moot given the timed pruning which is now implemented

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