proper way to start a "new night"

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proper way to start a "new night"

Post by randyj »

Hi all,

How do I delete "Tonight" songs from all singers so I can start a new night?

Related Q: when I delete a singer from the KJ Rotation, it marks them as "not here" but their songs stay in "Tonight"

Makes sense if they are bar-hopping or were in the bathroom etc. and you need to quickly re-add them to the rotation. Very cool feature, in fact! But then again, is it intuitive??

I may be on a different planet. My last girlfriend said I was from Mars. Whatever..


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Post by dave »

How do I delete "Tonight" songs from all singers so I can start a new night?
that's a popular feature request. coming soon.
when I delete a singer from the KJ Rotation, it marks them as "not here" but their songs stay in "Tonight"
right, my thinking was, if i (as a singer) put several songs in, but have to leave before i get to all of them, i want them still there next time i show up.

that question will be moot once i add the "just clear out all the tonights" feature

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Post by randyj »

ok cool

so what's the work-around for now? Go into each singer's Tonight list and delete?

BTW, very cool that I can hold the OPTION key while clicking on the Singers disclosure Triangle thingy to see everyone's 3 lists


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Post by dave »

strangely, Apple does that for me. but that means that *I* have to write the corresponding function to UN-Disclose them (option-twirl-up)

and yes, that's the "work around" for now.

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