Creating CDG+Audio files from within KJams

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Creating CDG+Audio files from within KJams

Post by zippidty »

I can not find (call me an idiot because it's probably there somewhere) in the documentation for a how to for creating a cdg+audio file from within Producer using a file originated from a .ktp file. If there is already a tutorial on how to do this, can someone help by providing the link?

What I think I have absorbed so far is bits and pieces.

Create my lyrics and sync within Tuneprompter, use that ktp file and pull directly into Kjams. So far so good. I now have a song that plays within KJams.

Highlight the song in the Kjams library list, open Producer and use the drop down menu from the 're-bake' button to create the cdg file (?). (A question mark because so far I haven't seen a cdg file after doing this)
I am then to close Producer, go back to the song in the KJams library list, right click it and choose reveal in finder. Ignore the cache window. I then look at the other window and should see the cdg file along side the couple other files listed, take the cdg and audio file and there is the cdg+audio file.

If I can get the correct method down to actually create the cdg file and have the audio file (which I understand has to be in a mp3 format), is there a step to combine them into the single cdg+audio file?

Thanks for any guidance the community can offer as I am lost.

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Re: Creating CDG+Audio files from within KJams

Post by dave »

you don't need to re-bake. just open with producer and press "command-S", that is what saves the CDG file

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