Asert Fail

Feel free to post bug reports here. I need exact, detailed steps showing me how I can re-create the bug on my machine, so give as much info and detail as possible.
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Asert Fail

Post by Sedge »

Managed to catch this one, and have details and time to share.

Error text:
Assert Fail: s_serverP, in file: '/Users/davec/Developer/depot/kJams/Development/ source/Utils/CWbServer.cpp' at line 200

(yes, there does appear to be a space between Development/ and source.)

Steps I took to get here: playing around with setting up a new venue and aliasing over my singer's data.
1. created new venue
2. created new user at new venue (using web interface from other box)
3. made sure venue folder was there in Finder. (more on this in a minute)
4. made alias of my singer's folder in old venue, moved it to new venue
5. switched venues to old venue (trying to re-load new venue step 1)
-- error here, noting that web server wasn't up as port wasn't released - possible bug?
6. switched venues to new venue (trying to re-load new venue step 2)
-- same error here, noting that web server wasn't up as port wasn't released.
7. my singer didn't show up, my little re-load experiment failed, quit kJams to restart.
8. error window as shown above, status window showing "closing prefs", titled Quitting...

Not sure how re-creatable this is, or how many of those steps are actually significant. I also don't really think I was following normal usage patterns - I prolly should have played with aliases while kJams was not running.

note on finding things... I have the kJams Music folder residing on my external drive, in advanced preferences as /Volumes/SEAGATE/Karaoke/kJams - and this has served me well through crashes and burns. I also have 'kJams Library' and 'kJams CDs' folders here. I noted, however, that my new venue ended up on my main hard drive, at <user>/Music/kJams/... - so, I assume what I have on my external drive is really a copy I made at some point, and not the working files (except, perhaps, the actual kJams Music folder) and if things ever went south again, I would have to be sure and grab the kJams folder on my main drive user files as well. I suppose I need to go re-read the Moving and Aliases wiki pages. Still, made it a little confusing to find things (at first wondering why no new venue folder, then surprise at eventually finding it elsewhere). I could see myself making a pretty big uh-oh down the road when I move to a new mac, as well, thinking I only needed the data on my external drive.

Meh. After restart, venue, web, everything came up as expected, so nothing major.

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Re: Asert Fail

Post by dave »

Yes, never futz with the kJams database in the finder WHILE kJams is running. That could most definitely cause errors, asserts, or crashes. Please let me know if you have any further trouble.


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Re: Asert Fail

Post by dave »

To get kJams to use your external for EVERYTHING, you have to replace the "kJams" folder (in your music folder) with an alias to the "kJams" folder on the external drive. Be sure to sync it there first (probably just copy it there is fine).

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