Playlists coming up all blank (filled with dashes)

Feel free to post bug reports here. I need exact, detailed steps showing me how I can re-create the bug on my machine, so give as much info and detail as possible.
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Playlists coming up all blank (filled with dashes)

Post by dave »

I'm aware of this bug but have not yet reproduced it. I will fix it as soon as i can reproduce it.
Please help me diagnose this bug if you can.

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Re: Playlists coming up all blank (filled with dashes)

Post by LasVegas »

I've seen this occur after removing songs from the playlist. The next time I enter the playlist, a number of the remaining songs have lost their info.

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Re: Playlists coming up all blank (filled with dashes)

Post by dave »

Please provide detailed "repro steps", that when followed exactly, will, 100% of the time, always cause the bug to happen.


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