search bar

Feel free to post bug reports here. I need exact, detailed steps showing me how I can re-create the bug on my machine, so give as much info and detail as possible.
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Re: search bar

Post by dave »

And Martin,

please chill way, way out. this is a non-issue. the plan since the beginning was to use a "real" database in the back end (ie: SQLite). It is not putting me to any trouble at all to make kJams work this way. Wouldn't you too like instantaneous searching and sorting in all playlists, with NO progress bars at all, ever? Don't we all want that? That's how iTunes works, that's how all database programs work, that is how kJams will work.


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Re: search bar

Post by SteveM »

I am trying to restore search as you type feature using PlistEdit Pro. No luck, but I am not sure what I am doing. Can you suggest step-by-step guidance.

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Re: search bar

Post by martinpittaway »

Hi Dave.

No problem. Well chilled out now.

Just can't be doing with people who don't appreciate what it takes to create a work of art such as kJams.

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Re: search bar

Post by Brendan »

Steve M, look in the Q&A forum "Secret Pref" topic. It is easy to do, The hardest part is finding the code, its toward the end.

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Re: search bar

Post by dave »

Okay folks, i've made it easier on you.

hold the Option key when opening the prefs, and the pref will be back. but if you have lots of songs, it will suck! and you can cause crashes (until i fix the spawn infinite sort tasks bug).


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Re: search bar

Post by Jon Leggitt »

I'm not trying to stir things back up, but there are a few justifications for having more than just "the basics" in your library. One of the venues I host at is very much multi-generational. On one end I have the twenty-somethings, and on the other I have the over-fifty crowd. They have wildly differing sets of preferences as far as song selection goes, and both tend to be more than a bit eclectic. On top of that, many of the regulars are sticklers for a particular version of a song - one patron loves to sing "House of the Rising Sun", for example, but won't sing anything other than the Pioneer version (don't ask me why). Others are partial to Sunfly, Sound Choice, etc. Having a broad range of songs - and versions of those songs - makes my life immeasurably easier.

I'm not denigrating martinpittaway's choice in limiting his library to simplify things. If it suits the venue, and his workflow, more power to him. SAYT is a nice feature, and I would love to take advantage of it myself when it's feasible for my library, though I have to say that I don't feel that I'm suffering without it. But to say that having a (relatively) large selection of songs is simply a matter of vanity isn't fair, or entirely correct.

But this is more than a bit off-topic, so I'll stop here. I'm happy on martinpittaway's behalf to see that SAYT has been made available again.

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Re: search bar

Post by dave »

and now back to your regularly scheduled karaoke.

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Re: search bar

Post by DeusExMachina »

It's bragging rights, pure and simple.
Um no, it's not. That is very presumptuous of you. For most, I would suspect it is so that we can let people sing what THEY want to sing, not what we ALLOW them to sing. As host, you are working for them, not the other way around. The idea that you can get a feel for a crowd, and thus satisfy everyone is SERIOUSLY flawed. I can guarantee you that at my venues, your 7.5k tracks would not cut it. You would very soon be out of a job.

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Re: search bar

Post by dave »

not that i'm taking sides but i like to have some choice about which versions of songs i want to sing. usually it's sound choice. but for eg: "Wanted Dead or Alive", the KJ might pick SC, but i definitely want the DK version. there are other examples, but you see what i mean.

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Re: search bar

Post by DeusExMachina »

There is that too. What I was getting at is I work at a venue where many people may want to sing contemporary rock, but a few might want to sing Snopp Dogg, a few might want SInatra, and one guy insists on singing sex pistols, the buzzcocks, and violent femmes. WIth only 7.5k tracks, I would be telling a large number of my clients, no, I don't have that with me. I have it at home on another drive (or even worse, I have it WITH me in another library) but I decided that most people here want to sing X, so sorry, you're SOL. How about you sing "Livin' on a Prayer" instead?

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Re: search bar

Post by Kjeph2 »

So, does DIS do anything but check for frenchy E's? like resumé? does it affect possessives, like "Baby's home" or other apostrophes? like Terrance Trent D'arby?

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Re: search bar

Post by dave »

you can turn on "diacritic insensitive search", which will find: é, ë, or ê when you search for e or E (and vice versa).

nothing special is done for an apostrophe, so just be smart about what you type, eg: if you search for "baby home", that will find either/both of: "Baby's Home" or "Babys Home"

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Re: search bar

Post by DeusExMachina »

Well, until fast search is working, then searches for "arby" Instead of "D'Arby" will break.

As for possessives, being the grammar nazi I am, I spent a good week solid removing all incorrectly spelled titles. Searched the whole library for "he's" and "its" and "who's" etc., and edited the results one at a time until I got them all fixed up. So now I am pretty safe searching for apostrophe included where appropriate. :)

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Re: search bar

Post by dave »

actually, i'm going to treat apostrophes as spaces. so you will indeed be able to search for "arby" and still find "D'Arby", even with fast search. :D

i still recommend getting Perfect Metadata, as DeusEx has done

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Re: search bar

Post by DeusExMachina »

I maintain a playlist called "Check names" that I drag songs to with questionable titles. I eventually go to wikipedia and check against the actual title of the track, edit all tracks for the same song to match, and then delete the track from that playlist.
Dave: won't treating apostrophes as spaces lead to an unintended issue, namely adding to the search what is essentially a search for a single letter (usually "t")? Depending on how the search is done, I can see this causing a lot of bad results and wasted processor cycles. For instance, searches for "don't you want me baby" (as in Human League) would also return the theoretical track "Baby You Know You Want Me" by "Don Thomas" or whatever!

Wouldn't it be more precise simply to eliminate the apostrophe from the search query, so that searches for "don't" actually search for "dont" (assuming the apostrophe is also ignored in the database). (Maybe that last bit is the problem.)

More important from my perspective, though, is ignoring parenthetical expressions in song titles and artist names when filtering for the album popup. That way, "RadioHead - Creep" and "RadioHead - Creep (radio version)" would both be listed in the alternates.

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