Slow search/ Lag time

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Slow search/ Lag time

Post by Scuba »


I have been a KJ for awhile now but recently I moved into using my own set up. I purchased KJams Pro and I've got close to 100K songs on a hard drive. I run it on a brand new macbook and the hard drive should have plenty of speed however when I search for songs on KJams, it takes 15-30 seconds to return results. Additionally, while I'm searching, it causes lag time to the current singer. Last night it was so bad that for about 45 minutes I had to start peoples songs and then start them over because they weren't seeing the words until about 10 seconds in. How can I speed up the operation of KJams? I'm new to this so I'm sure its just something I need to do with the referencing or something but I'm not sure how.

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Re: Slow search/ Lag time

Post by dave »

it takes 15-30 seconds to return [search] results
you can mitigate for that
it causes lag time to the current singer
that should *never* happen, that is a bug and it can be fixed. send me an email directly (dave at kjams dot com) and we'll get to the bottom of THAT, i'll make a new release next week.

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