quicktime export plugin purchase?

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quicktime export plugin purchase?

Post by acemc »

Hi there.
I would like to know if you offer an option to purchase a plugin purely for exporting to avi/mp4?
I would like to convert my entire collection of cdg+mp3 to mp4 (preferably) or avi.
Although kJams is a fantastic piece of software, I also dj & vj using Serato. I would much rather do everything from within one application.
Serato video can't playback cdg files. So I am forced to run kJams (demo) alongside Serato which isn't ideal as Im also using the video plugin.
So basically all I really would use kJams for is to do batch converting/transcoding. I would playback the video files (karaoke & music) with Serato.
Please tell me this is possible. $110 is tad too much for me (ZAR->$ rate is 10 :1) just to use as a transcoding tool.
Thanks in advance.

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Re: quicktime export plugin purchase?

Post by dave »

no, but m4v (mp4) exporting is built in already, just use AppleTV, it is the same thing

if you have Pro, you can directly use the MPEG4 encoder.

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Re: quicktime export plugin purchase?

Post by acemc »

Thanks for your answer, but I don't quite understand....
"but m4v (mp4) exporting is built in already, just use AppleTV, it is the same thing"
It seems like I am limited to only convert 10 files (it actually only converted 8 before the "purchase" screen popped up)
Am I doing something wrong or overlooking something?
What is my cheapest option in order to transcode all these files (+-15K)?
Thanks for your input.

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Re: quicktime export plugin purchase?

Post by dave »

you need to purchase kJams Lite to export more than ten

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Re: quicktime export plugin purchase?

Post by acemc »

Just purchased "kJams lite" much more affordable for me &...... working like a charm!!
Wow!!.....The transcoding is really fast and, to my surprise the overall size of the video is smaller than the cdg + mp3 files combined.
Am I by any chance loosing quality by doing this? The lyrics on screen seem to be ok, audio sounds fine too.
I don't want to convert my entire collection only to realize I make a mistake somewhere. Should I be doing anything differently?
Thank you for your guidance.

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Re: quicktime export plugin purchase?

Post by acemc »

My apologies for all the continuous posts, I seem to have picked up a problem.
I selected all my files in one folder & imported them into a clean library.
Selected all of them, then selected export to quicktime (in the settings I selected apple tv as recommended).
The process starts fine, then I start getting two errors.
1) Mac Error - File spooler open error: "File already open with write permission"
2) Mac Error - File spooler open error: "File not found"
The transcoding seems to continue when I click "ok", but these errors just keep on coming.
I selected about 2000 files to start with. Now it seems I must click "ok" 2000 times??
Not too sure what to do here. I just wanna select export & leave it run for the next 2 or so days.
Please help me if you can.
Thanks again.

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Re: quicktime export plugin purchase?

Post by dave »

first, no, if you're using AppleTV you should be getting pretty good quality.

you can't export two songs with the same name, one will overwrite the other
if they have the same name then you MUST make sure they have a different artist
if they have the same name AND artist, then you MUST make sure they have a different album
if they have the same album, then you're doing it wrong.

in any case, you MUST set your export name template to contain album, artist and song, eg: "L-R-S" would do it.

now you won't have problems.

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Re: quicktime export plugin purchase?

Post by acemc »

Thank you for responding.
Unfortunately this hasn't solved my issues. I double & tripple checked my file names & tags - they're fine.
I then double checked my export file name template - I'm using R-S-L.
I selected 30 completely different tracks -> export quicktime = Mac error spooler open error: File not found.
It only exported 5 of the 30 selected & I had to press "ok" 25 times.
As I said earlier, if I export them one at a time there are no issues.
Any ideas what else I can try?

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Re: quicktime export plugin purchase?

Post by dave »

dunno. let's get on the fone.

please call me tonight at 7 (pacific time)

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Re: quicktime export plugin purchase?

Post by acemc »

Your 7pm Pacific Time converts to 4am on my side.
4.40am, ten calls later...........kJams voicemail!!
Not cool at all Dave.

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Re: quicktime export plugin purchase?

Post by dave »

i think we just missed each other. first, we're 9 hours apart, not 8, so you called at 6:40pm my time (not 7:40), i don't get back to the office until 7. I was eating dinner at 6:40 so did not have my phone on. I turned it on at 7, and hung out for a few more minutes, then headed out to the office, I had guessed that you called between the time i left the house and got to the office (about 3 minutes time).

Anyway, the problem turned out to be
1) a bug in kJams that did not throttle the number of exports properly (leading kJams to export ALL songs at once, instead of just doing a few at a time) and
2) the cache size being smaller than the number of simultaneous exports.

we fixed it by setting the cache size to like 28, then only exporting 25 at a time. this gets around the bug 1) and also fixes the problem of 2). meanwhile, i'll fix 1) so throttling works again and i'll also fix 2 by always automatically setting the cache size to LARGER than the number of simultaneous exports.

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Re: quicktime export plugin purchase?

Post by acemc »

Dave, you are the man!!
My files are exporting perfectly now.
All the reviews I read on the net are 100%. Your customer service is unbelievable!!
Thank you for all your assistance. It is really & truly appreciated.

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Re: quicktime export plugin purchase?

Post by acemc »

Wow! I can't believe the update has already been released.
Tested & working perfectly. Dave you really are on top of things!!
Thanks a million.

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Re: quicktime export plugin purchase?

Post by dave »

you're totally welcome. please always feel free to email me with any questions or issues.

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Re: quicktime export plugin purchase?

Post by acemc »

Sorry to do this Dave, it looks like I spoke to soon. I find that Im actually getting more errors now than previously.
I'm actually only able to export 1 at a time without errors. Even if I just select 2 tracks to export, one of them will come back file not found.
I left it to export overnight, but in the morning.... lots & lots of "file not found" errors.
So this is what happens when I try export more than 1 file at a time. Btw, last night I selected a whole playlist of files (+- 3000)
and after seeing the activity window drop to 4 tasks, I thought it was all sorted & went to sleep - sorry for the confusion.
1) I notice it briefly opens up all (or a lot of) the files saying "unpacking audio" (something like that) in the activity window.
2) Activity after that immediately drops to 4 tasks, all saying "exporting"
3) Only after exporting (that/those particular cdg's) it gives me the file not found error.
So just to clarify the above ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .I only get the error after that particular file has been exported - not after all exports are complete.
Something else I noticed is that the cache setting (which I increased to 10gb) just seems to build up & up after each export.
I find it runs a bit better if I manually clear the cache after each export (although this could just be in my head).
There seems to be no real pattern to this, I've actually had this error even trying to export a single file.
If I play it, then try export again it works? I completely understand that these little issue take time to sort out properly, so...
I'm sorry to be such a PITA, do you have archives where I can download the previous version? I'm prepared to export 30 at a time for now.
I updated OTA, so I only have the newest version & can't seem to find dl links to older versions.
Thanks Arthur.

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