Hell Yes, to Producer!

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Hell Yes, to Producer!

Post by kidglib »

I'm eager to see Producer developed. I can't imagine such limited interest in what appears to be the final frontier in available karaoke, at least among enthusiasts.

You say that KJams Pro is required to be a tester. Is this because the Producer plug-in will ultimately require Pro? If that's the case, as a current registered Lite user, I would be willing to upgrade to Pro now for the sake of becoming a dedicated tester and facilitating the development. I may do so, regardless. If I upgrade from Lite, do I simply pay the difference?

I think if enough KJammers (did I make that up?) discover the possibilities of Producer, they will support it. I've been waiting for this so hurry, Dave!

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Post by dave »

I'm eager to see Producer developed
kJams Pro is required to be a tester. Is this because the Producer plug-in will ultimately require Pro?
Not it's because Producer is currently tied to the Pro license. Eventually it will have it's own license. It will be a plugin that goes with either Lite or Pro. How much would you pay?
I would be willing to upgrade to Pro now for the sake of becoming a dedicated tester
do that then and i'll give you the URL
If I upgrade from Lite, do I simply pay the difference?
yes, exactly. help->upgrade


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Post by Brendan »

I would be willing to upgrade to have Producer, is there any update on this program??
Thank you

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Post by dave »

if you have lite:


once you do that let me know

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Post by lenskaraoke »

Have I missed something. What is Producer
Tell the truth or lose the horse

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Post by dave »

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Post by Brendan »

Producer is pretty cool. Better when i learn to use it. I'm curious, all those little rows and columns of blocks? Is that what a CD-G looks like?

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Post by dave »

yeah, Producer can already do way WAY more than is documented anywhere. probably i should make some video tutorials cuz it's nontrivial to understand how it works.

"the little rows and columns of blocks" if you're talking about the grid of 6x12, yeah, that's called a "font" in CDG parlance, really bad choice of name, it has nothing to do with typefaces, it's just a grid of pixels with a foreground and background color. you get multiple colors per block by overlaying multiple "fonts" 'till you get the final mix. but you don't have to think about that, you just place your picture and or text and kJams will build the "fonts" up for you.

But in my mind, what a CD+G stream "looks like" is that long line of mostly black interspersed with some blue or pink dots. In the "kJams Rocks" timeline, it's half blue and half black-with-pink. Each color on that line represents a particular "instruction" type, blue ones are "Font" instructions and pink ones are "palette changed" instructions. There's several instruction types.

You can go ahead and download the Producer plugin right now if you want, give it a shot! It's free in tryout mode (tho you'll get X's thru your elements). Anyone who buys it gets free lessons from me :D (until i get the video tutorials up)


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