General Feature Requests / Feedback

Is kJams missing a feature you need? Post it here! Note: if iTunes has it but kJams doesn't, it's a good bet kJams will have it, but that I just haven't gotten around to it yet. But go ahead and request it anyway!
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General Feature Requests / Feedback

Post by fishmongr »

Here are some of my feature requests / feedback. I know some have been requested before, some are under development, unrealistic, low-priority, etc.
I appreciate the tremendous work that went into kJams so far and feel like these would be some amazing updates (in no particular order):

-key based "find" when main list has focus (based on sort row, typing E while sorted by artists would select the first E artist, tying "E-a-g" would select the first Eagles song)
-a separate box above the main list with artist / album / genre columns (especially artist) like iTunes
-File Menu -> Advanced -> "Artist name Last, First" is very handy but like iTunes I much prefer "Arist name First Last", would be great to have as an option as I am manually meticulously renaming my library this way right now
-faster searching (I've read moving to SQL is on the to-do list, curious to what the priority or timeframe is on this?)
-renaming / updating meta data should be part of the undo/redo history
-option to move songs into the library when deleting
-option to delete original files when deleting from library
-it seams you can configure the amount of time to wait when applying tags / auto pushing meta changes but not the wait for tags to be auto pulled when importing (it seams to take wait upwards of 5 seconds? Would be cool to configure this)
-music store prompt will appear on every startup unless you accept. No way to disable music stores once they are enabled
-mic input effects. currently I am using Garage Band for this but it would be amazing to tie certain effects to certain songs automatically
-support for transparent lyrics window or specifying a folder of videos to play randomly in the background behind the lyrics window
-icon or list state for if media is currently playing

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Re: General Feature Requests / Feedback

Post by dave »

* type to select: i used to have that turned on, now it's off and i can't figure out how to get it back on. i think i turned it off because the space bar plays songs. so if you type "a star", the moment you hit the space bar, the current song will stop or a song will start. i suppose it could be that you MUST chose between "spacebar play" and "type to select"
* yes i know, eventually but probably not for 1.0
* what it is actually doing is "swap first, last", so if you pick it again, it will swap again. try it.
* only SQL can save us now. no time frame
* undo is hard. 2.0
* i don't know what you mean: deleting what? moving the files into the "kjams music" folder? or just having a reference in the Library playlist?
* edit->trash original files
* it waits until the database has been saved at least once. there is no point in waiting longer
* prefs->stores->enable. you can just turn them off
* fx: 2.0
* transparent: probably 2.0 but could happen if i can figure it out on windows and it's easy (which it is not)
* do you mean a speaker icon next to the currently playing song? yes it's the plan.

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Re: General Feature Requests / Feedback

Post by fishmongr »

Type to select: I suppose you could check to see if the first keyboard char hit was enter, otherwise do the search with a timer resetting a searching flag?
Swap first, last: Ah great to know, that will be very helfpul! Perhaps it could warrant a name change. Is there a shortcut? If so the context / file menu could list them
Delete: Typo, i meant to have it automatically add the import items to the kjams music folder
Edit->Trash: Nice, is there a keyboard shortcut?
prefs->stores->enable for store: Good to know thanks. It does appear that there is a checkbox for remembering that flickers in on window load but disapears
Speaker icon: yup

Thanks for the answers, it would be helpful if the file-menu options were all available by keyboard shortcut and these shortcuts were listed both in the file menu and context menu.
Is there a way for the forum to email when your post has been updated?


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Re: General Feature Requests / Feedback

Post by dave »

type to select: well the thing is with type to select is that the OS handles the whole thing. i just have to figure out how to get out of the way. so if i DO figure that out, it's gonna be a pref where you have to pick either spacebar play OR type to select

swap: yes the name should be changed

oh, you mean you want "add to library" to copy. yes i know. that is a 1.0 feature.

if you see a keyboard shortcut, then there is one. if you don't, there isn't one. you can add it. and i do not think they will go in the context menus.

checkbox for remembering what?

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Re: General Feature Requests / Feedback

Post by DeusExMachina »

There already is a keyboard shortcut. Shift-del.

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Re: General Feature Requests / Feedback

Post by dave »


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