TriceraSoft's restricted list

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TriceraSoft's restricted list

Post by Karanight »

I don't know if others know about TriceraSoft's restricted list.
I was asked recently to get the Mumford & Sons track I Will Wait, and I headed over to my favourite store to get it (because TriceraSoft normally have the tracks I want) and I was very surprised to note that it wasn't in their store. Thinking I might have the title wrong I did a search for Mumford and was even more surprised to see that two Mumford tracks I'd bought from them previously were missing.
I contacted TriceraSoft and asked where the tracks were and they replied that "Mumford was put on the restricted list". The reply also said that the "publisher requests" that tracks are removed and until they say the track can go back in the shop TriceraSoft cannot put the tracks back.
I asked if there's a way for me to know if a track is restricted and they answered no
The reason I asked this is because I sometimes see a track that I think might be requested but I don't get it until it gets requested and if I wait the track might get removed and that means I've got to go elsewhere to get it and that is a lot more inconvenient. In future if I see a track that I think will be sung I'll just get it
That said, well done Dave on implementing the shops within kJams, great move
Posted by Len of LensKaraoke fame

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Re: TriceraSoft's restricted list

Post by dave »

Yes unfortunately it's not just me and you who are in a hard place. TriceraSoft too is being squeezed here, they offer tracks which the publisher says they can offer, then suddenly the publisher says "nope, you can't offer that track any more", pulling the rug out from under not just TriceraSoft but also from under all the users of their store!

be aware that when this happens, when you do "sync previous purchases", that song will NOT sync, even if you had previously bought the song!

What that means is:

1) if you think you will ever want a song that you see, get it now.
2) keep regular backups of all your music, so if you must rebuild, you STILL have the song, as it MAY not be available in the future.

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Re: TriceraSoft's restricted list

Post by dave »

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