MIDI question for Producer

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MIDI question for Producer

Post by jfbiii »

This is somewhat random, and I have no idea how much work it is, but I figured I'd ask anyway. I have a DMX controller that can accept MIDI notes on a set of channels to change scenes. Is there a way to add the ability to open a karaoke song in producer and embed MIDI notes on a specified channel at various time codes that could then be passed to the DMX board on playback in kJams. Because that would mean that you could program lighting for a song once and it would just work every time the song played. You could set up your 240 scenes on the DMX board and then program a song or two a week until you had a pretty good library of the most popular songs synched to lighting.

Alternately, is there just a way that kJams can pass MIDI notes out on playback so that if I found another way to embed them in tracks I could do that?

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Post by dave »

kJams and Producer have very little to do with MIDI. kJams is able to play MIDI files, however you may have discovered it doesn't play "midi" per-se, it in fact converts the midi to PCM, and plays the PCM file.

Producer *may* one day *parse* the MIDI "kar" files to get timed text info, so it can be presented using the kJams "MediaStream" engine (and therefore be able to burn it to a CD+G Disc) but it certainly does not do that now. Producer is for producing CD+G discs. You need more of some kind of media presenter type thing, which kJams is not.

Try this link.

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