publisher field column

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publisher field column

Post by randyj »

I have several discs that have songs from more than one publisher. I was changing the letters in the Album field to reflect this, but this is not a great work-around. For one thing, you can't search on Album:### (gotta start with letters)

Then I found the Publisher field / column. Sounds just like what I need!

anybody using this? any troubles with it?

(I've been having some data difficulties lately and am wanting to re-build my library)

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Post by dave »

searching on numbers is often misunderstood. you certainly can search for them *as a string* rather than as numbers. to learn how, click here.

meanwhile, publisher field should work fine for you.

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Post by randyj »

As always, a great application! When one reads the documentation makes it even better!

I noticed since adding the Publisher column to the Library, a search sometimes (not every time) takes about 10 seconds (2 Ghz Intel core 2 duo, 2500 songs) and I get a task "filtering, please wait".

10 seconds is nothing in Life, but during a show it could be very annoying. You've spoiled us with instant sorting!

(I also added a bunch of other fields out of curiosity (Play? Volume? etc) but have since removed them)

If Publisher is causing the delay, I'll stick with customizing the Album, especially since now I know you can search for a number as a string. Thanks!

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Post by dave »

can you reproduce the 10 second sort? and make it happen every time?

note: filter will take longer the more columns you have showing. it only searches visible columns. so hide the ones you don't want to search in. also, search by key if you ONLY want to search say the publisher column, that will make it always go very fast.

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Post by randyj »

here's how to reproduce it:

add Publisher column
search Library Cmd-Shift-F
type anything

10-second Filter task

subsequent searches are instant



First Library search has 10-second filtering task
subsequent searches are instant

(but the other day, it seemed to happen about every 5-10 songs). Unable to reproduce this behavior

Columns currently listed in Library view:
Song ID (sorted by this, highest # first)
Song Name
Track #

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Post by dave »

i understand now.

the deal is, when you show a column, only the *visible* items are cached. when you do a search, it must cache *every* item, but once they're cached, then it's quick. this is the design.

one day i'll move to using SQL as the data store, then everything will be instant, always.


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