1.0d46r6 issues

Feel free to post bug reports here. I need exact, detailed steps showing me how I can re-create the bug on my machine, so give as much info and detail as possible.
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1.0d46r6 issues

Post by js212 »

Macbook Pro Core 2 Duo 2.3

I'm just starting again with kJams on my new computer.

CPU grows over time up to around 40-50%, spiking to 80-90% no matter what I'm doing (right now mostly interpreting/fixing track/artist names). I hear the fan speeding up and slowing down continuously.

interface slows down/stalls.

playback is mostly fine but occasionally getting an error when loading some .zip files:

Assert Fail: i_zipFileP == NULL, in file: '/Users/davec/Developer/depot/kJams/Development/source/Music/CSong.app' at line 3951

but then so far I can hit "OK" and play the file again successfully.

any ideas?

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about to fix that

Post by dave »

you really should have the tasks window open, to see what the CPU is doing.

yes, right now when you edit meta info, after a 10 second delay (which i will soon up to 30 seconds) the meta info is "pushed" into the files on disk. if they are zipped, which they probably are, that ammounts to unzipping the file, setting the meta info (which involves re-writing the entire file in most cases), and then re-zipping the file (which will get it's own task in the tasks window).

if you select a dozen songs, get info, set the genre to "rock" then hit okay, then 10 seconds later a dozen files are unzipping at once, rewriting, then rezipping.

my solution will be to use the same mechanism i use when you manually push, that is you can select a hundred songs, then right click and "push meta data", they all go into a cue and only a few will get to run at once, that way your CPU won't bogg down so bad.

the way it is now there's no cap on the number of songs that may be attempting to push at the same time, which can really disable the UI.

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