wtkJams Classic

All about the iOS / Android / Web / Other apps that can be used with kJams! Questions, bug reports, feature requests!
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Re: wtkJams Classic

Post by djunod »

Once we get the "Cloud" feature completed, wtkJams will use the SQLite3 songbook database to perform the search locally. There will be no hit to the Server.

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Re: wtkJams Classic

Post by rmanke »

Great idea, thanks!

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Re: wtkJams Classic

Post by rmanke »

DeusExMachina wrote:That too, though only if I have a rotation or show screen up. I get around it by first toggling the screen before playing the track.
Can you toggle it when the problem is happening to make it go away?

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Re: wtkJams Classic

Post by DeusExMachina »

Doesn't the "Rating" metadata field already give you what you want?

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Re: wtkJams Classic

Post by DeusExMachina »

Once we get the "Cloud" feature completed, wtkJams will use the SQLite3 songbook database to perform the search locally. There will be no hit to the Server.
And with that, you can disregard 50% of my last e-mail message to you! :)

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Re: wtkJams Classic

Post by DeusExMachina »

Can you toggle it when the problem is happening to make it go away?
Nope, unfortunately when it is happening, it is due to a processor allocation issues, and your "toggle request" just gets added to the queue. So what ends up happening is this:

You hit play
Song audio immediately plays
kJams queues up other "to do" stuff, including crossfading the video.
Some item(s) of that "other stuff" bogs kJams down, so…
rotation screen stays put (until kJams "gets around to" fading it).
You give the command to toggle the screen.
kJams adds that to the event queue
kJams gets to its own command to cross fade screen
Screen starts to fade back to the lyrics
kJams gets to YOUR request to toggle the screen
kJams crossfades the lyrics right back off again and the ShowScreen/Rotation back on.

You're now right back where you started!

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Re: wtkJams Classic

Post by rmanke »

That makes sense... I guess. I thought the video and audio would be prioritized over everything else.

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Re: wtkJams Classic

Post by DeusExMachina »

They are, but each has many sub components to deal with, and while kJams is dealing with one aspect, certain others get side tracked. Overall, the best thing for this circumstance is to start the crossfade prior to any playback, but that has its own issues.
But Dave can say far more than I about all that.
Last edited by DeusExMachina on Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: wtkJams Classic

Post by dave »

the "video" is just the output of the song file's video stream, and that is handled at high priority. not the overlays (ShowScreens and Messenger). the overlays are considered part of the GUI, so get handled with GUI priority. not to mention that the keyboard shortcuts are also considered GUI.

currently the overlay compositing must be done on the main thread (same thread as the GUI). one day, when i no longer require QuickDraw stuff, i can move compositing onto a back thread, then i can move the overlays to the back thread too, and they will then get the "high priority" treatment that the video stream itself gets.

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