search bar

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search bar

Post by Brendan »

When i type something into the search bar nothing happens until i hit enter. Before, i could start typing and the results would display automagic. Is this "diacritic insensitive searching?" - Cheers

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Re: search bar

Post by Karanight »

The option to Update search results as you type in Preferences/Advanced is missing

<pic of old version showing option available>
<pic of old version showing option gone>

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Re: search bar

Post by dave »

that option is gone, sorry.

too many people left it on when they should not and were upset at how insanely slow searching was when it did a search for every character you press. the perception was "it sucks", and that's not the impression i want. it's the far lesser evil to NOT search until you press return, than to have half your users think "this sucks".

take heart: this is a stop-gap measure until i re-write the DB using SQLite. see: slow searching

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Re: search bar

Post by Brendan »

Yikes! very dissapointing this pref has been removed. This was one of my favs about kjams. Hope to see it back soon.

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Re: search bar

Post by dave »

okay well i can make it a secret pref, so you have to know what you're doing and why.

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Re: search bar

Post by Brendan »

That would be awesome! How do i get secret prefs?

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Re: search bar

Post by dave »

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Re: search bar

Post by Rayco »

WHy not spend your time making it faster.

Fast = Good

Waste time = Bad

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Re: search bar

Post by dave »

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Re: search bar

Post by martinpittaway »

RAYCO. Are you one of these people who have thousands of tracks and just can't bring yourself to get rid of those you NEVER ever play so it's just bragging rights.

I have been using Dave's kJams for over 3 years now and I can't fault it. There's no alternative on a Mac unless you consider iStar but then iStar ......... You could always go and get yourself a PC.

I have 7,500 tracks in my library and search whilst you type is more thank fast enough and 7,500 tracks is more than I'll ever need to provide 5 continuous hours of karaoke.

kJams is better than using any CD-G disk and a player. It's just so much more professional to be able to provide continuous music: queue up the tracks ready for the next singer........

Reduce the number of tracks to something that is manageable and this will stop you complaining or giving advice about programming: which clearly you don't understand.

And to everyone else who thought search whilst you type sucks, my comments to RAYCO are for you as well.

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Jon Leggitt
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Re: search bar

Post by Jon Leggitt »


That was a bit more... impassioned than I expected. A little harsh, though. Let's try to keep things civil, shall we?

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Re: search bar

Post by dave »

let's all just relax, like we're on vacation, yes?

in case you missed it, i will eventually replace the DB with SQLite, at which point "update as you type" will be the default, regardless of library size.

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Re: search bar

Post by martinpittaway »

Impassioned. Damn right I'm impassioned.

Day in day out you can walk into any bar across the globe and there's a mouth sitting at the bar spewing all about his PC. Eventually you get kinda pissed listening to it.

Let's get scientific here. Just how many karaoke tracks does it take to provide an evening of karaoke entertainment?

In most cases the singers aren't really interested until they've downed a few so realistically it's about 9pm. Here in the UK music licensing is, in the main: Live until 12pm, occasionally until 1am, so in fact we are looking at approximately 3 to 4 hours.

By the time the singers arrive at the microphone and the track is done and the next singer is ready, on average that's 5 minutes: 12 tracks an hour: 36 tracks in a 3 hour event, 48 tracks in a 4 hour event. In the main, if you're any good as a DJ, you will have done your research and evaluated your audience before the event, talked with bar staff to know what's gone on before, and you can arrive with a reasonable selection suited to your audience. A reasonable selection that the search as you type function works quickly and very efficiently. Potential singers who can't read your books asking if you have a track are coped with on the fly. Brilliant!

So why do you need 100,000+ tracks?

Is this so you can brag that you have a big enough range to accommodate the punter who wants to challenge you to find the most obscure track on the planet that was a number 1 when they were still in the womb but their mother sang to them and they just can't go a karaoke night without singing it. Yeah! Get real.

It's bragging rights, pure and simple. And putting Dave to so much trouble over bragging rights kinda pisses me off.

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Re: search bar

Post by Karanight »

For quick searching check this out Are Two Libraries Possible? at viewtopic.php?f=5&t=632

If you search a secondary library playlist and the track isn't there hit "command: ⌘" F then whilst your still holding "command: ⌘" down hit C then still keep "command: ⌘" held down and hit shift:⇧ and F let go of shift:⇧ keeping command: ⌘ down and hit V now hit enter.

This way if your searching whilst Update search results as you type is active your small library will search easily and with the copying and pasting the search is as fast as when Update search results as you type is not active

I know that the above sounds a bit of a handful but you very soon get used to doing it and I also find the getting the main library to display is faster doing this way rather than simply clicking on the library and then pasting.
Posted by Len of LensKaraoke fame

Web site at

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Re: search bar

Post by dave »

for clarification on the above:

you can make a "sub library" playlist that contains a subset of your entire library, then use THAT to search instead of searching Library.

go to that "Sub Library" playlist and hit ⌘-F to search, and USRAYT (update search results as you type) will be able to keep up. if that search gives no results, then do:

⌘-A (select all)
⌘-C (copy)
⌘⇧-F (search Main Library)
⌘-V (paste)

this will bypass USRAYT and just search on the entire term at once.

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