Tricerasoft no longer selling in USA

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Tricerasoft no longer selling in USA

Post by M@gicMike »

Posted on their fb page this morning...
Due to illegal publisher lawyer tactics, and meaningless and unwarranted attacks on our well being, we have no choice but to block the entire USA from karaoke content. When we are given no clear cause or demand of how doing the right thing became wrong, aside from the need to totally annihilate us for no purpose further than to eliminate legal competition by any means, the conclusion; extreme corruption and greed. We are not sure to the estimated time nor any promise that we will ever unblock access for those in the USA and we apologize to our loyal customers as this was not our doing, we followed all the rules. We have not yet been explained how being over-licensed, actively being licensed direct, doing everything as instructed by the publisher for the last 10 years, and seeing only licensed companies drawn into lawsuits is considered 'legal' business practice, but we are sure that at some point in time such evil will finally be noticed by the industry or at the least someone can respond in kind.
We have been made aware by public declaration that a third party company was hired by Sony to hack our systems, reverse engineer our software hence infringing against our most principle rights, illegally obtain content, and run Denial of Service attacks for the LAST THREE YEARS simply to attempt to sully and tarnish our reputation, yet this and many crimes against us throughout the course of this frivolous lawsuit has been outright ignored by the court; they may as well have been looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction and I'm Iraq. Yet the world has focused only on the hacks against Sony and has never considered that they themselves have been performing heinous crimes on others. Please stand up to these nations of evil together, for us it is unfortunately too late, they have caused irreparable damage and continue without recourse.

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Re: Tricerasoft no longer selling in USA

Post by dave »

stay tuned, i'll have more info soon

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Re: Tricerasoft no longer selling in USA

Post by frede »

What will happen to my store credits?

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Re: Tricerasoft no longer selling in USA

Post by dave »

it's my understanding that the store will continue to function within kJams and that your credits will continue to work.
if it comes to pass that the store must shut down in kJams, then i'm under the impression that TriceraSoft will issue refunds.

i don't advocate doing anything in a gray area, but you can always try TunnelBear.

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