Song library needs straining out

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Song library needs straining out

Post by Cookkh »

My external drive of songs is old and not all are listed the same. Some are listed by song names and some are listed as track01, track 02,track3 ect. The problem that run into is searching for a song by name does not come up. For instance a song located in folder 578 listed as track 4 would be let it be by the Beatles. The issue is when I search for let it be it can't find it. I don't know what I can do to fix my mess of a collection of songs. Please help.

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Re: Song library needs straining out

Post by dave »

terribly sorry, this one fell through the cracks. i always answer every single post, so, if i don't, it just means i've somehow missed it (and that's rare, by the way). sorry you had a bad first experience! we'll fix that!
some are listed as track01, track 02, track03
gather all songs from a single disc into a playlist, ensure they're sorted correctly, then you can fetch the meta data. you MUST have every song from the disc or it won't work. More info on that.
if these songs came from a CAVS machine then they should have a meta data text file that came with them?

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Re: Song library needs straining out

Post by Cookkh »

Many thanks for your assistance, I have added all my songs from my hard drive into the library and did the meta data thing. After it was completed I experienced a strange anomaly, as an example, I have 317 listings of track 1, all of them are different songs and when I pull up the info on them it points to the different folder/sub folders that they are located, however, when I choose to play them so that I can manually change the name within Kjams, they all play the same song. The same holds true for each of the others that are listed as track xx. It is as though that I have 300 copies of the same songs listed as track 1, track 2, track 3 and so on. Looks as though I'll need to dump my library and manually rename my songs on the hard drive before adding to library?

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Re: Song library needs straining out

Post by dave »

what do you mean when you say this:
did the meta data thing
to me that would mean you fixed all your meta data so the song names / artists / albums are all corrected?
I have 317 listings of track 1
what about their artist and album names? are THEY the same too? take a screen shot of that list
when I pull up the info on them
how, exactly do you "pull up the info" ?
do this: right click the sort column headers, show the "File: Zip" (or "File: Audio") to see the path where kJams thinks the song is, take a screen shot of that
they all play the same song
that leads me to think that the song name / artist / album are identical for each of the different songs. in that case, kjams says "oh i've got a cached version right here, i'll use that. you can get around that by clearing the cache each time (prefs->audio)

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