Hang when dragging new songs into the library

Feel free to post bug reports here. I need exact, detailed steps showing me how I can re-create the bug on my machine, so give as much info and detail as possible.
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Hang when dragging new songs into the library

Post by rmanke »

I currently have all of the songs for our karaoke library on the desktop with subfolders inside of that for the various libraries that we have. (It's been this way for years, and there's no easy way to change it now, given kJams new limits on files inside folders on the desktop).

When importing now, it asks if you want to 'reference' or 'move' the songs and if you select reference it will pop up an error saying it can't reference the songs from the desktop (even thought they aren't actually on the desktop).

The actual bug comes in when you try to press OK for it to 'move' them instead. There is a mini 'progress' window that appears on top of the OK button, and it's impossible to press the ok button because the progress window prevents the ok button dialog from accepting the button press.

The only resolution in this case is to force quit kJams.

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Re: Hang when dragging new songs into the library

Post by dave »

the deal is that it is simply not allowed to have your library on the desktop or in the downloads folder. so many newbies were doing it this way that i made it impossible.

so, what YOU need to do is use the Symbolic Link trick to move this folder into the kJams folder, where it belongs.

once it is there, you can make an alias and put it on the desktop, so it will seem the same as before to you.

then, after you put new stuff into your folders, pick "reference", and it will actually work.

but i'll look into this bug you speak of.

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Re: Hang when dragging new songs into the library

Post by rmanke »

OK, thanks!

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Re: Hang when dragging new songs into the library

Post by dave »


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