MacBook Pro RAM draining during show

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MacBook Pro RAM draining during show

Post by waynegfx »

I have notice that my MacBook Pro while running kJams is losing RAM very quickly. Is that something that is normal? It causes kJams to crash during my show on many nights. I hope there is a solution to this problem, maybe something I am doing wrong.

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Re: MacBook Pro RAM draining during show

Post by waynegfx »

I am still having this problem, can anyone please help me with this situation?

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Re: MacBook Pro RAM draining during show

Post by dave »

it should not be happening.
what type of song file are you playing? mp4? mov? or is it all mp3+g?

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Re: MacBook Pro RAM draining during show

Post by DeusExMachina »

Also, can you run Activity Monitor, go to Memory tab, then sort by Memory? That would help to determine if kJams is really the culprit, or if it is just a coincidental and innocent bystander.
Last edited by DeusExMachina on Tue Dec 19, 2017 3:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MacBook Pro RAM draining during show

Post by dave »


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